Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 300 Husband!husband!Who is the husband?

Chapter 300 Husband!husband!Who is the husband?

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, he left.

Fang Ming's rib was injured and he couldn't play, and their team lost one player, which was a great disadvantage.

Gu Anxi walked over: "Let me replace you!"

Fang Ming is a striker, a particularly important position, and the soul of the team.

At this time, when they heard Gu Anxi's words, the people around showed expressions of disapproval.

Gu Mingzhu said playfully, "Gu Anxi, can you pass me some water and a towel? Do you know how powerful Fang Ming is? How can you help him?"

There was a hint of amusement in the corner of Gu Anxi's mouth, "You can't do it, but it doesn't mean others can't do it. Didn't your mother teach you?"

Gu Mingzhu's face changed immediately, she bit her lip: "Gu Anxi, don't go too far!"

"Is this too much?" Gu Anxi sneered: "If I were you, just keep a low profile and don't take the initiative to provoke others. My advice, OK?"

Gu Mingzhu lowered her eyes and sneered.

Then Gu Anxi, I'll see your heroic appearance on the court in a while, don't blame me for not reminding you if you make a fool of yourself.

Not only her, but Fang Ming also frowned: "Gu Anxi, just watch from the sidelines."

The players also persuaded: "Boys are playing, girls are cute, just watch it from the sidelines, otherwise some people will feel distressed."

The corners of Fang Ming's mouth were slightly pursed.

Gu Mingzhu's eyes were not convinced, no matter how stupid she was, she could tell that Fang Ming treated Gu Anxi differently.

Just now a senior from the basketball club secretly told her that Fang Ming asked Principal Shen for Gu Anxi to join the club. Why did Gu Anxi agree? He clearly wanted to show off in front of Fang Ming.

But Nai Xijing obviously just wanted to play a ball for my uncle to have a look at, and then my uncle would be rewarded at night, so I have nothing to do with Fang Ming, okay?

Gu Anxi recognized the team members and went on the field...

Everyone dislikes her because——

Gu Anxi went to class every day, either playing with her laptop or sleeping. She was lazy every day and yawned all the time. No one had ever watched her exercise, and she never had a physical education class.

Such a person can play basketball, how is it possible?

Therefore, no one passed the ball to Gu Anxi.

Because of distrust!

Gu Anxi was not in a hurry, waiting for the opportunity.

Finally, after winning a ball, she turned around and threw the ball with one hand for a beautiful throw——

The ball flew over and landed in the net in the eyes of everyone!

The audience was stunned!

How can it be?

Gu Anxi was obviously standing outside the three-point line, and turned around to shoot immediately. Some people suspected that she didn't look at the basket at all!

How did that ball go in?

Do not believe!

Do not believe!

Must be dazzling!

Because of this situation, it is impossible for Fang Ming to handle it so well. Standing so far away, it is impossible for Fang Ming to hit every shot!

However, Gu Anxi did it!

Maybe it's a coincidence! ! !

But after five minutes, everyone is really fragrant!

It was by no means a coincidence that under Gu Anxi's strong attack, the situation of the team without Fang Ming turned around.

The teammates all formed a tacit consensus, if there is the ball, pass it to Gu Anxi, and score as soon as it is accurate.

Everyone is staring at the field.

The stands were filled with boys and girls, especially women.

A girl screamed: "Gu Anxi!"

The girls kept screaming: "Gu Anxi!"

"Ahhh, Gu Anxi is so handsome!"


The girls in the stands are crazy!

Wang Qin covered his ears and thought: Anxi, your charm that has no place to rest has provoked so many little girls, your brother-in-law will peel your skin if he finds out!

Just thinking about it, Bo Xichen sat quietly on the stand.

Wang Qin turned his head and looked, oh my god!Really here! ! !

Wang Qin chuckled twice: "Hello, Professor Bo."

Bo Xichen's eyes fell on the field, "How is Anxi playing?"

Wang Qin bit her finger: "These girls are crazy, Professor Bo, Anxi is amazing."

Bo Xichen smiled.

Wang Qin immediately said: "Of course, Professor Bo is also very good."

Bo Xichen couldn't help but look sideways at her, and then smiled faintly: "Anxi said the same thing last night."

Wang Qin was shocked by electric shock.

Just now, did Professor Bo say something extraordinary?

What...wonderful or not...yes, under what circumstances did you say that?

Wang Qin's gaze changed somewhat.

The word "powerful" will be highlighted in the future, and it will be tested.

Words of tigers and wolves!

Bo Xichen was still as gentle as jade, and his outstanding appearance attracted a lot of attention, but more girls in the stands still stared at Gu Anxi on the stage.


God-level skills!

Super A!

He beat all the boys present, super strong!

Fang Ming was originally sitting on the side resting, but slowly stood up, the mineral water bottle in his hand was crushed!

His face was a little out of control, and his eyes were fixed on the stage.

Gu Anxi is so amazing!

Another three points!

Another shortcoming!

The action is beautiful and clean, handsome and...attractive!

At this moment, an unknown woman in the stands shouted, "Husband! Husband!"

With this shout, the other crazy girls also forgot their shame and screamed: "Husband, husband!"

The whole stand was on fire, and people kept calling for their husband.

Gu Anxi was a little confused.

She didn't expect such a... situation!

Is uncle here?

Will he be hanged tonight?

Her eyes fell on the stands, just in time to see a slender figure sitting beside Wang Qin!

Gu Anxi's heart sank: It's over!

In the stands, Wang Qin also covered his face.

It's over, Gu Anxi is over, Professor Bo is going to skin her when I go back tonight!

Bo Xichen's eyes were far-reaching, and he couldn't see any emotion.

On the court, Gu Anxi lost his mind for a short while and lost several points. Fang Ming called: "Gu Anxi, concentrate. '

Without Gu Anxi, their small team was directly beaten.

Gu Anxi came back to his senses and quickly joined, and the situation was instantly reversed!

In the stands--

Ahhh so handsome!

Ahhh man!

After a game, Gu Anxi's team scored more than [-] points and won a complete victory.

Fang Ming stepped forward, "Gu Anxi, it's fine."

At this time, the beautiful cheerleader handed over towels and water, which was the treatment Fang Ming had before.

Now it belongs exclusively to Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi drank half a bottle of water, drinking quickly but not rudely.

Fang Ming just stared at her, a little straight.

Everyone present could see it and pretended not to know.

Gu Anxi finished drinking the water, thanked the beautiful young lady, and waved his hands: "I'm going back."

Fang Ming called her to stop: "There is a party in the club tonight, will you come?"

The people at the scene understood that Fang Ming was acting for his own benefit, and he wanted to see Gu Anxi.

However, many people, no matter boys or girls, also want to get close to Gu Anxi.

After all, I have been curious about the goddess for a long time, and today I showed such a trick again.

Under the gaze of many eyes, Gu Anxi refused: "My uncle is waiting for me to go home for dinner." '

 I don’t have time to write a short paragraph today to ask for a monthly ticket~~ Good night everyone, thank you for the rewards, thank you for reading the text every day, love everyone~~ Tomorrow my uncle will pick up the skin~

  ps Those with diamonds should be cast by Naixi?????????????



(End of this chapter)

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