Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 382 My Uncle Is Jealous!The consequences are serious!

Chapter 382 My Uncle Is Jealous!The consequences are serious!

However, Fang Ming said softly, "Sorry, I have a girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the grove with Wang Qin in his arms, a little anxious.

Gu Mingzhu froze here, she couldn't believe she was rejected.

Fang Ming had been fond of her for two or three years, but... he changed it when he said it!

Over there, Fang Ming couldn't wait any longer. The boy tasted the sweetness that night when he was full of blood, and now he wants to exercise his right to be a boyfriend...

Wang Qin couldn't make money, so he could only let him bully him.

However, after a long time, she found to her surprise that Fang Ming was good-looking, and he smelled good, with a very sunny breath...

She responded unsatisfactorily, and in exchange for Fang Ming's more bullying.

Fang Ming and Wang Qin, the iron plank was firmly established, and Beicheng University had been discussing it all day long.

In the end, it was Gu Anxi who proposed to return the name of the school grass to Fang Ming, and the whole school agreed unanimously based on the relationship.

The school grass is still Fang Ming, the school flower is still Gu Mingzhu, but other things have long been different.

There is a legend circulating in Beicheng University that young college students have great energy! ! !

Gu Mingzhu is all about face, she has never had any interest in Fang Ming, at most it is just a good impression.

Although she was angry about this, she still focused on her film career. After the film was screened and the box office came out, she would blow the wind in front of Director Fang, Mrs. Fang... At that time, it would not be like this now.

Fang Ming will definitely regret his choice.


There are quite a lot of people who eat melons, and Gu Anxi is one of them.

My uncle has been on a business trip for the past two days, sometimes Bo Jin will see her off, and sometimes Bo Qing will also see her off.

She was still sweating from playing basketball that day. When she left the school gate, she saw her second uncle's car parked there. She got in and said, "It's so hot."

As he spoke, he unscrewed a bottle of water to drink, but it was quickly taken away and replaced with a bottle of normal temperature: "Don't drink ice water."

Gu Anxi was taken aback: "Second Uncle, you don't care if my uncle is not here!"

How delicious the ice water is!

If it was Bo's father, she would have acted like a baby, but she was not ashamed if it was Bo's second uncle.

Although the second uncle is also an elder, but he is only in his 30s, he still has to avoid suspicion.

Bo Qing opened the lid for her, and smiled faintly: "Xi Chen asked me to look at you, saying that you have many bad habits."

Gu Anxi made a grimace, and drank half of the bottle in one go.

Bo Qing started the car and said softly, "Your Bo father and Bo mother are not at home for dinner. Aunt Bo Jin told me to take you out for dinner. What would you like to eat?"

Gu Anxi let out an ah, and then thought about it carefully: "I want to eat Hunan cuisine."

Boqing smiled slightly, and agreed, the car turned a corner and took her to a well-known Hunan restaurant.

As luck would have it, there he met acquaintances, who were also very respectable people, a man and a woman.

So they shared the table, Gu Anxi and Boqing sat on one side, and the other side sat on the other.

Gu Anxi could tell at just one glance that the 27-year-old professional female elite liked Uncle Bo, and his eyes fell on her from time to time to size him up. Finally, he couldn't help asking: "Vice President Bo, this is..."

Looking at Gu Anxi tenderly, he smiled and said, "A junior in the family."

The female elite is a little relieved: It's the younger generation!

However, this junior is too good-looking, and Boqing is very special to her, taking care of her all the time, looking very natural... She doesn't look like an ordinary junior, but has an indescribable meaning in.

The female elite pryed a few more words, and then she opened her mouth tenderly: "It's Xichen's fiancée."

Ah... the female elite looked at Gu Anxi in the wrong way.

A person as cold and cold as Boqing actually took her out to eat, which shows how much this girl is favored by the Bo family, but she is also relieved, and she is flattering Gu Anxi both openly and secretly.

Gu Anxi was as shrewd as a little monkey, so she couldn't tell. When she got back, she just got into the car and said, "The one named Anna just now looks pretty."

Give her a flirtatious look: "It's not the kind of relationship you think."

"She likes Second Uncle very much, and even gave me a gift." Gu Anxi confessed honestly.

Gu Qing was taken aback for a moment, then laughed: "What did I get you?"

"A bottle of perfume. It is said to be very useful." Gu Anxi took it out and sprayed it like a child.

It smells good.

The fickle complexion changed slightly, sighed, and drove the car back.

The car just arrived at Siyuan, and saw Bo Xichen, who was supposed to have a special plane at [-] o'clock, come back early, and not long after getting off the car, he was asking someone to take the suitcase.

Boqing's fingers holding the steering wheel were slightly tight, but she stopped the car as if nothing had happened. As soon as the car stopped, Gu Anxi jumped off, and jumped onto Bo Xichen's back from behind like a little monkey: "Uncle !"

Bo Xichen took her off his back with a smile, pressed her into his arms and kissed her, "Where did you go before you came back?"

Gu Anxi hadn't seen him for two days, so he said obediently, "Bo's father and Bo's mother are not at home, Second Uncle took me to dinner."

Bo Xichen's eyes moved slightly, and he smiled slightly: "Did you thank Second Uncle?"

"Yes." She took the bottle of perfume and sprayed it on in front of Bo Xichen: "It was given by my second uncle's future girlfriend."

Bo Xichen hit her: "Don't talk nonsense."

Boqing also got out of the car and came over at this time, and said helplessly: "Xichen, please take care of her, you know Anna, an ordinary partner."

Bo Xichen pinched Gu Anxi's face, "Don't joke with your elders from now on."

Gu Anxi obediently grabbed his shoulders, "Why did you come back early?"

He glanced at her, but didn't answer. He just talked to Boqing, all about Yunxi Hospital.

After talking for about half an hour, it was over.

Before he had eaten, Gu Anxi accompanied him and ate a few bites.

Bo Xichen suddenly raised his eyes: "What did you eat with Second Uncle?"

"Hunan cuisine." She said honestly.

Bo Xichen just smiled, "I'll take you there next time."

She oh.

He added: "Don't bother the elders next time."

She gave another obedient oh, really a little slow.

Bo Xichen originally wanted to point it out, but after thinking about it, forget it.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't know, it's fine if she just has her heart on him, or if Anxi is aware of it and treats it as nothing, or treats him like an elder.

He rubbed his forehead and sighed, should we say she is slow, or her emotional intelligence is too high?

After dinner, the two walked towards the Lanshi together. They missed each other after two days of absence. In the deserted courtyard, they couldn't help but feel emotional...

After a long time, it was difficult to return to the orchid room.

Gu Anxi always felt that there was something wrong with Bo Xichen today, and he wouldn't be like this usually...

It wasn't until he came out of the shower that she thought: Uncle is jealous.

Bo Xichen wiped her hair, and threw a half-wet towel on her head, "Wipe it for me."

Gu Anxi knelt down and wiped his hair for him, while complaining: "You are not considerate at all!"

 Tomorrow at [-] o'clock noon, there will be another chapter~~Because I haven't written a rough one~~~Ask for votes~~Vote for Anxi's recommendation, vote for a red bean, and vote for a monthly ticket~~



(End of this chapter)

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