Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 384 Tonight, Zai Zai 1 must shine brightly!

Chapter 384 Zai Zai must shine brightly tonight!

Early in the morning, Gu Mingzhu went to Beicheng University early in the morning and received many blessings.

She was quite modest, "It's just an invitation."

The classmates were all envious, "Pearl, it's Disney, it's normal for a film to have tens of billions in the world."

Gu Mingzhu smiled: "I'm trying to get the female lead dubbing for this drama."

Didn’t you say that Chu Ci is the voice of the male lead? Tang Yuan meant to have her voice the female lead, and she was already thinking of a way. It’s best to ask Director Nie to introduce the Disney director tonight.

Gu Mingzhu still has some confidence, she has learned Chinese since she was a child, and her English is also very pure... If the pain of youth is a fire, and then she dubs a Disney movie, then she will be far behind her peers.

The four big families in Beicheng also want to eat incense, and business is very important.

No matter how good the car racing or chemistry is, Gu Anxi is not as high as global movies, and he still has to rely on art to get into the upper class.

Of course, Gu Anxi's paintings are pretty good, but her perfume brand Gu Mingzhu is also very successful.

Gu Mingzhu was a little proud, and when she heard that Gu Anxi didn't go to school, she felt that her career was her number one priority.

Over there, in the conference hall of the Genting Hotel in Beicheng, a signing ceremony was being held.

The president of Disney's Asia-Pacific region came to sign in person, and Gu Anxi sat across from him under Bo Jin's introduction.

The president, Mr. Robert, was a little surprised, "A very young girl."

And it's amazing.

He tried to communicate in blunt Chinese, while Gu Anxi just spoke pure French.

Because Mr. Robert was born in a French-speaking country, he was even more surprised: "French is very good."

Then I talked to Gu Anxi about signing the contract. Although Gu Anxi was young and spoke a non-native language, his words were gentle and did not lose his position...

The other party appreciates it very much!

Bo Jin always raised the corners of his mouth, especially proud.

At this time, Mr. Robert said to Bo Jin: "Is this your child?"

Because he saw Gu Anxi looking at Bo Jin with obedient and trusting eyes, which can only be done by family affection.

Bo Jin was taken aback.

Gu Anxi said mischievously: "I am her niece, my aunt is still single."

Mr. Robert couldn't help but take another look at Bo Jin. He is an attractive man in his 40s, and he is also single. His wife passed away many years ago and has never been married.

I met Ms. Bo Jin today, and I think she has a very good temperament. I thought she was Gu Anxi's mother, but I didn't know she was still single.

Bo Jin didn't think about it, and handled the signing of the contract in a businesslike manner, which made Robert appreciate it even more. Foreigners appreciate independent women.

After Gu Anxi signed the contract, Robert smiled: "At the same time as the banquet starts at eight o'clock tonight, I will tweet to announce the news. AN, I am very happy to have this cooperation with you."

Gu Anxi held out his hand, and then he and Bo Jin both left.

Instead of returning to Siyuan, he went directly to the penthouse suite of Genting Hotel, the one where Wang Keru lived.

Bo Jin took care of this matter single-handedly, took Gu Anxi to take a nap at noon, and in the afternoon, the styling team came over to do styling.

Sitting there putting on makeup, Gu Anxi whispered, "Auntie, just keep it simple."

Bo Jin went over and pressed her small shoulders, and smiled: "How can this be easy! You know that Disney's films are attracting worldwide attention, and there are many things that are popular in the entertainment industry. If you want to go, you have to be the most dazzling one."

Bo Jin is not a vegetarian either, she has long heard that Tang Yuan wants to win the Disney heroine dubbing pie, heh, with her, Bo Jin, how can she make her wish come true.

The manga was drawn by her family, so how could it be possible for others to be cheap.

She has already made a request with Mr. Robert that Gu Anxi will personally perform the Chinese and Western dubbing of Ms. Rabbit. Originally, Mr. Robert hesitated because of language problems, but now he has wavered.

Just short of a fire!

Therefore, Zai Zai must shine brightly tonight!

What Bo Jin prepared for her was a Chanel black classic dress. Her hair was just blown to keep the original look, and she wore delicate pearls on her ears.

After the styling came out, the stylists were amazed.

So amazing!

It can't be described by beautiful and beautiful words, it is amazing!

The one who shines brightest in the crowd.

It is also the most dazzling one among the stars!

Bo Jin also invited Chen Shu over to help Gu Anxi take a group of photos, which were posted on the "Marie Claire" e-magazine at [-] o'clock in the evening. For this, Chen Shu was really grateful to Bo Jin——

You know, this is heavy news tonight. With this group of exclusive photos, her position will be stabilized once again, and her style will be raised to the highest in the industry!

After Chen Shu finished shooting, he watched and watched again and again, feeling extremely satisfied.

She thought in her heart, if Gu Anxi was involved in the fashion industry, she would really be very serious.

This fashion expressiveness beats all actresses.

At this moment, Bo Xichen happened to come over early from get off work, and Chen Shu was also clever, so he immediately took him and Gu Anxi to take a few photos together...they really matched each other.

Chen Shu left contentedly and went about his own affairs.

Only now did Bo Xichen have time to appreciate Gu Anxi's outfit, "It's pretty good-looking."

With Bo Jin around, Gu Anxi was too embarrassed to act like a baby, and just leaned against him.

At this time, Bo Jin's cell phone rang, and it was Mr. Robert who invited her to drink coffee... Bo Jin didn't mean that at first, but wanted to give the junior a chance to be alone, so she agreed.

When she left, Bo Xichen escorted her aunt to the coffee shop, and then came back...

Gu Anxi was lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, and he hugged her with one hand.

"Uncle." She sat obediently, hugging his neck, very obedient.

Bo Xichen's voice was a little hoarse: "What should I do Gu Anxi, I don't want you to go out!"

It was rare for him to do this. When he realized that his second uncle had such thoughts for her, he chose not to hold back. Knowing that Fang Ming also liked her, he could restrain himself, but she went out in this body...

Bo Xichen whispered: "Gu Anxi, I'm actually a little sour."

She understands him a little bit. It's not that he doesn't care, but that he trusts and doesn't want to restrain her.

If you restrain her and lock her up to appreciate alone, she will not be the Gu Anxi he likes!

At the moment of deepest affection, she hugged him and said very milkyly: "Uncle, I only like you."

he smiles...

In fact, she has always known.

Knowing what Uncle Er was thinking, he just pretended not to know.

What a little creamer!

Bo Xichen didn't do anything, just hugged her and swiped his phone together, talking from time to time.The main reason is that she has already changed her clothes and put on makeup... It is really inconvenient.

On the other side, Bo Jin was chatting with Mr. Robert about work matters, but Tang Yuan came to check in early, and immediately saw Bo Jin drinking coffee with a French man.

(End of this chapter)

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