Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 406 Cool!I'm a ruthless enemy machine

Chapter 406 Cool!I'm a ruthless enemy machine
She clenched her fist: "I'm very rich!"

"Lao Tzu?" He tilted his head, his ice-coloured eyes sparkled with amusement, "No foul language is allowed in the future."

The kitten groaned, hugged his waist and threw herself into his arms, "Thank you."

He smiled and patted her head, "You're welcome! Just be happy."

Gu Anxi groaned again, "I'm hungry."

He smiled: "I'm a little hungry too, but Ma'am, I'm very tired."

Gu Anxi said obediently: "I'll go to the hospital cafeteria to cook some dishes, you should go back and rest first.

Bo Xichen nodded, "I'll go to the laboratory building first."

Just when Gu Anxi was making the soup, Jiang Chaoge accidentally caught a cold and came over to get the medicine. He happened to meet Bo Xichen in the small laboratory building. Dr. Jiang was an indomitable girl.

Originally, after being beaten by Gu Anxi for a while, he should have retreated, but the girl's desire to win could not be held back.

She was also a little surprised why Senior Brother Bo suddenly appeared in Qingcheng.So when they met, they talked, and then followed into the small experimental building without any trace.

At the same time, the four masters were also junior sisters, and Bo Xichen was not very good at showing her face, so he treated her to a cup of tea as the landlord did, Jiang Chaoge hesitated: "Did Anxi come with Senior Brother Bo?"

"Come on, she's gone to the cafeteria." Bo Xichen smiled: "To buy food."

Jiang Chaoge was immediately taken aback. People like Brother Bo still eat in the cafeteria?
"Can't Anxi know how to cook?" Jiang Chaoge looked at this senior with concern, "You look so tired, how about I help you get some dishes."

Bo Xichen said no, Anxi bought it back in a while.

But the female doctor seems to have to show her own level, insisting on making two dishes.

Bo Xichen was very tired and didn't want to argue, so let her go.

When Jiang Chaoge went to the kitchen, he didn't even bother to lead the way. When she left, he sat on the sofa and fell asleep quietly.

Half an hour later, Gu Anxi came back with several wooden lunch boxes,
He seemed to wake up for a while, then dragged her into his arms, lowered his head...

Gu Anxi was a little stunned

But he didn't intend to let her go, and gradually she became obedient and obedient, leaning on his shoulder and letting him...

Just when the atmosphere was good, Jiang Chaoge came over wearing a small apron: "Brother Bo, is this bag raw powder?"

The voice did not fall, but the person was stunned.

The two on the sofa separated slowly, and Bo Xichen stroked his forehead: "I'm sorry Dr. Jiang, I forgot you were here."

Gu Anxi also had a dazed expression on her face, her small mouth opened wide: "Hey, did you invite auntie?"

She quickly corrected: "Sister Chaoge, I didn't mean you are an aunt, I just wonder how you cook here?"

At this time, it was definitely the darkest moment in Jiang Chaoge's life. There were no people inside and outside, and it was difficult to advance or retreat.

She originally wanted to show off her cooking skills, but she didn't expect to encounter this scene. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and said easily: "I happened to meet you. I heard from Brother Bo that you don't know how to cook, so I decided to make two dishes."

Bo Xichen smiled and didn't say anything.

Gu Anxi didn't understand, and sighed in his heart, what a pity!
Jiang Chaoge felt uncomfortable, and quickly went to the kitchen to calm down, but the scene of intimate entanglement was always engraved in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

She thought that senior brother Bo was naturally indifferent, and would not show much enthusiasm even in love, but the scene just overturned her thoughts.

He is very enthusiastic, looking at Gu Anxi with clear eyes, that is the look that a man will only have if he is extremely emotional.

Just thinking about that expression, Jiang Chaoge's legs felt a little weak...

Outside, Gu Anxi stroked Bo Xichen's handsome face with a dangerous voice: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

He closed his eyes and smiled: "I can't hide, I can only ask Madam to protect me."

Gu Anxi wanted to blow his hair: "Then you can't perform in public."

She thought that there were only the two of them here, and that's what happened, but Jiang Chaoge saw them all.

Bo Xichen closed his eyes, stretched out his hand to touch her small head, and murmured: "Anxi, I'll sleep for a while, you deal with her."

Gu Anxi groaned, and Bo Xichen got up and went into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Little creamer, another burst of distress.

But Dr. Jiang was heartbroken. She cooked the dishes and came out, but Bo Xichen was not there.

After hesitating for a while, she asked softly, "Where is Senior Brother Bo?"

Gu Anxi said very gracefully: "I haven't slept for almost [-] hours, and he went to catch up on sleep."

Jiang Ge was really embarrassed at this time. Bo Xichen hadn't slept for [-] hours, and she insisted on cooking here to disturb her. How ridiculous?

Gu Anxi arranged all the dishes and invited Jiang Chaoge to have dinner together, but Dr. Jiang no longer had any appetite and said he was not hungry.

"Aren't you hungry? How do you cook, Miss Chaoge?" Gu Anxi took a bite of Jiang Chaoge's cooking——

Well, it's so crispy and tender!

There is no good luck in this life!
She praised him generously, and Dr. Jiang's face turned greener, and he put on his coat and was about to leave.

When I left, I couldn't help but ask one more question: "You...are you living together?"

"That's right." Gu Anxi said openly.

Jiang Chaoge paused: "I mean, do you share a room?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "I sleep in Bo Xichen's arms every day."

The face of the female doctor is so exciting!

Finally left sadly.

When she reached the door, she lowered her eyes——

It will be different when the Jiang family surpasses the Bo family.

Therefore, she must bring up Jing, she and Gu Anxi are evenly matched...

Over there, Gu Anxi waited until Jiang Chaoge left and ran into the bedroom, but was pulled by a force just as he passed——


After a long time, she whispered, "Would you like to get up and have something to eat first?"

Bo Xichen closed his eyes, his voice was very hoarse, very sexy, "Go to sleep for a while!"

The little milkman complained a few words in a low voice, probably saying that he didn't take care of himself, that he was so sleepy and... like this!
But she also felt very distressed, and obediently stayed with him...

 There is another chapter to send before [-]:[-] pm~~ Send out the benefits first~~ Open the Alipay red envelope on your mobile phone-enter the password (Happy New Year, babies)-[-] [-] book coins, while stocks last~~We will also return during the Chinese New Year sent~~
(End of this chapter)

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