Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 305 Don't keep a low profile! No. 85's true identity

Chapter 305 Don't keep a low profile! The real identity of No. 85 (add more)

Chu Yan put the book away, and Chu Ci got up to leave.

The bedroom door slammed shut.

Chu Yan snorted, "What a young master's temper! I'm so scared!"

She nestled on the sofa and continued to send messages to Fang Ming.

Fang Ming: [Will you participate in the National Computer Competition? 】

Chu Yan: [I'll try my best~ Let's see when my brother returns to Beicheng. 】

Fang Ming: [Gu Anxi also signed up, did you know her level when you were in Qingda? 】

Chu Yan: [Ah!She also participates!Then I simply won't go back. 】

Fang Ming: [Why? 】


MMP in Chu Yan's heart!


He squinted her and wanted to ask why, why is she always a thousand years old_2!!!

Chu Yan was about to end the chat when Fang Ming asked about the Qingtian race and the situation on No. 85.

Chu Yan simply called and chased after Fang Ming, and then Fang Ming talked about this afternoon's soft article.

Finally, he softly uttered a sentence: "I don't believe it's such a coincidence that she just won this game, and the Bo family took away 16 billion from the market!"

There must be something tricky in it!

Chu Yan smiled, "Fang Ming, you don't like Gu Anxi, do you?"

"No!" Fang Ming's tone was full of arrogance and denial.

Chu Yan smiled connotatively: "It's no big deal if you like it, Anxi is very popular in Qingda, everyone loves it."

It took Fang Ming a long time to say, "Really?"

Chu Yan smiled: "Therefore, there is no shame in falling in love with such a millionaire."

Fang Ming hung up the phone in shame and indignation.

Here, Chu Yan held the phone and smiled softly.

Gu Mingzhu actually bullied Anxi.

Anxi doesn't care about these names, but she, Chu Yan, does. She is the underling of the hacker KING, and if the boss is humiliated, she is humiliated. How can she bear this tone?

Hehehe, look at her!

Chu Yan called up a long-preserved video and posted it on the Internet as an anonymous person.

Title [Don't be low-key! No. 85's real identity]

In the video|video, it is a world-class top-level formula race, with a prize money of 2000 million US dollars, which is much more luxurious than Qingtian Motorcycle Race! ! !

The screen cuts to the moment of winning the championship, and the commentator speaks passionately in English——

[It's KO again, this [-]-year-old genius racing driver! 】

【Congratulations KO!Our talented racers! 】

【KO is the top driver in the world I have ever seen. Her driving skills have reached the point of perfection and she is just playing for money. Her fame and fortune have long been a waste of paper. She came here today for [-] million US dollars. 】

【Let's listen to what KO said...】

The narrator, CBB, ACC, and world-renowned media swarmed up, and the camera was aimed at the person under the helmet.

A slender figure jumped out of the car, took off the helmet——

A handsome oriental face, shoulder-length black hair, red lips slightly raised into a nice arc.

The audience is boiling——






Chu Yan clicked send, and then used technology to directly send this article to Dingsou, and it exploded after 5 minutes!

More than [-] million hits, and the number of comments keeps jumping, reaching more than [-] in half an hour.

Because people found out that this KO is Miss No. [-] who has been hacked by No. [-] for a whole afternoon!

In this video, the young lady not only gave a god-level performance, but also showed how much she is sought after around the world as a KO.

In the Qingtian competition, people are not warming up enough!

For a time, the situation reversed.

All the people who thought that Miss No. [-] was nothing more than that suddenly burst into titanium dog eyes, and picked up their mobile phones to comment——

[It turns out that Miss Motorcycle No. [-] is actually the world's top racing driver KO! 】

【No. [-], what does Gu Mingzhu compare with KO? 】

【That's right, this time I'm standing at No. [-] Gu Anxi, which is KO!】

The girls of Beicheng University were equally stunned——

sky!Gu Anxi turned out to be a god-level racing driver KO!

Is there anyone who is so handsome in KO? It turned out to be Gu Anxi.

They all picked up their mobile phones and voted for Gu Anxi to be the school grass!

One night, Fang Ming was blown away.

Fang Ming ranked second in the school grass.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Gu Mingzhu got the news, turned on the video, and was stunned.

How can it be!

how come!

How could Gu Anxi be a KO?

There must be something wrong here, Gu Mingzhu asked professionals to find out that this is an edit and it is not true, but after testing by the most professional personnel——

"Miss Gu, this video is the original, without any trace of editing."

Gu Mingzhu sat on the chair, blankly.

She didn't want to admit the fact that Gu Anxi was the KO, and she didn't want to admit that the other party was better than herself.

KO was also a dream of her young girl.

But it turned out to be Gu Anxi!

This was a fatal blow to the proud Gu Mingzhu.

She sat there for a long time, picked up her phone and looked at the campus network of Beicheng University.

Gu Anxi successfully counterattacked Fang Ming and firmly ranked first in the school grass.

She chuckled—

It doesn't matter, she is still the school belle.

After two days of shooting for Marie Claire, everyone in Beicheng will know who is the national goddess.

It's a pity that she couldn't compete with Gu Anxi in the same field, and she didn't feel any sense of accomplishment when she crushed a cartoonist who was stuck at home!

On the other side, Fang Ming didn't sleep all night, staring at the part of Chu Yan's hair, it looked like he had been possessed all night.

Mrs. Fang was a little embarrassed and said to the director: "This child, there will be no problem, right?"

"What's the problem?" Director Fang blew his beard and stared at his eyes: "Isn't it just lovesickness, just give up and let him go!"

Mrs. Fang frowned, and it took a long time before she said, "My ideal daughter-in-law is still like a pearl."

Director Fang chuckled: "Stop pretending to be sentimental. If Gu Mingzhu liked Fang Ming very much, they would have officially been together a long time ago. Why hang Fang Ming here as a backup."

"What kind of spare tire does not have a spare tire? Old Fang, you put it too harshly." Mrs. Fang was the first to disagree.

Director Fang sneered: "Hehe, you are stupid for thinking of Fang Ming! He is very clear about that girl Mingzhu's attitude. Now I think there is nothing wrong with him liking Gu Anxi. The girl didn't give Fang Ming a hint, right? The one from the Bo family is also clearly together, Fang Ming likes the better one now, I think it is the right choice to abandon the dark and turn to the bright."

Mrs. Fang was shocked for a moment.

Director Fang said sharply: "Keep your eyes open. Look at the principals of Beicheng Dashen and Qing Dawang. I heard that in order to flatter Gu Anxi, Director Li from Ning Province sent all his children to accompany Gu Anxi to study with him. Now, can't you see the situation clearly?"


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The update is still in the early morning. It is recommended that babies wake up in the morning~

(End of this chapter)

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