Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 357 Close the net!Start repairing the Gu family couple

Chapter 357 Close the net!Start repairing the Gu family couple

Half a month passed.

Fengmian's materials were sent up and formally prosecuted.

Before that, he asked Gu Yuanshan and his wife again if they really sued.

The answer is decisive.

OK, sue.

This matter is also carried out quietly, because it concerns Princess Gu's reputation...

Everything seems to be in the hands of the Gu family, and the Bo family doesn't seem to care too much, which gives people an illusion that the Bo family doesn't value Gu Anxi very much, otherwise why would Feng Mian bring this lawsuit? ?

A few days before school started, Gu Mingzhu was in a very good mood.

Her "Youth Pain" has finally started. At the press conference, the film crew also deliberately wanted to attract fans, saying that the theme song was sung by Chu Ci.

Gu Mingzhu has this self-confidence. Both the Chu family and the Gu family belong to the same four families, and the Gu family ranks at the top. Chu Ci will not stand up and clarify...

But when it was still on the hot search, Chu Ci posted a Weibo, which exploded all of a sudden——

[Decided to dub for a new Disney movie, nothing else. 】

This is tantamount to denying singing the theme song for "The Pain of Youth", and also promoting Disney's new movie. Everyone is wondering which princess story Disney's new movie is about...

Gu Mingzhu dialed a call to Chu Ci: "Brother Chu Ci, which movie do you want to act in?"

Chu Ci glanced at it, threw the phone to the manager, and played games with his sister.

The manager was very polite: "Miss Gu, this is a commercial secret, I can't say you know it too."

Gu Mingzhu still wanted to test it out, but was dismissed with a few words by the veteran in the workplace.

After the manager hung up the phone, he returned the phone to Chu Ci, and complained a little: "It's fine if you're a fan, now that we've clarified, I'm ashamed to come and question you, you must be sick!"

Chu Ci was still playing video games, staring at the screen, and murmured: "Yeah, it's a sickness, the sickness of a spoiled princess at home."

Chu Yan interrupted: "Anxi is more favored in the Bo family now, and she is not spoiled. It is a congenital disease born with Princess Gu."

Chu Ci looked helplessly at his sister, exchanged glances with his manager, and smiled.

After the manager left, Chu Ci couldn't move anymore, and threw the phone away, "Doesn't your family love you or does your brother not love you?"

She stretched out her hand and pulled Chu Yan over, and she just lay in his arms...

Chu Yan attacked wildly with one hand, and patted him hard with the other: "You little weak chicken! Watch me kill it, kill it!"

Chu Ci rolled her eyes, pushed her aside in disgust, took a pillow and hugged her in her arms.

Chu Yan played the game all the way to the end, only then did she realize that her brother had a black face, as if the whole world owed him a girlfriend.

Chu Yan moved over like a dog, "Are you angry again? Didn't I mean you are a weak chicken?"

He glanced at her sideways, his eyes were cold and sour.

Inevitably, Chu Yan stooped down again, beat her back and legs, and Chu Ci's face turned slightly better.

After Chuyan Caihong farted, she hugged his arm and watched TV together contentedly.


After the press conference over there, Gu Mingzhu still made a splash, because Director Nie emphasized that her copyright fee was 2000 million.

2000 million!

Gu Mingzhu is only 20 years old.

Tang Yuan made people immediately create momentum, and it was on the headlines, such as writers with tens of millions of beautiful women, beautiful people, and so on.

For a while, it was really very lively and the limelight was very strong.

Tang Yuan went upstairs with the newspaper, while Gu Mingzhu was mixing incense, Tang Yuan's voice was a little excited: "Mingzhu, you see that the headline here is all about you."

Gu Mingzhu is quite young, but she is quite calm: "It is expected."

Tang Yuan came from a bad family background, she was good-looking when she became Mrs. Gu, and she couldn't help feeling angry in the Gu family. Her only hope was her daughter. At this moment, she was very pleased to see her daughter's demeanor: "Mingzhu, you have to work hard, you are much better than your mother."

"I will be my mother." Gu Mingzhu said lightly.

Tang Yuan still had a bit of happiness in her heart. The Pearl movie was a big hit. If she got Jing's agent again, the situation would be completely different.

At this moment, Tang Yuan thought of something, and hurriedly went down to discuss it with Gu Yuanshan.

Gu Yuanshan was talking to Shen Congwen, Tang Yuan pushed the door in and said softly, "Yuanshan, I have something to discuss with you."

Gu Yuanshan nodded: "Tell me, Congwen is not an outsider."

Tang Yuan sat down and said, "That's it. Gu's Purchasing Department went to Anpu Company to pick up greens today. The person in charge said that their manager was not there and he couldn't make the decision, so they couldn't sell them to us."

Gu Yuanshan frowned: "Is there such a thing?"

Tang Yuan immediately said: "What I mean is, how about you say hello to Zhou Yunchen and get the urgent need for next month first, and then we can talk about agency matters later."

Gu Yuanshan patted the armrest: "Okay, this matter cannot be rushed!"

So Shen Congwen asked Zhou Yunchen to have dinner, not only for the 2000ML next month, but also for the agency.

Although Shen Congwen was unwilling and clear about it, he had no choice but to do so.

Just as Shen Congwen left, Gu Ning came, looking at the expression on his face, it was not easy to dismiss.

Tang Yuan also knew that she came for Jing, and with Zhou Yunchen as her backer, she naturally had the confidence to fight against this arrogant sister-in-law, so she sat down and drank tea calmly.

Gu Ning was not angry and arrogant, "Brother, I have no objection to you handing over the purchasing department to Tang Yuan, but AMP is now directly refusing to supply the goods. I would like to ask if Tang Yuan, the manager, is not in the company, and there is no one Reasonable explanation, is this about to resign?"

Tang Yuan smiled: "I'm discussing with your elder brother, Gu Ning, don't worry too much, I can get the things tomorrow, I'm not as hardworking as you said, why do you have to complain again and again, it seems that I only get a salary Do nothing."

Gu Ning sneered: "Okay, if you say you can get it tomorrow, then I will believe you once. But what if you can't get it tomorrow?"

Tang Yuan also believed in Zhou Yunchen very much in her heart, and she was full of confidence: "Then I will quit as a manager."

"Okay, that's what you said." Gu Ning turned to look at Gu Yuanshan: "Brother, don't be partial when the time comes."

Gu Yuanshan reprimanded: "What are you talking about! Anyway, it's your sister-in-law. Gu Ning, you should also pay attention to your words. I have almost opened up the upper and lower joints of Anpu Company, and I will wait for the final effort. We will work hard for this moment. Do people still beat their own family?"

Gu Ning was suspicious: "Anpu Company? Brother, have you connected with Anpu Company?"

Gu Yuanshan couldn't help being a little proud, then looked at his wife, and gave up the credit: "It's your sister-in-law's credit, she introduced Zhou Yunchen, who is very honest and reliable."

Tang Yuan was quite proud of herself at this time, and she was quite satisfied with her husband's support for her, so she added: "This matter will never get dirty, Gu Ning, you can go back and wait for the good news at ease!"

(End of this chapter)

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