Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 413 Is Uncle 2 Really Happy?

Chapter 413 Is Second Uncle Really Happy?

When she spoke, she looked so weak: "Dad is awake, it's fine, and there is Mom."

She hugged his waist, "and uncle."

Bo Xichen patted her little head: "Did you miss me?"

She hummed, and pressed her small face against him: "I really want to."

Bo Xichen stayed with her for a while longer, and only picked her up after she recovered, "Okay, go wash your face, mom and dad are waiting for you to cook dinner."

Gu Anxi was picked up by him, and quickly put his arms around his neck: "Didn't we have dinner yet? What time is it?"

"Just a little." His voice was very gentle and gentle: "Go to sleep after eating."

She snorted, and obediently lay on his shoulder, just like the little girl.

Bo Xichen brushed her hair back, in love...

Later, I still couldn't hold back, and dialed an inside line to the dining room to let my parents eat first.

The reason is that Anxi hasn't woken up yet...

Both the Bo family and his wife are from the past, so there is something they don't understand!

Mrs. Bo's face was full of joy, and she asked the family's servants to deliver the food to the Lanshi hall in an hour, and don't disturb the people inside...

When people go down, Madam Bo will inevitably complain that her son is not considerate, Nianyao Bo smiled and joked, "Didn't we do the same when we were young, Madam has forgotten?"

Mrs. Bo blushed: "It's getting old, and it's not serious. It's a joke."

Bo Nianyao just smiled, "Madam is old, she is still like a young girl."

Mrs. Bo blushed and cast a glance, she was also very knowledgeable.

In the orchid room over there, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Anxi was leaning against Bo Xichen, having dinner together...

The little creamer said that she wanted to eat this for a while, and that for a while, and she really looked carefree for years.

After eating, I rested for an afternoon, and when I got up again, I was full of energy.

When Gu Anxi woke up, Bo Xichen went to Yunxi Hospital to deal with matters, so she got up by herself and went to Mrs. Bo's place to chat. She also brought a small gift for Bo's mother, and was anxious to present the treasure.

After running for a while, he met Bo Qing, Gu Anxi stood still, "Second Uncle."

Smiling affectionately: "Come back from Qingcheng?"

Gu Anxi said obediently, "Yes, Second Uncle."

Boqing looked at the things in her hand, "Is this brought back by Qingcheng?"

After a pause: "There is no second uncle?"

Gu Anxi whispered, "Bring it to Second Uncle next time."

Smiling tenderly: "I heard that you have done great things in Qingcheng, Second Uncle... is also very happy."

Gu Anxi seemed not in a hurry to leave, paused, and asked softly, "Is Second Uncle really happy?"

Smiling tenderly: "Of course."

Gu Anxi took a step forward, "Second Uncle, do you think individuals are more important than everyone else...I mean thousands of innocent people."

Smiling flirtatiously, he didn't answer.

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes: "Like the Jiang family, like the Gu family, disregarding the lives of others for the sake of selfish desires, does Second Uncle think it's right?"

Boqing looked down at the little girl and whispered: "If you think it's wrong, then it's naturally wrong."

Gu Anxi became happy again: "Thank you, Second Uncle."

"Just as long as you're happy." Boqing smiled gently, and then urged her: "Aren't you going to see your Bo mother? Hurry up."

Gu Anxi let out an oh, and ran over obediently.

Running, the corners of her eyes were a little wet, and she wiped them secretly.

Boqing just stood at the original place, watching quietly, until he couldn't see her, he lowered his eyes——

This way she will be happier!

At Bo's house, he had many chances to approach and get what he wanted, but he didn't do that, just because of... her.

That time she was seriously injured, she thought she couldn't survive, she cried and told him that she wanted to go back to Qingcheng.

He agreed.

He also thought that she couldn't survive.

However, she survived, and he trained her to become the top master...

He asked her to go home, but he never thought that she would meet Xi Chen in Qingcheng, and then entered the Bo family so quickly, calling him... Second Uncle.

Boqing stood silently for a long time before turning around and leaving gently.


Gu Anxi resumed school the next day. After school, he would visit his father in the hospital, and then go home with his uncle.

After a few days like this, there was a sudden hot search on the Internet——

WK Company is looking for partners to establish the largest production company in Asia.

This pie is huge. As we all know, WK Company is good at manufacturing all kinds of equipment, including medical equipment. The most advanced medical equipment is almost all produced by WK Company.

The Jiang family attaches great importance to this cooperation, and sent Jiang Chaoge, who is a doctor with a lot of knowledge, and is young and beautiful, and can get along well with Jack, the heir of the WK company.

Jiang Chaoge made contact, but the WK company representative didn't expressly refuse. The Jiang family's morale was greatly boosted, and they thought it was a good opportunity.

As long as the Jiang family wins WK, the medical resources will gradually be tilted towards the Jiang family. Although Jiang Bin is also under the control of others, he also has a bit of ambition in his heart. Like Gu Yuanshan, he is unwilling to be subordinated to others.

Jiang Bin still needs to guard against Gu Anxi, because Gu Anxi has cooperated with WK Company before, so he will do everything possible to prevent them from cooperating again...

Jiang Bin inquired about it. Jack is a flirtatious young man with a plan in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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