Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 257 If you can afford the price, I can lose to you!

Chapter 257 If you can afford the price, I can lose to you!

Gu Anxi stopped the car, took off his helmet, and raised his eyebrows handsomely at Bo Xichen.

He stood in front of the car and smiled: "Congratulations, kid."

The day he met her, she was also competing, and her hand bones were still cracked.

Now, he watched her finish a game with his own eyes, and she was even more handsome than he imagined.

Not only him, but the entire audience was boiling——

Miss 85 is so beautiful!

That temperament!

That big | long | legs!

The handsome young lady stared at Bo Xichen: "Is there any reward?"

He smiled, "Are you sure, now?"

Gu Anxi was still sitting on the big motorcycle until Bo Xichen passed by, leaning over...

All around, be as quiet as a chicken!

The media took pictures like crazy, God, the boyfriend of the handsome lady No. 85 looks so good!

and many more.

This person is so familiar!


He is the eldest son of the Bo family in Beicheng.

The surroundings were once again as quiet as chickens!

It took a long time before Bo Xichen let go of Gu Anxi, "Is this reward satisfactory?"

Gu Anxi hugged the helmet, "It's okay."

He smiled: "The kid has a sense of territory, which is good."

She whispered: "It's the first time I'm competitive with others."

"For me?" Bo Xichen's smile deepened: "It's an honor."

Gu Anxi rubbed his eyes, "I'm a little sleepy. Uncle, can you help me receive the... trophy?"

Bo Xichen realized something was wrong when she said she was sleepy, and stepped forward to let her lean on his shoulder, "Go to sleep Anxi, I'm here."

She snorted and hooked his neck...

It was only when Bo Xichen wanted to hug her that Gu Anxi opened his eyes, "Why am I willing to sleep."

Bo Xichen was taken aback, and pinched her face for a while: "How dare you lie to me!"

She blinked.

Mother Bo was at the side, "It's our turn, Xi Chen."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Of course."

Bo's mother and Wang Keru take turns hugging, followed by master hugging, even Bo's father hugging, a proper family pet.

At this time, Gu Mingzhu finished second.

Her eyes fell on Gu Anxi, watching her surrounded by countless people.

Before, these belonged to her.

For the first time, she tasted the feeling of neglect.

Tang Yuan and Gu Yuanshan still love their daughter, so they will come here soon.

After all, Gu Yuanshan has seen strong winds and waves, so he will not be too frustrated like a woman, "Mingzhu, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, so don't take it too seriously."

Ms. Gu Ning coughed lightly: "Yes. Just don't have a psychological shadow."

The corners of Gu Mingzhu's mouth trembled slightly, and she forced a smile: "Don't worry, Auntie, five wins and one loss, I won't be overwhelmed."

Gu Ning looked up at the sky: "By the way, there is a saying that a hero doesn't mention his courage back then, isn't it?"

Besides, how did you win?

How did No. 85 rub you against the ground today? Do you really have no idea in your heart?

The little girl Gu Mingzhu was also very proud, she walked over and looked at Gu Anxi: "Next time I will definitely beat you."

"As long as you can afford the price, I can lose to you!" Gu Anxi said lightly, even lazily.

These words shattered the hearts of everyone present.

What do you mean... lose if you can afford it?

This confidence!

This domineering!

Wang Keru was the most sincere: "Anxi, are you planning to play fake matches?"

Gu Anxi walked with her arms in his arms and said in a moderate voice: "Mom, think about it, our family didn't go bankrupt before, I have to earn money to buy Bishuiyuntian back! How can I do it if I don't work hard, I have to move Use your brain, don't you?"

Wang Keru was instantly brainwashed, and was completely moved: "Anxi, it's really hard work for you."

Gu Anxi just laughed.

Bo Xichen stroked his forehead and smiled lightly.

Mother Bo whispered, "Anxi is really good at coaxing her mother."

Bo Xichen said with a smile: "I have a way of coaxing you."

Gu Anxi has a way of dealing with everyone, classifying them with great precision.

Mother Bo glanced at her son and sighed, "Xi Chen, where did you find this baby?"

At this time, Gu Mingzhu said in a cold voice: "Gu Anxi, if you say that openly, aren't you afraid of being removed from the racing committee?"

Gu Anxi turned her head and smiled: "I lied to my mother, do you believe it? Or are you really going to buy me to lose? Let me tell you first that I am very expensive, and you probably can't afford it."

After all, Gu Mingzhu was young and very angry.

Tang Yuan smiled: "Miss Gu, our Mingzhu is being abrupt, but it's because she is younger and you are better than her, so don't worry about it."

Her tone was very gentle, but it was gentle.

The scene fell silent. After all, except for the three members of the Gu family, everyone else knew where Gu Anxi came from.

Just as Bo Xichen was about to open his mouth, Gu Anxi said, "The juniors are in conflict, so Mrs. Gu, an elder, will not ignore her status to protect her shortcomings!"

The words are sharp and do not give an inch.

Bo Xichen then took a step back, not planning to intervene.

His little friend has enough firepower.

Gu Yuanshan frowned, feeling that the little girl was not a good person, so he said lightly: "Since Miss Gu has already won the competition, what else do you want?"

This family of three, bullying Anxi——

Bo Mutou doesn't agree!

Just when she was about to speak out, Father Bo stopped her.

Anxi's life experience will be known sooner or later, it depends on Anxi's own attitude.

Gu Anxi smiled and lowered his eyes, "Mr. Gu asked a good question. What do I think?"

She raised her eyes: "It should be that Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu can do whatever they want! Fate, fortune... It's just ridiculous. Is it bad luck or good luck that Mr. Gu didn't make a divination for his precious daughter before going out today? What kind of magic pill will you encounter?"

She just said it so bluntly, without giving Gu's parents any face.

Why should she give them face?Gu Mingzhu is human, is she Kuosuke?

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Gu Yuanshan and Tang Yuan changed drastically, and they stared at the little girl in front of them in horror.

She... turned out to be the child they lost!

Gu Anxi looked at them and sneered: "Why don't you run a little farther, what if it brings disaster to you! Oh yes, Gu Mingzhu lost today, I'm really sorry for you!"

Gu Yuanshan's eyes went from shock to confusion, and then a hint of longing.

In front of him, it turned out to be that child who had grown up and looked like this.

Changqing ran to Qingcheng and told him that the child was gone, and he believed it...

Compared to Gu Yuanshan's hesitation, Tang Yuan looked much colder. She looked at Gu Anxi quietly, not intending to admit it.

If she admits it, it proves her ruthlessness.

She is a gentle Mrs. Gu, how can she admit to throwing away her child?

Besides, she had no feelings for the child at all.

Gu Anxi also has no feelings for her, she said it not because she wanted to recognize her relatives, but to keep them away from her, so don't disgust yourself just because of Gu Mingzhu.

Tang Yuan smiled and said to Bo's mother: "It seems that today's tea can't be finished, let's make an appointment in Beicheng."

(End of this chapter)

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