Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 298 Point Control Maniac is online again!

Chapter 298 Point Control Maniac is online again!

Director Fang listened, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

When the son came home, he closed the door of the study and took all the ideological lessons carefully.

Gu Anxi is not someone he can like, even if he likes, there is a Bo family behind him?

Son, wake up, change your favorite!

Fang Ming stood up straight: "Dad, you think too much, I don't like her."

After speaking, go out.

Director Fang continued to sweat coldly, and after a while, he called Mrs. Fang to give an order directly: "Look at Fang Ming for a while, this kid actually fell in love with the Bo family. Our family's eggs hit other people's rocks? If the Bo family is not happy, I don't want the hat on my head, and Gu Anxi's identity... probably won't take a fancy to our son."

Mrs. Fang was not happy when she heard it: "Old Fang, I don't like to hear you say that. What do you mean you look down on our son? Our son is the top student in the computer department of Beicheng University. Besides, he has character, and he likes it." He has too many little girls!"

Director Fang sneered: "Women, what do you know!"

So he pulled his wife over and told her everything in detail.

Mrs. Fang was stunned when she heard this, she was speechless for a while, and then she burst out: "Old Fang, really? This little girl is your boss?"

Director Fang nodded heavily: "Really! You said that Fang Ming chased after his boss, is it plausible? If it is passed to the system in the future, do I want to lose my old face?"

While talking, he patted his old face.

Mrs. Fang thought deeply, then remembered something, and whispered: "I see, didn't I attend a party a few days ago, Gu Anxi went with Mrs. Bo, Fang Ming picked me up later and stared at Gu Anxi and Mrs. Young Master Bo looked at it for a long time."

Director Fang nodded calmly: "Then the number is right. I guess this kid is right!"

He frowned, and then said to his wife: "No, he didn't like Gu Mingzhu very much before, how could he change?"

I thought again: "No, I have never seen him pay attention to Gu Mingzhu before! This time it is really different. I used to hang out with his little ones, but I haven't seen him go out recently. I always shut him up In the room, this is typical lovesickness!"

Mrs. Fang was also very anxious: "Then what to do, old Fang, Fang Ming is sick and needs to be cured!"

Director Fang stared: "If you ask me, I'll ask who to go to. I said when I was in the hospital last time, don't mess with Gu Anxi, don't mess with it. That's all right, if you don't mess with it, you still like it."

After all, Director Fang felt sorry for his son. He walked back and forth several times, paused, and gave instructions to his wife: "Well, don't spread the identity of Gu Anxi. Fang Ming's side...he's grown up too, so he should learn to deal with himself. If there is no response to his emotions, I think he will probably give up."

Mrs. Fang was stunned for a long time before sighing: "Thinking about it now, that child Gu Anxi looks more upright than Gu Mingzhu."

Director Fang squinted at his wife: "You women only know how to look at appearances. Is this a question of whether they look good or not?"

He muttered again: "Men see women differently."

Mrs. Fang asked softly, "What does Fang Ming like about Gu Anxi? He likes her for breaking his ribs?"

Then he covered his mouth: "Old Fang, our son doesn't have that kind of hobby, does he?"

Director Fang was speechless to his wife and didn't bother to talk to her. After dinner, he called Fang Ming over to give him some advice.

However, when the child grows up, adults can't control it.

Besides, no matter how you ask, Fang Ming always said that--

I don't like Gu Anxi!

The next day, Fang Ming went to school and went directly to the bulletin board.

Yesterday's departmental exam came out, and no surprises, he got a perfect score.

Fang Ming searched for a long time before he found Gu Anxi's name, which just happened to pass, not too much and not too little.

He watched quietly for a long time, his lips pursed into a straight line.

Gu Mingzhu appeared in front of him and said softly, "Fang Ming, you are the number one in the whole department again."

Fang Ming's gaze shifted to the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Gu Mingzhu was number one, so he said softly, "You are also number one. There is nothing to be happy about."

Seeing Gu Anxi's score, Gu Mingzhu smiled softly: "Fang Ming, I heard that you sat with Gu Anxi in the exam yesterday, and she just passed. Did you... help her with some questions?"

Professor Liu called her mother and said that Gu Anxi was especially favored by Professor Shen, and she had to help her cheat on things like exams, and she had no choice.

But even if Gu Anxi cheated, he barely passed.

Tang Yuan casually told Gu Yuanshan and Gu Mingzhu, but Gu Mingzhu disdained——

After all, it is from a small place, so popular things like computers can pass.

Gu Yuanshan sighed even more: "With Fang Ming's help, I have passed!"

Tang Yuan's voice was gentle: "This child has just arrived in Beicheng, and he will gradually adapt in the future."

Gu Yuanshan remained silent for a long time, and then stroked Gu Mingzhu's hair lovingly: "Mingzhu, you have to work hard."

Just thinking about what her mother said last night, Gu Mingzhu couldn't stop being happy.

Gu Anxi is too good.

However, in front of Fang Ming, she still pays attention to the image of her goddess, and said gently, "Gu Anxi's computer is not good, you can help her fix it."

Fang Ming wrote it in his pocket: "No need."

Gu Anxi just passed the exam, he doesn't believe it!

A [-]-year-old Nobel laureate whose IQ absolutely beats the entire North City University, and just passed the computer, how could he be so unbelievable!

He didn't believe it, but someone believed it anyway.

After all, it's normal for Gu Anxi to take interdisciplinary exams, and it's normal for him to be unaccustomed to the environment. Besides, their computer department at Beicheng University has always been awesome, so it's not normal for Gu Anxi to do well in the exams.

But they probably forgot about Gu Anxi's god-level operation in the entrance exam, and probably also forgot the fact that Gu Anxi is Luo Lin and the winner of the chemistry award. These are already two fields, and it would be impossible to add another ?

Others couldn't think of it, but Fang Ming was very thoughtful.

It's not that he's thoughtful, but that he... has been observing Gu Anxi!

(He is so coquettish~~)

Fang Ming quickly turned around and left. Gu Mingzhu whispered behind him, "Fang Ming, I'll watch you play basketball after school."

Fang Ming paused for a moment, neither agreeing nor refusing.

Gu Mingzhu smiled slightly, and looked at her number one on the bulletin board, and Gu Anxi's last.

Fang Ming must know who is the best.

In a few days, she will be shooting a double cover, and it will set off a craze in Beicheng again.

Gu Mingzhu walked back to her department with a slight smile.

On the other hand, when Fang Ming arrived in the department, he heard the news that Gu Anxi joined the basketball club, but it was not a cheerleading team, but a basketball player, which was quite novel.

(End of this chapter)

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