Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 275 Beicheng University has a student's thesis award

Chapter 275 Beicheng University has a student's thesis award

Bo Jin took out a card from the handbag on one side: "Look, isn't this little rabbit cute? The rabbit drew it for me."

Gu Anxi lowered his head to drink the milk.

Bo Xichen smiled.

At this time, Mother Bo took the card over, "It's so cute."

Her gaze became a bit wrong: "Oh, no, why does the scene behind Miss Rabbit look familiar to me?"

She showed the card to Father Bo: "Nian Yao, do you think this looks like Lanshi's courtyard?"

Gu Anxi choked on drinking milk.

Father Bo looked at the card, then at Gu Anxi——

Gu Anxi buried his head deeper.

Bo's mother was full of faces, and returned the card to Bo Jin: "This one who drinks milk is your cub."

Bo Jin is "Miss Rabbit's Ma Ma", on the card, Bo Jin also knows that Bo Jin spent more than 400 million yuan for the paper rabbit, but she didn't expect that this little rabbit was their family's Anxi.

A top racing car driver, a chemistry award, a computer genius, and a great businessman, and Luo Lin, who draws a manga for fun and is still so popular... What else can their cubs know?

Bo's mother's eyes were full of love, and she took a ham for Gu Anxi: "Eat more, baby, you must be exhausted all day long."

Gu Anxi gnawed on the ham: "Not tired mother Bo."

The most tiring thing is... dealing with my uncle!

Gu Anxi secretly looked at Bo Xichen, and he reached out and rubbed her hair, "It was quite hard work."

Bo Jin on the side hadn't digested it yet, and looked at Gu Anxi in a daze.

After a while, I asked my sister-in-law softly: "You said Anxi is a little rabbit?"

Bo's mother nodded: "Yes, it's very obvious in the painting, isn't it?"

She smiled again: "Maybe Anxi didn't think that 'Miss Rabbit's Ma Ma' would be you!"

Bo Jin came back to her senses, her gaze was different.

Really old mother's eyes.

Apart from other things, there are only two things, one is that she can raise Jing, and the other is her precious Miss Rabbit, which is enough for her to enter the group favorite members.

Ms. Bo Jin straightened her appearance and looked at her nephew: "Xichen, you seem to be quite busy recently, how about this, leave the job of picking up Anxi to me."

Bo Xichen smiled: "I just helped Anxi get a car yesterday, and from today onwards, she will drive to school by herself."

"That's it!" Bo Jin looked at Gu Anxi in particular disappointment.

her baby cub...

Her mood is like raising a cute little pet on the Internet, and suddenly this little pet has descended into reality, with a good appearance, and all kinds of lovable things...why don't you want to hug and masturbate every day or something.

Bo Jin looked at her nephew and then at her brother and sister-in-law, feeling a little jealous in her heart.

Gu Anxi said softly: "I want to go back to Qingcheng this week. Uncle seems to be very busy. Why don't you and Mommy Bo accompany me back to Qingcheng!"

Ms. Bo Jin immediately felt better, and she had to pretend to be very reserved: "I'm free, mainly because I want to spend some time with my sister-in-law. Post"

Mother Bo: Another person is robbing Zai Zai.

Do not open Sen!Why is it so good! ! !


In the end, Ms. Bo Jin saw Gu Anxi driving a white sports car to school, feeling both joy and disappointment.

Mrs. Bo came to her side, "It's cute, isn't it?"

Bo Jin said softly, "It's really empty where I live alone."

Mrs. Bo suppressed a smile: "Don't think about it, Xichen will never agree."

Bo Jin's heart was agitated, and when she went to the company, she opened the manga, carefully read it from the beginning to the end, and then made up the daily life of Xichen and Anxi...

In the end, she rewarded 5000000 Mancoins and confessed earnestly [Baby Rabbit, Mom loves you. 】

This generosity shocked the entire Internet at once.

And Weibo.

It immediately became the number one hot search: #兔实红红土霸 throws 500 million

This also shocked the 'little fairy of big gray', WOC, let you stand alone!Is my gray husband shameless?

With a wave of his hand, another 5000000 coins went down.

The two sisters began to fight for fans first, role first.

In one day, "18 Ways the Big Bad Wolf Eats the Little Rabbit" was popularly searched 8 times, and it was directly the confrontation of RMB players!

At the same time, 'Miss Rabbit Without Long Johns' Weibo fans reached 2000 million, ranking first among non-stars, and also the most popular in November.

Comics are on fire!

Gu Anxi still maintains the rhythm of ten paintings a day, and updates at a leisurely pace. It is true that she has too many things to do, and she has to accompany her uncle.

She turned off the computer after drawing manga in a big class, and her eyes met a pair of slightly dark eyes inadvertently.

It was none other than Fang Ming.

Fang Ming's ribs were not fully healed yet, so he insisted on coming to school with bandages on them.His seat is just a little in front of Gu Anxi, with the next aisle.

Gu Anxi raised his eyes, and he happened to be looking at her with unclear meaning.

At this moment, someone called out: "I heard that there is no one. An academic paper by a student of our North City University won the first prize of a certain award, so it was decided. I just don't know if it is true."

Fang Ming retracted his gaze and looked at the man.

The boy obviously knew Fang Ming, and continued: "I heard that he is from the Department of Chemistry. His name has not been announced yet, but Qing University is too shameless to say that the award belongs to them."

"That's right, our Department of Chemistry at Beicheng University is also very good. Even if someone wins a prize for a thesis, it will be robbed by others. I'm really speechless. This must be the thesis of Lin Tao, a senior in our Department of Chemistry. This time, I will be ashamed. Then It’s the best award in the country.”

Someone on the side started booing: "That's right, everything is from their youth, and so are the scumbags."

This is in the connotation of Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi raised his eyes and only glanced at the man, without saying a word, the man shut up.

Fang Ming was beaten so badly, he didn't want to be beaten violently.

Gu Anxi went out with her notebook, and there was a lot of discussion behind her, generally saying that she was just playing games without doing business.

Gu Anxi didn't care either, and had lunch with Wang Qin at noon.

Since the last time he taught her a lesson, Wang Qin no longer dared to give her the pink envelope, and only quietly said, "Anxi, I receive more than a dozen envelopes every day."

Gu Anxi looked at Wang Qin, "I don't like that!"

Wang Qin blushed: "I know! In fact, I'm just like a fan. When I see an aggressive female star, I will call her husband."

Gu Anxi sat on a high platform, dangling his legs, basking in the sun.

Wang Qin moved over again, a little flattery.

Seeing that Gu Anxi was no longer angry, she dared to bask in the sun with her arms folded——

From a distance, Fang Ming stood there watching quietly, looking at that overly good-looking girl, very cool.

The little girl named Wang Qin followed her like a little follower, trusting her wholeheartedly.

(End of this chapter)

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