Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 223 Qingtian Competition!I am number 85

Chapter 223 Qingtian Competition!I am number 85

Bo's mother looked at her, then at Wang Keru and Grandma Chen, and said, "How about taking Anxi to Beicheng and playing a few laps every day?"

Then you don't have to work, just lie down and win every day!

Gu Anxi said slowly: "When I have time later, I can accompany Mama Bo."

Bo's mother was in a great mood, "You're so cute."

Wang Keru is also happy when her daughter is favored.

At this time, Mother Bo started talking about another matter, "In a few days, there will be another motorcycle race in Qingtian..."

She paused before saying slowly: "People from the Gu family in Beicheng may come at that time. Because Gu Mingzhu participated."

Gu Anxi shook hands with his fingers without making a sound.

Bo's mother hugged her: "Gu's mainframe was hacked a few days ago, and it was the little girl from the Chu family who fixed it. Gu Ning was very angry, and she will come this time."

Gu Anxi snorted before asking, "Is there anyone else?"

Finally got to the point!

Mother Bo sighed softly: "Yes, and Tang Yuan, the mistress of the Gu family, will also come. She invited me to drink tea after the game."

Gu Anxi said softly: "I also joined Mama Bo, and I am number 85."

Mother Bo was stunned.

Pulling Gu Anxi up, he looked up and down: "This guy with slender arms and legs can still race cars? I thought you only had a small head and a brilliant mind, so it turns out that your motor nerves are also very developed."

She just blinked at Bo Xichen.

Bo Xichen smiled, but didn't say anything about Gu Anxi winning the championship.

From Bo's mother's point of view, it's a great thing to participate in this kind of mixing of men and women, and the results don't matter.

After a while, she asked worriedly: "Will it be dangerous? Or, we won't participate?"

Thinking of the little baby competing with a bunch of stinky men and bad women on the track, I feel distressed and worried.

Gu Anxi shook his head: "It's not dangerous, it's okay if you have all the equipment and pay attention to it."

Mother Bo let out an oh, and then looked at her son: "You set aside some time that day, and you will be ready at any time."

Bo Xichen was actually used to his mother being overly nervous about Gu Anxi, so he smiled: "Okay."

At this time, Wang Keru said again: "I will also go that day to cheer and support Anxi."

Bo Mu nodded, thoughtfully: "I heard that the Gu family has arranged various support for Gu Mingzhu, and we, Anxi, can't be left behind."

She discussed with Wang Keru.

Wang Keru coughed lightly: "Last time when Anxi celebrated his birthday, the helicopter was fine."

When Mother Bo heard this, she thought to herself, "This platoon is good, and it is worthy of our Anxi's identity. That's it, let's get a few helicopters over, and idling a few laps on the track that day. If you don't take the first place, we will support you." Also be number one."

Isn't it Ruanmeibi, the Bo family will lose to the Gu family?

After such a detailed discussion, a general plan has been drawn up, and Bo Mu and Wang Keru are in charge of this matter.

After eleven o'clock, Bo Xichen took Gu Anxi away.

Wang Keru looked at the rear of the car and murmured, "It's not my Anxi anymore."

Bo's mother also sighed: "It's not mine anymore."

In the car at night.

Bo Xichen held Gu Anxi's hand, "If you don't want to go, you can retire."

Gu Anxi looked sideways out of the window, then turned his head and smiled: "Why did you retire? For someone irrelevant?"

He stopped the car on the side of the road and sighed softly, "Anxi."

Gu Anxi moved over, put his little head on his shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Maybe I would have cared before, but I have a father and a mother, I have a father and a mother Bo, and grandma Chen... And you, there are many more, you don't need to care about those."

Bo Xichen smiled slightly and rubbed her head: "That's good."

Gu Anxi played with his button, and suddenly asked: "I heard that someone bet on this game?"

 There were a lot of rewards yesterday~~Thank you, my darlings!In addition, ha~ Su Shuangwen, there will be no misunderstanding between male and female pigs, and the plot will not be bloody~~ Always cool and always cool~~



(End of this chapter)

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