Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 395 The Patriarch Behind the Chu Family

Chapter 395 The Patriarch Behind the Chu Family

It was Jiang Chaoge who was more graceful, and smiled lightly: "Anxi is really good at both civil and military skills, Senior Brother Bo is really blessed."

Bo Xichen smiled as an answer, then made a gesture, and Gu Anxi came over and sat beside him, letting him wipe her sweat...

Bo Xichen's voice was slightly lower: "I thought's inconvenient today."

Gu Anxi's face was a little hot, "Bo Xichen!"

He laughed, but his voice was still low: "It's fine if it doesn't hurt."

Her face was still so hot that she sat beside him and took a drink and lowered her head to drink it.

Jiang Chaoge was talking to Bo Xichen, all of them were medical words, very professional.This obviously shows that she and Bo Xichen have a common topic...

Of course Gu Anxi can understand, but there's no need to interrupt the young lady's interest!

She held the drink, leaned against Bo Xichen obediently, and listened without a moment.

Anyway, my uncle belongs to her from body to heart...

Jiang Chaoge was quite confident, and there was something private in the conversation: "Brother Bo, I don't know if you have heard about the virus in City C?"

Of course Bo Xichen had heard about it.

However, he didn't intend to talk too much with the female doctor in front of him. Firstly, she was from the Jiang family, and secondly, she talked about this with him in private, which obviously had a personal purpose.

Involuntarily, he took a look at his little guy.

Gu Anxi blinked at him——

Uncle, just use your charm, the female doctor is about to rebel!

Bo Xichen read her meaning and patted her gently: "Don't be naughty."

Gu Anxi was obedient again.

Jiang Chaoge was 27 years old, and he was also very mature and rational. After a little trial, he realized that Bo Xichen had no intention of treating him, even if she sincerely threw herself into the city.

Since this is the case, she will try her best to do things for the family.

The ecological liquid has been developed, and she has also researched the extraction method of cyanine, and she will play it next.

Jiang Chaoge is very confident. She is indeed capable. She only regrets that she has not been able to exert herself because of her background. Now she finally has a chance...

Jiang Chaoge had a smile on his face: "Anxi is so good at riding a horse, so he must be good at archery too. Be merciful to my subordinates this afternoon."

Everyone present could tell that it was the afternoon of Jiang Chaoge's battle. Who in Beicheng didn't know that Jiang Chaoge was the best in archery and had even won the national championship.

The little girl Gu Anxi has ten talents, and she will probably lose in the competition this afternoon.

Unexpectedly, Gu Anxi smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give you the third ring."

This statement came out.

Jiang Chaoge was taken aback for a moment.

All the people present were also stunned.

Then they all felt that Gu Anxi was too confident?

You know, almost all Jiang Chaoge has ten rings, and rarely has nine rings.

Let Sanhuan, this is an international joke!

Even Bo Xichen lowered his head: "No problem?"

Gu Anxi took a sip of his drink, then glanced at Bo Qing, and then slowly said: "It should be fine!"

Boqing met her gaze and smiled: "Anxi said that there is no problem, so there should be no problem."

Mrs. Bo's face is full of joy: I can see the highlight moments of their family again!

The corner of Bo Nianyao's mouth raised slightly, showing an indescribable pride.

The other families are not convinced, why is everything from your family, Gu Anxi!

I can't believe it, it's so clever!

During lunch, when Gu Mingzhu was taking the meal, she saw Gu Anxi and smiled: "Jiang Chaoge is the national archery champion, do you know that?"

"I know now." Gu Anxi stared at the food: "Thank you for reminding me!"

Gu Mingzhu was a little angry, but Gu Anxi seemed to be full of confidence!

No matter how angry she was, Gu Anxi would ignore her and went to find Wang Qin and Chu Yan with food.

Jiang Chaoge walked over at this time, and smiled: "Mingzhu, why are you angry?"

Princess Gu glanced at her: "Jiang Chaoge, although I don't like you very much, I still hope you win."

Jiang Chaoge held the goblet and smiled slightly: "Of course."

Of course she will not lose, she is a national champion and has never had an opponent.

Over there, Gu Anxi concentrated on eating.

Wang Qin looked worried, even Chu Yan came over, "Anxi, can you do it?"

Gu Anxi raised his eyes, "You are asking the wrong person!"

Chu Yan let out an ah.

At this time Chu Ci sat over and knocked on his sister: "What are you talking about?"

Seeing the big star, Wang Qin's eyes sparkled...

Gu Anxi smiled sullenly, "Chu Yan, ask again."

Chu Yan hit Gu Anxi with her small fist, just for fun...

On the other side, the adults were together, and Tang Yuan looked worried as she watched the commotion over there.

She whispered to Gu Yuanshan: "Yuanshan, Anxi, she always... can't support the big scene."

Gu Yuanshan glanced at her, and said softly: "You are just worrying! Just take care of Mingzhu's affairs. Anxi has Bo's family to teach."

Tang Yuan pursed her lower lip, but said nothing.

Gu Yuanshan also felt that he seemed to be a little harsh on his wife, so he coaxed him: "After two days of dinner, everyone will be well-dressed, and Mingzhu can also show off her talent, aren't you happy?"

Seeing that her husband was in a good mood, Tang Yuan stepped up her efforts: "You still have a pearl in your heart?"

Gu Yuanshan put his arms around his wife and coaxed: "Of course I have! Stop making trouble, and when I accomplish something big, you and Mingzhu will not treat me badly."

Thinking of what she overheard that day, Tang Yuan was half relieved, and she was even more obedient to her husband at the moment, which cleared up the conflict between the two before.

In fact, Gu Yuanshan was a little hesitant before dealing with the Bo family... After all, he still has a child in the Bo family, so he would naturally be affected, but facing the strong temptation, he thought about it and decided to join the Jiang family camp.

He thought well, the Gu family used to be ranked second, if the Bo family is taken down, then the Gu family must be at the top...

During the noon break, Gu Yuanshan found Chu Changhe, the head of the Chu family, and discussed it secretly.

Probe, go deep, express the meaning bit by bit, that is, the boss takes turns doing it.

Chu Changhe was quite surprised, and immediately said in a low voice: "Should I think about it again, Nian Yao has been highly respected all these years, is it wrong for us to do this?"

Holding the teacup, Gu Yuanshan said politely, "Chang He, I know that you are soft-hearted, but you are willing to submit to others all these years?"

Chu Changhe smiled, "Brother Yuanshan thought of me, I am still very touched, but this is a big deal, and I can't make the decision alone."

Gu Yuanshan asked bluntly: "If you don't make the decision, then who can make the decision?"

Chu Changhe paused for a moment, and then slowly opened his mouth: "A year ago, something happened to the Chu family. Brother Yuan Shan, to tell you the truth, I am not in charge of the Chu family."

Gu Yuanshan was stunned, and then understood: "That's Chu Ci? Why, brother Changhe is ready to retire at such a young age?"

(End of this chapter)

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