Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 286 The Biggest Wife Fan Wants to Face Me

Chapter 286 The Biggest Wife Fan Wants to Face Me

Tang Yuan didn't quite believe it.

In a place as big as Qingcheng, there is no one that says it can spend billions of dollars...

She didn't believe it anymore, Bo Jin had already left.

Tang Yuan always felt that today Bo Jin treated her differently than usual, and she seemed to be slowly siding with Gu Anxi, so didn't her pearl lack a layer of help?

Tang Yuan hated that child even more, and went back to tell Gu Yuanshan about it.

Gu Yuanshan twirled the teacup: "Have you settled?"

He never thought that a family like the Bo family shouldn't be settled so quickly!

He heard that the two children had only known each other for a few months, the progress was too fast, and the Bo family felt anxious.

Gu Yuanshan pondered for a while: "Why don't we go to Bo's house for a walk?"

Tang Yuan can't put her face down, and besides, she loves Mingzhu——

Mingzhu also really wanted to marry into the Bo family, but now she was preempted by others and had to please her, just thinking about it made her feel wronged.

"Yuanshan." Tang Yuan went over and stroked his shoulder, "You really underestimate yourself. Their Bo family is powerful, but our Gu family has a strong foundation, so there's no need to rush to curry favor."

She smiled slightly: "When Mingzhu grows up and starts a career, who dares to underestimate us. The child is still young, so don't be too impatient."

Gu Yuanshan thought about it, this is the reason.

Afterwards, he said a little reservedly: "Although the Bo family has always regarded themselves as the big one these years, it's really uncertain in the future. Our Gu family has also developed well, and we will depend on Mingzhu in the future."

Gu Ning happened to come over to discuss something, and just heard it at the door, and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Her elder brother is really soft and soft, and this woman Tang Yuan can do whatever she wants.

Gu's is good, but it can't compare with the huge system of Yunxi Group.

Yunxi Group is involved in many categories, and the Yunxi Hospital alone has almost locked the pockets of the rich, not to mention that Bo Jin, a workaholic, has been devoting himself to the development of new varieties, earning what he does!

If Gu's hadn't had her in charge, he would have been hanged and beaten long ago.

Hehe, I'm ashamed to mention Mingzhu!

Mingzhu is very good, but a child who is still young and vigorous, expecting her to fight those old foxes in the shopping mall?

You can't die from laughing!

On the contrary, she felt that Gu Anxi, that bad boy, was quite able to hold his breath. He was calm on the surface, but he was really bad in his heart. The bright pearl was far behind.

After hearing the private words, Gu Ning walked in without hesitation: "Oh, sister-in-law is really confident. It seems that I can quit Gu's soon and take care of myself."

Tang Yuan felt a little unnatural.

Gu Yuanshan smoothed things over for his wife: "Gu Ning, you are a little yin and yang, please respect your sister-in-law."

Gu Ning smiled coldly and noblely: "I respect her, and she must respect me! I'm not like a baby. People can't fight back when they are bullied."

After a pause, he sneered: "Let's leave it here! The Gu family has me for a day, and I have the final say. As long as I don't quit, who will dare to go up?"

After speaking, he left with his expensive handbag.

Tang Yuan's expression was depressed: "The distant mountains!"

Gu Yuanshan has nothing to do with his sister, and he wants to coax his wife, which is a dilemma for both sides.

Tang Yuan lay on his shoulder and wept: "Over the years, because of that child, how many people poked my spine, especially Gu Ning, who was always sneering, Yuan Shan, why did that child come back?"

Gu Yuanshan patted her: "Okay, okay, I won't really bring it back."

He whispered again: "It's her fault."

He sighed.

Tang Yuan calmed down a little: "I'm okay, the main reason is that Mingzhu couldn't bear this blow. Think about it, everyone's eyes were on her in the past. Since Gu Anxi arrived in Beicheng, how long has Mingzhu not participated in social activities? Those The wife asked Lin Yun to take Gu Anxi with her whenever she needed something, and she never mentioned Mingzhu."

Gu Yuanshan frowned: "Is there such a thing?"

Tang Yuan nodded slightly.

Gu Yuanshan comforted: "Isn't there a charity event the day after tomorrow? If you bring Mingzhu there, people in the circle will naturally think of Mingzhu."

Tang Yuan also has a heart.

She secretly thought, it would be best for Mrs. Bo to bring Gu Anxi here too. If there is a comparison, others will definitely say something.

Tang Yuan was very fond of her position in the circle of noble ladies in Beicheng. She was the famous Mrs. Gu in Beicheng, and she wanted her daughter to be an outstanding one.

They were talking here, and Gu Ning was not idle, and he felt much better after dropping the harsh words.

Sitting in the luxury car, one thing came to mind, Rabbit Da Da was sick, she wanted to go to see it but failed, she didn't know if it was alright or not.

It should be fine, the update is quite stable.

Gu Ning thought of the charity gala the night after tomorrow, if he could invite Rabbit Da Da to go with him, he would have a wonderful night.

Wearing an evening dress, holding a glass of red wine, and listening to the story of Da Hui told by Rabbit.

Don't be too nice!

Oh, who is not a little princess!

Gu Ning sat in the car, took his mobile phone and sent a private message to Rabbit——

【Are you free on Sunday? I would like to invite you to a dinner party.I can prepare makeup, car and dress, I want to see you]

Over there, Gu Anxi's cell phone rang, so he picked it up and took a look.

A message from the 'Big Gray Fairy'.

After reading the content carefully, she replied [Maybe not, I'm Mama coming from the countryside to see me. 】

Gu Ning: Hey, the rabbit lives in the country?

So distressed!

It turned out that Big Hui and Little Rabbit also came from the countryside, so they waved their hands and tipped [-] Ruanmei coins.

[Then have fun with Auntie~ See you next time. 】

(Is this 'auntie' serious? Wang Keru: How old am I?)

Gu Anxi typed the next word: [Fairy, I love you. 】

Gu Ning looked at those words and sighed for a while. If she had known that day, she would have gone to see how big the rabbit was. Later, she heard that she lived in Yunxi Hospital. She went to see Gu Anxi that day.

Unexpectedly, live in a hospital!

Gu Ning regretted it very much, but it was useless, the rabbit was discharged from the hospital.

Over there, Gu Anxi put down his phone, "I'm your biggest wife fan, you want to meet me."

As she spoke, she smiled wickedly.

Bo Xichen pinched her face: "For money, you betrayed me! What if it's a beautiful little girl!"

Gu Anxi moved over and sat down, putting his arms around his neck, "I want people, and I want money."

Bo Xichen stroked his forehead: "How come there is a little girl who took a [-] billion card and said it was a dowry!"

Gu Anxi was furious, and messed around with him, and was finally folded in his arms...

After a long time, she leaned on his shoulder and said softly, "Are you free tomorrow morning? Come pick up mom with me."

"Of course I'm free." Bo Xichen pressed his forehead against her, "That big rabbit, are you free now?"

"What?" Her voice was hoarse and fluttering.

The face is very hot.

(End of this chapter)

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