Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 333 Cool!The other 2 did not participate

Chapter 333 Cool!The other two also did not participate

When she went out, she was wearing a white and pink coat, a woolen hat on her head, and warm boots on her feet. She was no different from an ordinary little girl. Bo Xichen also changed into a casual cotton dress, with a little girl hanging on her hand.

Gu Anxi bought a lot of couplets and so on, Bo Xichen reminded: "Your father Bo's writing style is great, you buy this?"

"It's pretty." Gu Anxi took the things and asked the uncle to pay for it.

Bo Xichen was also happy for her, as long as she wanted him, he would buy it, and in the end he bought a trunk full of things to go home...

After returning home, I hadn't finished my work yet, and I had to help the little boy put up New Year pictures and couplets, so he was too busy.

The whole Siyuan is so big, but fortunately, she only posted the residences of a few close elders rather eccentrically. Both Bo Nianyao and his wife and Aunt Bo Jin gave big red envelopes in advance, and they were all a card.

Gu Anxi asked secretly: "Uncle, how much is this?"

Bo Xichen was wearing a gray sweater, and was busy helping her put on the pairs. He smiled casually at a glance: "Parents should be 1000 million, and aunt's should be 500 million."

Gu Anxi kissed the card, "Get rich, get rich."

He put the pair on, and she hugged his waist from behind, and pressed her small face against his back: "Bo Xichen, I want to celebrate the New Year at your home every year."

He smiled, "Miss Gu, it's worthless after marriage."

"I ask for big red envelopes every Chinese New Year, otherwise we break up and you will pursue me again." She said shamelessly.

Bo Xichen grabbed her with one hand and said in a low voice, "We won't break up."

Gu Anxi stuck behind him: "Oh~~ Uncle, you have to use a lot of money to support our love."

He laughed helplessly and scolded: "Gu Anxi, is there such a shameless person as you?"

She is still acting like a baby.

At this moment, a stern figure walked out from the elegant room, it was none other than the uncle of the Bo family.

Boqing's slender jade-colored fingers touched the cheap couplet, and then smiled at Bo Xichen: "Anxi's messing around, you're pampering now."

Bo Xichen nodded slightly: "Second Uncle."

Nodding tenderly: "It's okay, you continue."

As he spoke, he looked at Gu Anxi who was hiding behind Bo Xichen, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Bo Xichen pulled Gu Anxi out from behind, "You're still called Second Uncle?"

Gu Anxi called for someone honestly.

Boqing smiles, the men of the Bo family all look very good-looking when they smile, so does Boqing.

"I heard that your Bo father, Bo mother, and aunt gave big red envelopes, and the second uncle can't be stingy." Bo Qing handed over an envelope.

A look, inside is the card.

Gu Anxi couldn't make up his mind, and looked at Bo Xichen with a trace of dependence in his eyes.

The thin expression is restrained.

Bo Xichen smiled: "Since it was given by the elders, take it!"

Gu Anxi snorted, quickly pulled the envelope out of Boqing's hand with her little hand, and then felt a little embarrassed.

Thin feeling seems to be a chuckle.

At this moment, Bo Xichen felt that he had disturbed his elders, so he left.

Smiling affectionately: "Why don't you come in for a cup of tea, Xi Chen?"

Bo Xichen politely refused, "No second uncle, it's too cold outside, so I'd better take Anxi back to the orchid room first."

Saying that, he took Gu Anxi's shoulders and walked back along the way he came. Boqing stood in a dark place and looked at their backs——

After a long time, the slender jade palm slowly climbed up to the handsome face, blocking his eyes, as if he didn't want others to see him.

He murmured: "She seems... very happy."


Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen returned to the orchid room, only to find that their noses were red from the cold.

Playing around on the sofa and hugging each other to keep warm.

When it got warmer, Gu Anxi took the envelope that he gave you tenderly: "Guess how much is inside?"

Bo Xichen smiled, took it and took it apart, "1000 million, just like your parents."

"A lot, isn't it too good?" Gu Anxi looked at the card over and over again: "Your second uncle hasn't married a wife yet, could it be his wife?"

Bo Xichen tapped her little head: "Nonsense."

Gu Anxi lay on her stomach and said inadvertently, "Bo Xichen, aren't you surprised? Your second uncle is so good-looking, why hasn't he been married?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "Aunt Bo Jin is not married either?"

"That's different." Gu Anxi's voice dragged on.

Bo Xichen frowned: "What's different?"

Gu Anxi smiled wickedly: "Because Aunt Bo Jin has me!"

Bo Xichen admired her thick skin very much, she was invincible...


The Bo family is lively and lively, but the Gu family's life is not easy.

After dinner, after Gu Yuanshan made several phone calls, he became a little restless.

Shen Congwen whispered: "What's wrong, Mr. Gu?"

Gu Yuanshan walked over to close the study door, turned around and paced back and forth for a while, and then said: "Something serious happened!"

Shen Congwen was shocked: "What made Mr. Gu panic like this?"

Gu Yuanshan paused: "Just now, both the Chu family and the Jiang family called, saying that they might not be able to attend this year's banquet."

Shen Congwen thought for a moment: "Did you use the word 'possible'?"

Gentle as Gu Yuanshan couldn't help being rude, "These bastards are so smart. If you don't talk about it, it means that they won't participate if the Bo family doesn't come. Think of me as a fool."

Shen Congwen hurriedly said: "Is there no other way? If the three families don't come, how will the Gu family gain a foothold in the future?"

"That's what I mean!" Gu Yuanshan was very anxious, and then he coughed lightly: "Congwen, the Gu family is the second family in Beicheng after all, so they don't have any appeal at all?"

He doesn't believe it, and he doesn't believe it even to death.

Shen Congwen didn't dare to say.

The Bo family is a family with a lot of power. He thought it was wrong for Mrs. Gu to do that, but Shen Congwen is only Mr. Gu's assistant.

Now, isn't this a slap in the face?

Gu Yuanshan didn't have a good plan for the time being, so he called Tang Yuan to discuss it, and complained a few words.

With tears in her eyes, Tang Yuan sat silently by the side...

Gu Yuanshan paced back and forth, and finally decided on a solution, "That's it, I will have the cheek to beg Bo Nianyao myself!"

Shen Congwen reminded from the side: "Mr. Gu, it's almost [-] o'clock now, Mr. Bo is probably resting."

Gu Yuanshan almost lost his composure: "No matter how late you have to ask, Bo Xichen will leave for Qingcheng tomorrow morning. If you don't come back on the fifth day of the new year, our Gu family's plan will become an empty plan! Isn't everything over?"

He waved his hand: "I will ask for it myself."

Just saying this, an old but threatening voice sounded: "You beg? Gu Yuanshan, what are you begging for? Do you have a conscience that was eaten by a dog?"

The people in the study were stunned and couldn't help but look towards the door.

Beside the door, Gu Ning supported an old lady and stepped into the door of the Gu family...

 Aww~~~Grandma Chen will teach how to behave online tomorrow~~It will be a blast~~~Ask for a monthly ticket~~Good night babies!



(End of this chapter)

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