Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 355 Disney bought the copyright of "The Big Bad Wolf" for 5 million yuan

Chapter 355 Disney bought the copyright of "The Big Bad Wolf" for 5 million yuan

When Gu Yuanshan went back, it was already around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Tang Yuan followed to the study: "Yuanshan, how is the situation?"

Gu Yuanshan gave his wife a consoling smile: "Don't worry, Fengmian has agreed and signed the contract. It's a bit expensive, but it can always give my daughter justice."

Tang Yuan nodded, "That's good."

Gu Yuanshan pulled his wife to sit down, "I happened to meet Zhou Yunchen when we were talking about things, guess what news I found out?"

Tang Yuan asked anxiously, "Is it related to Jing?"

Gu Yuanshan nodded: "That's right! Zhou Yunchen has Congwen's sympathy here, and he has already let go and said that he is willing to introduce Anpu's big boss, Yuanyuan, for us. At that time, you will have to deal with the situation."

When Tang Yuan heard this, she was a little reluctant.

She understands that this coping is to accompany someone to drink a glass of wine. In fact, her status is no longer suitable for this, and it is not good for her reputation to spread it. But at this time, not only Gu Yuanshan wants to win this cooperation, but Tang Yuan also wants to try to master it. The taste of the economic lifeline of Beicheng.

After thinking about it, I agreed.

After Gu Yuanshan drank some wine, he inevitably had some demeaning things...

At dusk, Tang Yuan pulled her hair down and went upstairs.

Gu Mingzhu is working hard, sitting in front of the computer and revising the script. This time, Tang Yuan spent 2000 million to hire a well-known screenwriter to guide her. The script of "Youth Pain" is really good.

Tang Yuan's eyebrows and eyes were still gentle, and she came over and patted her little daughter's shoulder lightly: "What did Director Nie say?"

"It's the final draft, and we'll start shooting after making sure there are no problems." Gu Mingzhu said calmly, as if what happened last night didn't affect her at all.

Because she knew very well in her heart that Huang Mao didn't do anything to her at all, it was just first aid, and she wanted to sue Huang Mao simply because she didn't like it, and later she found out that it was Gu Anxi's friend, and she wanted to sue Huang Mao.

So this matter has no shadow in Gu Mingzhu's heart, she is still her writer and screenwriter, and a grassroots like Huang Mao deserves to go to jail.

Tang Yuan was also very happy to see that she was in good condition, and said something that Gu Yuanshan had just said.

Gu Mingzhu also secretly hoped that their Gu family could win Jing's agency rights, so that everyone would look at them with admiration. It is unknown whether the Gu family and the Bo family will be evenly matched at that time.

At that time, there will probably be nothing to do with Gu Anxi. When her movie is released, all eyes in Beicheng will be focused on Gu Mingzhu alone.

Tang Yuan warned again: "In short, no one is allowed to say anything about this matter, just stick to it, understand?"

"I know." Gu Mingzhu smiled faintly.

Tang Yuan said softly: "Then you are busy, you go and ask the kitchen to cook some tonic for you."


At Siyuan, Gu Anxi was on the phone, and the other party was Huang Mao.

Don't ask Huang Mao why he can have a mobile phone, because he said hello...

Huangmao's condition is particularly good, "Don't worry, Boss, I live here in a standard room with a TV. It's quite comfortable, and I won't have any problems staying here for a year."

Gu Anxi gnawed at the crystal pear, "Well, at most one month, the Gu family can't stand it anymore. At that time, I will ask Gu Mingzhu to personally apologize to you, and then you will come out again."

Huang Mao patted his leg: "Boss, really, that girl is so arrogant, will she apologize?"

"She has to apologize! It's good that we don't sue her for framing others casually." Gu Anxi smiled and said, "Zhang Niuniu, don't you feel pity for others?"

"No way, that girl is too vicious!" Huang Mao snorted.

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's good if you don't soften your heart! Don't lose the chain then, that will be the highlight moment in your life. The other party is the No. 1 Yuan in Beicheng who apologized to you humbly!"

Huang Mao spoke rough: "I don't care what kind of lady she is, in my opinion, she is the same as hundreds of women, and there is nothing special about her."

Only the eldest of his family is so majestic and the prettiest one when he is a woman.

Huang Mao wiped his nose, "Boss, I'm dead, I'm watching dramas."

Gu Anxi smiled, hung up the phone, and then accurately threw the crystal pear core into the trash can, who knew that someone came in halfway and hit someone violently.

It's not someone else, it's Bo Jin.

"Auntie, I'm sorry." Gu Anxi saw it, and immediately went to help Bo Jin wipe it off, looking like a dog.

Bo Jin scolded with a smile: "Three steps are too many for you!"

Gu Anxi smiled embarrassedly, and Bo Jin knocked her on the head, so she didn't bother with her: "Zai Zai, come and see the conditions offered by Disney."

Speaking of putting a draft contract in Gu Anxi's hands, Gu Anxi took it, read it from beginning to end, and then said: "The conditions are very good, and the copyright fee is quite high."

Bo Jin smiled, "Yes, the copyright fee of [-] million is considered very sincere. What do you think?"

Gu Anxi hesitated, "I only have two requirements. One is that I must be the chief screenwriter, and any changes to the plot must go through me. The other is that the distribution company in China must be Xinli Culture."

Bo Jin frowned: "Xinli Culture, is there anything special?"

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "I bought a listed company."

Bo Jin understood it all at once, and admired for a long time: "It's really you, the movie is a big hit, and the shares of this company have risen all of a sudden, and they are making a lot of money."

Gu Anxi smiled, and picked up another pear to chew on.

Bo Jin squinted at her: "You kid eats so much at night and you won't be afraid of spoiling your stomach."

He touched his arm again: "Eat so much and still be so skinny."

Gu Anxi: Hmm...can I say the reason?

Bo Jin was beaming, "After signing the contract, I'll hold a press conference for you to make a good impression."

Gu Anxi didn't refuse, the movie still needs to be promoted, but it's still early.

She seems to remember that Gu Mingzhu's movie is about to be filmed, and the director Nie, who is well-known in the industry, is invited, and the male and female protagonists also have online acting skills... Gu Mingzhu must be very proud at this time.

Gu Anxi doesn't like to compare with others, and she doesn't bother to compare with others, but it doesn't mean that she will suffer when others step on her. When necessary, she will step back.

Bo Jin stayed for a while and went back to her own residence. Bo Xichen came out from the study, "Have you been here, aunt?"

Gu Anxi hummed, "I've been here."

He walked straight over, took a look at the contract in her hand, and then smiled: "It's promising!"

Gu Anxi groaned, "It's okay."

Bo Xichen put the contract aside, rubbed her hair and said solemnly: "I'll take a shower first, and I'll reward you later."

Gu Anxi's face was a little red, and he said dully, "Uncle, you don't really need it."

"I feel...needed." He smiled, ruffled her hair and went to shower.

(End of this chapter)

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