Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 368 Still like a little girl, angry again!

Chapter 368 Still like a little girl, angry again!

Gu Yuanshan was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth in a low voice: "Is it because that person once gave her a cake? She reciprocated like this."

Ruo Ruo, the child is always under their knees, so what kind of situation is that?

It must be a long-term favorite, and he loves and is very proud of the child.

This child, like Changqing, is really capable.

Mingzhu, Mingzhu is actually pretty good too, but she was misled by Tang Yuan...

Shen Congwen didn't say a word, it was inappropriate for him to say anything about Mr. Gu's family affairs.

After he left Gu Yuanshan's place and returned to his residence, he paused for a moment in the corridor before opening the door. The high-end apartment was dark and dark. He seemed to see a person sitting there drinking tea, but he turned on the light... …

The sofa was empty.

Shen Congwen slowly closed the door, walked over, sat down and leaned on his head, for a long time, sighed faintly...


Early the next morning, Gu Anxi drove to Beicheng University. When the car stopped, he saw Gu Mingzhu getting out of the family car. His face was not very good. When he saw Gu Anxi, he didn't look much and left quickly.

Of course Gu Anxi didn't care. In the early spring weather, she finally changed into a thinner padded jacket, which was still a looser version——

Uncle Bo picked it for her.

When she went to school, he wore loose clothes for her. Of course Gu Anxi was aware of this dark thought, but she didn't care too much.

I just arrived in the big classroom, and I heard the students faintly mention that Gu Mingzhu's "Youth Pain" was launched today, and Gu Anxi was still drinking Uncle's soy milk, and almost spit|sprayed it...

Looking at Gu Mingzhu just now, it was a little painful!

After listening for a while, she lost interest in listening, and opened her notebook to draw comics——

It took her one class to complete the drawing, and she swiped Weibo. "Youth Pain" became a hot topic on the phone, and it was quite popular, but there were also some drafts that pulled her "Big Bad Wolf", saying "The Pain of Youth" has been made into a film and television, and "Big Gray" is still just a manga, so it is not as good as "The Pain of Youth"...

In the final conclusion, the Pearl of Zeshi is still the Pearl of Zeshi, and its status cannot be shaken by ordinary people.

Gu Anxi looked at it, and then thought about Gu Mingzhu's expression today, it was a little bright.

Probably because of Tang Yuan's admonition, Gu Mingzhu restrained herself a lot in Beicheng University, her taste improved a lot for a while, and with the drama's promotion, she gained the limelight for a while.

Then, taking advantage of the trend, she launched a new product of Gu's perfume brand 'Elegant' series, which sold very well...

Although Tang Yuan was taken away by Gu Yuanshan, she still had some close friends in the Gu family. After learning about the results, she was very satisfied and gratified. In addition, she put in a lot of effort by blowing the wind beside Gu Yuanshan's pillow...

Firstly, Gu Yuanshan still loves his daughter dearly, and secondly, because of the past, he must have a loving heart again, thinking that his youngest daughter is equally outstanding.

However, he hoped that the relationship between Gu Mingzhu and Gu Anxi could ease up a bit. After all, they are sisters, so it's not good to be too nervous...

So in the study room, there was a conversation with Shen Congwen: "This time around the banquet, let's handle it properly. Even if Anxi doesn't come back, let people see how the Gu family treats her politely."

Holding a clear flower cup, he paced back and forth in the study, and finally waved his big hand as if he had decided on something, and said bluntly: "Congwen, you can handle this matter, from living to eating, you are like a pearl, We can't make Anxi feel that she is different from Mingzhu."

At this moment, like a father who wanted to make amends, he listed many items, all of which were genuinely caring for Gu Anxi, and when he said one, Shen Congwen agreed.

Finally, Gu Yuanshan thought for a while, "By the way, Congwen, since that Mr. Zhang is here, Zhou Yunchen, Mr. Zhou, please invite him too. Please don't neglect yourself."

Shen Congwen was a little shocked.

Gu Yuanshan looked at him, "Why, is there a problem? In the end, Mr. Zhou must have put a lot of effort into this matter, and he is someone close to Anxi, so let's get closer and maybe a few words from him to Anxi will be very helpful!"

Gu Yuanshan has a compassionate heart on the one hand, and on the other hand, he still believes in the divination theory. Once the 'dragon and phoenix among men' was figured out, he looked at Gu Anxi and felt that there was a halo blessing...

Seeing that he persisted, Shen Congwen couldn't say anything, so he agreed.

Gu Yuanshan said again: "Looking at the text, Changqing's business is doing very well, Mingzhu's film and perfume businesses are also very good, not to mention Anxi, who is blessed with various auras at a young age and is a big boss... I just want May the three brothers and sisters be harmonious, and the Gu family will prosper."

Shen Congwen just smiled and said nothing.

Gu Yuanshan also smiled: "Okay, just for this matter, you quickly invite Mr. Zhou, he also misunderstood us a lot about the previous matter, but fortunately, it's all cleared up now, and you should walk around with him more in the future Walk around, Zhou is always knowledgeable and interesting, and he has a lot of friends outside, so he can take you out and maybe help you introduce girlfriends!"

Gu Yuanshan was in a very good mood, and even made fun of his subordinates: "Congwen, speaking of which, you are 28 or 9 years old. It seems that you haven't had a girlfriend yet. Take advantage of this banquet to see which girl is good. Look at her." I'll make peace with you."

Shen Congwen quickly said: "Mr. Gu, I have no such plan yet."

"How can this be done?" Gu Yuanshan pretended to be sullen, "When a man starts a family, Congwen, your career will be very good now."

As he said that, he even laughed: "Okay, I won't force you, maybe you have someone you like! You are an introverted child, and you won't tell if you have someone you like."

Shen Congwen smiled, "Not yet."

Gu Yuanshan joked: "Really not?"

Shen Congwen smiled wryly, "Mr. Gu, stop making fun of me."

Gu Yuanshan patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, you can handle your own private affairs! It's getting late, go home early and rest."

Shen Congwen nodded and drove home.

When he arrived at his apartment, he sat down and took out his mobile phone to find Zhou Yunchen's number, he hesitated for a while before dialing——

He and Zhou Yunchen haven't seen each other since that day, and it seems that it has been less than half a month.

The phone was dialed, and the voice over there was a little hoarse, as if he was awakened from sleep: "Shen Congwen?"

Shen Congwen cleared his throat: "It's me."

Zhou Yunchen sat up slightly: "What's the matter?"

Shen Congwen was a little sleepy, and he whispered for a while: "Next month, Mr. Gu wants to invite Mr. Zhou to the banquet."

Zhou Yunchen just smiled: "Can you bring your family?"

Shen Congwen was silent for a moment: "Let's see Mr. Zhou's own opinion!"

Zhou Yunchen looked very surprised: "Congwen, you don't even ask me about my girlfriend? You see, I care about you so much, but you seem so heartless, and you keep calling me Mr. Zhou."

Shen Congwen was a little annoyed, so he hung up the phone directly.

Then he was puzzled and deleted Zhou Yunchen's phone number... This person is really disgusting!

(End of this chapter)

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