Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 232 Gu Anxi Looks Like a Scumbag Right Now

Chapter 232 Gu Anxi Looks Like a Scumbag Right Now

"Oh, if I'm angry." Gu Anxi didn't care much.

Qin Han secretly breathed a sigh of relief; women are easier to coax.

Besides, Gu Anxi probably felt that with the Qin family as the backing, it would be more face-saving to marry the Bo family.

But he is a rich family himself, why do you want the poor Qin family to settle down?

Gu Anxi is like a scumbag at this time, neither taking the initiative nor refusing nor being responsible...with an ambiguous attitude.

Qin Han said some good things more or less before returning to the subject: "Uncle has set up a laboratory to study some rare elements. I thought in my heart that such a big project must be done by my own family. Anxi like this, you I will work in Uncle's laboratory later, and Uncle will not treat you badly if the project is successful."

Gu Anxi smiled faintly: "Chemistry is my specialty. I don't know what project it is?"

Qin Han reserved a little: "It is to purify a rare element, and the profit is very high. The Qin family will specialize in this in the future. Anxi, my family is going to join forces, what do you think?"

Gu Anxi thought for a while: "Let me think about it, of course I will have a salary request then."

Qin Han was overjoyed.

If Gu Anxi agreed all of a sudden, he would be uneasy, but she obviously wanted to think about it, and he felt that he only owed a fire.

As a child, to become famous at a young age you need to be praised.

This meeting, Qin Han felt that the effect was very good. Although it was not sure, at least the relationship between the two parties was loosened.In the end, he insisted on giving the big diamond ring to Wang Keru, promising to buy a bigger one if he got married again, and then hold a wedding of the century...

Wang Keru just listened.

In the car, Gu Anxi fastened his seat belt slowly, and Wang Keru was a little nervous: "Anxi, what does he mean by setting up a laboratory? He wants to do bad things?"

Gu Anxi shook his head, lowered his eyes: "No, he wants me to help him refine the pure essence!"

Wang Keru was stunned, "You know all about this."

Gu Anxi hummed, "Because I brought it up, it was a bit difficult, and it took a day."

Wang Keru continued to open his mouth.

Gu Anxi continued: "The things are in Bishuiyuntian, so the Qin family will get them by any means, not to mention one billion, even tens of billions."

This time, Wang Keru's IQ went online: "The car accident two years ago...was it related to the clear water and the sky?"

Gu Anxi was silent for a while before whispering: "The Qin family is not enough to know the secret of Bishuiyuntian, there are people behind them."

The real murderer is someone else.

The Qin family just played the role of thugs, a group of poor people dreaming of dreams.

Wang Keru was stunned again: "The person with the back of his hand... who could it be?"

"In Beicheng." Gu Anxi said quietly, "Next month, I will go to an exchange student."

After a pause: "I believe, with the clear water and cloud sky in my hands, that person will find me sooner or later."

Wang Keru was completely stunned.

The one in front of her is really Gu Anxi, is it really the child she watched grow up?

Why is it so makes her feel a little unreal?

Wang Keru stretched out his hand, gently touched Gu Anxi's face, and pinched his own leg hard.


Everything is real.

Gu Anxi threw the diamond into her arms: "Mom, you don't have to worry about these things. You usually spend money to swipe your credit card, drink tea for beauty, just be a good Mrs. Gu."

(End of this chapter)

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