Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 420 Gu Changqing!The 2600 words he ate to death

Chapter 420 Gu Changqing!The [-] words he ate to death

Looking at Tang Yuan's expression, Ding Ning probably guessed what she was thinking.

She just smiled and didn't speak.

It was Tang Yuan who spoke, with a bit of resentment in her voice: "I guess there is a conflict with Anxi again. Mingzhu is a younger sister, and Anxi doesn't know how to give in."

Ding Ning lowered his eyes: "Anxi has suffered a lot, Auntie, you don't seem to feel sorry for her."

Tang Yuan froze for a moment, then smiled, and took a sip of coffee gracefully: "Isn't she doing well now?"

Ding Ning felt that there was no need to continue, so he raised his hand to look at his watch, and then silently waited for Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing was called by Gu Yuanshan to talk about things, and after about half an hour, he came out and glanced at Ding Ning: "Let's go."

Ding Ning and Tang Yuan nodded and got up, and got into Gu Changqing's car at the door.

They had an awkward fight for a while, but Ding Ning took the initiative to reconcile. Although she was very angry, she couldn't help it. She had liked him for a long time.

Ding Ning looked at Gu Changqing while fastening his seat belt.

Gu Changqing put her slender fingers on the steering wheel and smiled: "What's the matter?"

Ding Ning said softly: "Just now when Mingzhu came back, she looked very unhappy, as if she had another dispute with Anxi, and the way I looked at Auntie was obviously partial to Mingzhu."

Gu Changqing started the car, her eyebrows and eyes were a little cold: "It's not like she was like this the first day, but if you fight, let's fight, even if you fight to the death, you can't fight."

Ding Ning also smiled: "It's true, Anxi... I really can't tell, Jiang Chaoge was not her opponent last time."

Speaking of this, she thought of something: "Just now Tang Yuan mentioned that Jiang's Hospital is going to cooperate with WK. I don't know if you have heard of it."

Gu Changqing drove the car, and smiled sexyly: "Why haven't you heard of it? It's spread all over Beicheng?"

Ding Ning just looked at him.

Gu Changqing smiled, "That Jack is indeed a romantic man, and he also has a fiancée at home. There is no possibility of being with Jiang Chaoge."

"Then, will you cooperate?" Ding Ning asked in a low voice.

Gu Changqing's car stopped. It turned out that there was a red light in front of him. He propped his chin and smiled: "Can you still hear what a man says in bed?"

Ding Ning was taken aback for a moment, then he understood, and it was rare for him to ask: "How do you know him so well?"

Gu Changqing coughed lightly, "The last time he was in Beicheng, Anxi entertained him to spend money in Emperor Color. I know all about his special hobbies."

Ding Ning hurts his eyes: Anxi really knows what he likes.

Gu Changqing smiled again: "They are classmates in Cambridge, that guy Jack obviously likes Anxi, and he is eaten to death."

Ding Ning fell silent, leaning on the back of the chair and looking out the car window.

Gu Changqing smiled evilly: "Are you thinking that you will be eaten to death by me?"

She was unhappy and didn't want to talk to him.

Gu Changqing scratched her face with her fingers, and smiled: "Go out to eat or go to my place?"

Gu Changqing is considered a half gourmet, cooking is very good...

Ding Ning thought for a while, "Let's go to your place."

Gu Changqing said yes, but the eyes looking at her were particularly clear, and there was a certain meaning in it.

Later, the speed is faster.

When he arrived at the high-end apartment where Gu Changqing lived, he asked her to watch TV and went to the kitchen by himself.

Ding Ning flipped through the magazine for a while, feeling bored, raised his eyes and looked at Gu Changqing in the kitchen.

He took off his suit when he came back, and he wore iron gray trousers and a white shirt, which looked very good.

He is cooking, his back is facing.

Ding Ning is a standard Bai Fumei plus a strong woman, who can't cook, the kind who can't tell the difference between onion and garlic.

She went over and did nothing but hugged his waist from behind.

Gu Changqing said softly, "Eat first."

Her face was a little hot, "No..."

Then, the voice became softer: "Long Love... Are we really reconciled?"

Gu Changqing smiled slightly, "What do you think?"

He turned around and pulled her into his arms, a little intimacy was inevitable.

Ding Ning is very beautiful, with a standard oval face, good facial features and good temperament, and of course a very, very good figure, he likes it very much...

And they haven't been together for a long time. Although they reconciled after the conflict last time, they have never been together...

In the end, dinner was postponed until [-] o'clock in the evening.


The Gu family and Tang Yuan waited for Ding Ning to leave before going upstairs and pushing open the door of the study.

Gu Mingzhu was reading the script, when she saw Tang Yuan coming over, she let go of the script in her hand: "Mom."

Tang Yuan went over and sat down: "What's the matter Mingzhu?"

Gu Mingzhu smiled lightly: "It's nothing, I just had a quarrel with Gu Anxi, I'm fine."

"I knew it was her." Tang Yuan said softly, "Don't pay attention to her in the future."

Tang Yuan paused for a moment: "The Jiang family and WK Company have almost reached a conclusion. When the Bo family finds out that Gu Anxi is not that useful, they will naturally stop paying so much attention to her. Mingzhu, you can hold your breath."

Gu Mingzhu lowered her head, "I know."

She couldn't help but said again: "That Fang Ming, mom, you know that, right?"

Tang Yuan thought about it carefully, and smiled: "It's Director Fang's son, isn't it?"

"Yes." Gu Mingzhu bit her lip: "He is with the Wang Qin that Gu Anxi brought from Qingcheng."

Tang Yuan knew what her little daughter was thinking, and touched her: "It's impossible for them, they don't belong to the right household, so don't be angry."

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip: "I just can't bear Gu Anxi's way of protecting everyone, who is she, what kind of thing does she want to get involved in?"

Tang Yuan thought about it carefully, but her face was quite calm: "I will tell your father."

Gu Mingzhu pursed her lips tightly: "I didn't mean anything else, just...Fang Ming made me feel very embarrassed in Beicheng University today, and some of my classmates said ugly things."

She said it in detail, and Tang Yuan was very angry: "Why do these people say that!"

Gu Mingzhu whispered: "What did Gu Anxi say to Fang Ming, and Fang Ming treated me like that."

Tang Yuan comforted: "Mom knows, this time it's Gu Anxi and Fang Ming who went too far. Mom will let your father put pressure on Director Fang, and then communicate with Anxi so that she doesn't always trouble you."

Gu Mingzhu hummed softly.

Tang Yuan just went downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I told Gu Yuanshan this.

Gu Yuanshan stroked the teacup: "Are you serious about the things between the children? Besides, you asked me to talk to Director Fang, what should I talk about? He is not my kind at all and I don't care about it! Besides, whether others deserve it or not It's someone else's business, why do you care so much, or is Mingzhu willing to marry him?"

Tang Yuan was so blocked by the conversation that she couldn't utter a single word.

Seeing that it was almost done, Gu Yuanshan waved his hand, "It's alright, alright, let's just leave it at that, there are a lot of troubles lately, you can just settle the Pearl Movie business."

Tang Yuan hit a snag, so she was naturally very upset.

When she walked out the door, she thought about it and felt that she still had to work on Mrs. Fang.

It's not right to be in the right household, it's really not good.


Just when Tang Yuan was full of plans, Xiao Li, who was far away in Qingcheng, was appointed as the deputy director of the General Administration of Education, just one step away from Director Fang.

Xiao Li was so happy that he kissed the appointment again and again, and then told his wife: "Pack up your luggage, let's go to Beicheng."

Mrs. Li was also very happy, and kept saying, "An Xi is so capable."

Director Li, no, it was Deputy Director Li showing a sophistication: "Madam, how is my long-term deployment?"

Mrs. Li offered a sweet kiss, as happy as anything.

Xiao Li thought about it again: "You clean up here. I'll pick up Wang Qin's grandmother. We're going to Beicheng. Naturally, her old man is not at ease here. Besides..."

He thought about it carefully again: "Let's leave [-] yuan for Wang Qin's mother. After all, it's the person who gave birth to her. If you don't have any contact, you still have a way to survive."

Mrs. Li replied: "Yes, I heard that second-married men are very bad."

As for the details, the couple skipped over.

After one day of preparations, he departed for Beicheng the next day. As soon as he got off the plane, he saw Wang Qin rushing over: "Godfather and godmother, grandma."

It was the first time Wang Qin's grandmother took a plane, and she was very excited.

Now I was surprised to see Wang Qin pick up the plane with a pretty girl, and I heard that Wang Qin bought a house... It's not a big deal. When I arrived at the parking lot, the car was worth more than 1000 Wan's car made the old man refuse to get in it no matter what.

"This car is so expensive." Grandma Wang Qin touched it carefully with her hand, "It must cost hundreds of thousands?"

Gu Anxi leaned handsomely on the car door: "More than 1000 million."

Wang Qin's grandmother puffed her heart: "Oh my god, more than 1000 million... Wang Qin, what is the concept of more than 1000 million?"

Wang Qin whispered, "It's enough to buy ten houses in Qingcheng!"

Grandma Wang Qin: "I, my... Suyao Jiuxin Pill..."

 It’s late to write~~~Ahhh, tomorrow is still early at [-] o’clock in the morning, I will try my best to update it at once~~ The main thing is that these two days are too tight, babies, don’t run around! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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