Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 228 Zhou Yunchen!

Chapter 228 Zhou Yunchen!

However, no one in the Qin family cared about her mood.

Qin Han is very busy, busy with the project of Bishui Yuntian, busy with the wealth of the sky.

On Monday, a round of auction press conference was held, because Bishui Yuntian was the largest real estate project in Qingcheng, and it was forced to auction by the bankrupt Gu family, which attracted a large number of spectators.

At the press conference, Gu Anxi and Wang Keru were sitting at the front, and the camera was shooting.

Wang Keru was a little impatient, "What are you shooting, I've never seen bankruptcy!"

Gu Anxi glanced over, and the man moved the camera further away.

At this time, the six companies bidding for the auction were basically all in place, but others were deterred when they heard that they had to pay a deposit of 2 million yuan.

Unfinished, clear water and cloudy sky, no one is optimistic.

There are only two companies that pay 2 million yuan. Qin's is a little-known investment company called AMP Investment. The person in charge, Zhou Yunchen, has never shown his face in Qingcheng.

However, the financial resources are extraordinary.

When ten o'clock struck, a gentle young man, accompanied by two assistants, rushed to the scene and greeted with a smile: "Sorry, I'm a bit late."

As soon as he came, Qin Han's expression changed.

Qin Silan asked softly: "Dad, what's the matter?"

Qin Han tried his best to suppress his anger: "Si Lan, this Mr. Zhou is the one who bought the paintings."

Qin Silan was also surprised, and murmured, "How is this possible?"

Qin Han narrowed his eyes: "We were fooled!"

Qin Silan was still in a daze, and said after a while: "But we need to chip in some money, Dad, I want to open a little bit. What do we have after taking pictures of the clear water and cloudy sky?"

Qin Han calmed down a little, nodded: "You are right."

At this time, Zhou Yunchen saw him and came over to say hello: "President Qin, what a coincidence."

He seemed to have just remembered: "Oh, by the way, you are also here to bid for Bishuiyuntian, right? Let me tell you, how could you be willing to part with Luo Lin's paintings a few days ago? I'm really embarrassed to win Mr. Qin's favor. "

These words sounded like soft knives to Qin Han's ears.

In the ears of others, especially the ears of the reporters, it was like a shark smelling blood——

The meaning of this President Zhou's words is that Qin's capital turnover is not working well?

Everyone looked at the members of the Qin family with unclear meaning in their eyes.

Qin Silan said displeasedly: "If you don't like things, why don't you take us to sell them?"

At this time, someone said something: "I thought the world of local tyrants should be like that: I don't like it anymore, and I don't allow others to touch it."

The atmosphere was quite subtle, and the Qin family tried their best to pretend they didn't hear it, and just sat and went through the process.

In fact, it is very simple, it is just a press conference to build momentum.

Create momentum for the future sales of the merchants you took over, big money owner!

The press conference was nothing, but the relevant personnel found Qin Han.

There was some friendship between them, and they sat down and talked in detail: "Brother Han, you are ready, that Zhou Yunchen heard that he came back from the United States, and he will do things by any means. Anpu's base camp is not Qingcheng, but in Qingcheng. Beicheng...holds a lot of money."

As soon as Zhou Yunchen was mentioned, Qin Han became annoyed: "I fought against him once, and I suffered a big loss."

That young man looks gentle, but the coach is ruthless in doing things——

For some reason, Zhou Yunchen reminded Qin Han of someone.

Gu Yuntian.

The way they act, even the way they look is very similar.

Thinking of this, Qin Han's back broke out in cold sweat.

The people around were concerned: "Brother Han, what's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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