Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 302 Professor Bo is really a Ferrari in the world!

Chapter 302 Professor Bo is really a Ferrari in the world!

Gu Anxi was a little dazed, and slowly turned his head to look at him, not sure if he meant that!

Bo Xichen chuckled: "Anxi, it's the one you think."

Gu Anxi felt that there was no way to communicate with him, and Wang Qin was still in the car... so, just say such shameless words.

Wang Qin in the back seat blushed, ahhh...Professor Bo is really a Ferrari in the world!

As long as the car drives fast enough, no one can catch up! ! !

Wang Qin's face was so hot that he changed the subject very bluntly: "Anxi, I told my classmates today that I have a TO sign with the size of a rabbit, but they didn't believe me, and they even said I was bragging!"

Gu Anxi snorted: "That's it, then I'll give you another one, and then post a Weibo to explain that it's for 'Happy Baby', do you think this is enough to have a face?"

Wang Qin almost screamed, "Anxi, you are so kind... so good... so good..."

The voice became slower and slower, and then he looked at the back of Gu Anxi's head in horror.

No, what did Anxi say just now?

He said that he would give her a TO sign, and also post a Weibo to prove her and arrange a meeting with her, which means that Anxi is the big rabbit, the author of "The Big Bad Wolf"!

Miss Rabbit who doesn't wear long johns! ! !

Wang Qin stammered: "Anxi, don't you say you are a big rabbit?"

"Yes, I am." Gu Anxi turned to look at her, and smiled: "Are you surprised, surprised?"

Wang Qin supported the armrest beside him, "I'm a little dizzy."

After a while, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Gu Xi smiled, tore off a piece of paper from the page, and drew a big gray that was driving.

Then write down TO: Happy baby~~ Be happy forever.

Genus name: Miss Rabbit who doesn't wear long johns.

After writing, I took a photo and posted a Weibo.

Weibo exploded again, with more than 10 comments in 6 minutes!

[I'm so envious of happy baby! 】

【Oh my God, Da Hui drives a car worth more than 3000 million yuan, a high-class gray! ! ! 】

[Hee hee~ It's obviously Fifty Shades of Grey! 】

[I think Ms. Rabbit is happier~Da Hui looks so boyfriend-like~]

【I think, Happy Baby and Rabbit must be friends in real life. If you have a TO sign, you will have it. I even drew a big gray one~ I really want it, wait online, hurry~~~】

At this time, the 'Little Fairy of Big Gray' went online, and yin and yang posted a microblog——

[So far, the only one who has had a close relationship with the rabbit is me!Not convinced to fight! 】

'Rabbit Mama' is also online——

【What you have, I have, what you don't have, I have too!You taste, you taste carefully~]

Gu Anxi looked at it and smiled helplessly. The two aunts and sisters started again——

Did it start again?

She didn't care, turned off Weibo, and signed TO to Wang Qin.

Then, Wang Qin carefully posted this TO sign, which was as big as a rabbit, on his Weibo, and took a picture of a corner of the car, but he was careful not to reveal the whole picture!

Then, this Weibo was blown up, and it became a hot search all of a sudden——

#big bad wolf author Zhenbai Fumi

#大粉Author takes more than 3000 Marriott cars

Wang Qin looked at it anxiously, and slowly raised his eyes, "Anxi, my Weibo suddenly gained more than 30 fans! What should I do?"

"Be a big V, publish advertisements, and earn a small amount of money." Gu Anxi said briefly.

Wang Qin let out an oh.

Later, when the car stopped, her Weibo had more than 200 million fans. She strongly urged her to introduce Rabbit Da, and a certain wave quietly gave her a V sign, and the small advertisement immediately found her door.

The asking price is 5 yuan for an advertisement.

Gu Anxi thought for a while, "I have some sketches that have not been published. There are probably more than 100. If you send one every day, it will be quite a lot of money."

Wang Qin covered his face, my God, my God, it's so easy to make money!

Gu Anxi added: "After one month, increase the advertising fee to [-] yuan, or let them pay a monthly subscription directly."

Wang Qin: Ahhhh!

Bo Xichen was always on the side, listening with a smile, and knocked Gu Anxi on the head when he got off the car: "Can you stop for a while!"

Gu Anxi hugged his arm and let out a cry, obediently.

Wang Qin blushed suddenly, and then remembered: "Anxi, the ones you drew are the daily life of you and Professor Bo!"

Bo Xichen: ...

Gu Anxi was expressionless: "No."

After a while, she waved her little hand again: "Don't mention it, you know? Otherwise, I will hack your account."

Wang Qin showed a 'terrible' expression, and then said loyally that he would never betray, and would not say that Big Hui was Professor Bo, and Miss Rabbit was Gu Anxi's deity.

After hearing her assurance, Gu Anxi's face became even darker...

Wang Qin was not afraid of her, instead he hugged her arm and acted like a baby.

At the same time, the students from the North City University Department of Art and the Qing University Department of Art were shocked!

Wang Qin actually got a TO sign with the size of a rabbit, the one painted with big gray!

You know, only the 'Little Fairy of Big Gray' and 'Rabbit's Ma Ma' have obtained it before, and these two sisters spent 3000 to [-] million each to get a piece of paper wolf and paper rabbit.

Wang Qin spent hundreds of dollars, and got the TO lottery!


Wang Qin's school newsletter rang suddenly, asking Wang Qin to also help them get a TO sign.

Wang Qin replied very reservedly: Big Rabbit is very busy!

Putting down the phone, she blushed and thought: Anxi is very busy, busy enjoying every day!

However, she really admired Anxi more and more.

Wang Qin followed into the hotpot restaurant as he thought about it. The business of this restaurant is very good, but there are no private rooms, and the two girls don't care. Originally, eating hotpot requires a lot of people to be lively.

Bo Xichen sat down, left everything to the two girls, and drank tea quietly by himself.

After taking a couple of sips of tea, Fang Ming and a group of people came over. They sat down directly and they should have reserved a table.

Fang Ming also saw them, and was a little surprised because Wang Qin was there.

Fang Ming came over to say hello, "What a coincidence, Doctor Bo."

Bo Xichen also smiled: "It's a coincidence that we meet by chance rather than invite each other."

Fang Ming's eyes fell on Gu Anxi. She was ordering food with Wang Qin, and she didn't notice him at all.

He took a deep breath: "Then I won't bother Dr. Bo."

Just before leaving, Gu Anxi leaned over and asked Bo Xichen with the menu: "Uncle, do you eat spicy food?"

Fang Ming and a group of classmates heard it.

It's really called Uncle, so sweet!

Fang Ming was a little distracted, and then Gu Anxi saw him, smiled at him and then talked to Bo Xichen again.

She turned sideways when she spoke, leaning heavily on Bo Xichen's body, with one hand hugging Bo Xichen's waist behind her back, with a very natural appearance.

This kind of intimacy caught Fang Ming's eyes, and he returned to his seat after saying a few words.

Lin Lei whispered, "Fang Ming, it seems that you made the right choice."


Everyone looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

Lin Lei chuckled: "If you can't be Gu Anxi's man, you can't be her woman!"

All around, there was silence.

I was thinking, this is quite reasonable...

(End of this chapter)

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