Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 343 Let You See How Great Uncle Bo is!

Chapter 343 Let You See How Great Uncle Bo is!

When he arrived at the banquet hall, Mr. Wang was worried, how should he sit in this seat?

It stands to reason that he is an elder, and his status should be the main position here. If Brother Lin came over, they still need to be humble, but how to arrange for the young man in front of him?

After thinking about it, Mr. Wang sat in the main seat by himself, and this young man sat beside him.

Wang Keru sat next to her on the other side, suddenly surpassing the status of son and daughter-in-law, while Gu Anxi sat next to Bo Xichen.

The eldest brother of the Wang family came over and said softly, "Dad, those guests can't wait any longer, and some of them are people we can't easily offend. Look..."

Mr. Wang squinted his eyes and coughed lightly: "No, Brother Lin must be unhappy."

Bo Xichen said lightly, "No! The guests have already waited, why don't we start the table first."

But Mr. Wang still dared to offend, so he dragged on for a while, but he didn't expect Lin Yuan to come very fast, and those who didn't know thought he came by a helicopter.

Lin Yuan was in his fifties, born extremely gentle, and cared for him like he was in his 40s.

He hurried over with his secretary, quickly looked around the main seat, and came over precisely: "Young Master Bo, I'm late, offend me."

Holding Bo Xichen in his hand, respectfully.

Unexpectedly, he ignored the hand that Mr. Wang stretched out.

Bo Xichen stood up and smiled faintly: "It's good to have someone come, the old man has been waiting for you for a long time."

At this moment, Lin Yuan seemed to see Mr. Wang, and shook hands, "Oh, it's my fault that I got caught up in a trivial matter for a while. I punished myself with three cups to apologize to Bo Shao, and to Big Brother."

They were all people on the scene, and no one could tell at the moment that Lin Yuan's behavior was completely for Bo Xichen's sake, and it had nothing to do with the old man.

As for how to make amends to Big Brother, just listen to it.

Mr. Wang was also dumbfounded. He thought he had misheard on the phone before, but he didn't know that when the person came, he really made an apology.

Then what kind of background is his granddaughter and son-in-law?

What is it, just look at your brother Lin's attitude.

After Lin Yuan punished himself with three cups, Mr. Wang gave up his seat to Lin Yuan. How could Lin Yuan dare to sit on top of Young Master Bo?

He declined again and again, and sat beside Wang Keru.

All of a sudden, he was fascinated by Wang Keru again, he really looked much richer than the Wang family.

Now, look at Gu Anxi who is diagonally opposite!

Lin Yuan is an old fox in the GUAN field. He has a good eye for people, and at first glance, he knows that it is not easy for a little girl who can make Bo Shao look different.

Lin Yuan sat down, and then asked the secretary to present a gift, which was naturally very expensive.

Mr. Wang was satisfied, and his vanity was extremely satisfied.

But he is also a shrewd person, and he immediately saw that Lin Yuan's status was far below Bo Xichen, so in the future, he would not have to bow down to this little brother?

It means that his big brother can regain his prestige again?

Think beautiful!

People like Lin Yuan are very good at reading people's faces.

Being polite now is to look at Bo Shao's face. Afterwards, I must inquire about the relationship between the two parties. If the relationship is not very good, then I will not take the Wang family seriously.

It's a common thing in his circle to hold the high and step down.

At this time, the sister-in-law of the Wang family said a few witty words, "It seems that Lin Sheng and Anxi's boyfriends know each other, so we are all family."

Lin Yuan smiled charmingly.

Wang Keru also smiled: "Yes, it belongs to the whole family! My sister-in-law has to book a plane ticket for me, and she is worried that I won't be able to survive, so she wants to bring me the leftover vegetables."

She spoke lightly, and Mrs. Wang's face was particularly dark.

Mr. Wang glared at her quietly: "Things that are not enough to succeed are more than nothing to fail!"

Who is Lin Yuan?

There's nothing I don't understand right now!

He immediately understood that after today, the Wang family can no longer be in contact with each other, and he was angry with the business of daring to be less affectionate.

During this meal, Lin Yuan had both sides, but one of the central points was to turn around Bo Xichen, and to toast Bo Xi's wine, but Lin Yuan completely blocked it.

It turned out to be like... a subordinate.

Lin Yuan's secretary reminded softly: "Lin Sheng, you drank too much."

"This little wine is nothing!" Lin Yuan, who had already been to the bathroom twice, was in the best condition.

Just kidding, how can you show the slightest fatigue in front of Bo Shao, and show a little bit of being unable to cope with the situation?

Fortunately, Lin Yuan is really a high-ranking and powerful person, and after blocking him a few times, others dare not respect him anymore.

However, at a birthday banquet, the protagonist was quietly replaced.

After the banquet was over, Mr. Wang wanted to keep his daughter. The main reason was that Mr. Bo's identity was here, so he had to find out.

However, Lin Yuan was more active than him. Before the banquet was over, he arranged for Bo Xichen and his party to stay in a villa in a hot spring hotel...

Moreover, Lin Yuanji knew how to be a man, and after he made arrangements, he quit with the secretary and made an appointment with Bo Xichen for tea the next morning, so he didn't dare to disturb him too much.

When the person left, Wang Keru praised: "This Lin Yuan really knows how to be a man! He is impeccable in his actions and words."

Bo Xichen also smiled faintly: "In his position, he is indeed better than ordinary people."

Wang Keru was delighted: "But he still listens to you very much."

Bo Xichen smiled modestly: "It's for my father's sake."

Wang Keru looked at Gu Anxi, in his eyes: It's really good to have a good eye for picking men, and I can find all the face today...

At this moment, her cell phone rang, and it was actually a call from Mrs. Wang's wife.

Wang Keru took it.

The Wang family's sister-in-law was also forced by the old man, saying that he wanted her to apologize.

Wang Keru smiled lightly when she heard the sister-in-law's low tone.

I can't help but think of her faces two years ago when she went back to her natal family to beg——

It's really ugly.

Wang Keru's temper is also extremely strong, and there is some water in his eyes at this time, and some pain from being shocked by the past...

Gu Anxi leaned over, leaned against her, and called her mother in a low voice.

Wang Keru looked at her sideways, reached out to touch her small head, and then said to the sister-in-law of the Wang family: "I dare not let my sister-in-law admit your mistake, you have nothing wrong."

The sister-in-law of the Wang family couldn't say a word, Wang Keru said again: "I have forgotten the past, but the future...don't make things difficult for each other, sister-in-law, don't you?"

What Wang Keru meant was to walk on both sides of the avenue.

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

In my heart, I was indescribably relieved, and even wanted to cry.

However, with Anxi by her side, she felt that there was no need to cry.

She has such a daughter, why cry!

Over there, the sister-in-law of the Wang family is also a little confused, and the sister-in-law seems to have regained her previous strength, which is due to her weak power!

(End of this chapter)

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