Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 431 North City Version Su Daqiang!

Chapter 431 North City Version Su Daqiang!

After he finished speaking, Gu Anxi watched him quietly.

After about two or three seconds, she smiled slightly: "Second Uncle, I'm going to the hospital."

Feeling slightly startled, it seemed that the topic came to an abrupt end when she couldn't accept it.

For a moment, he lowered his eyes, "Okay."

Gu Anxi stared at him for another two seconds before leaving.

When she left, the wind blew, and the soap-colored robe on Bo Qing's body was slightly raised, which was in stark contrast to the white she was wearing today.

When she left, Boqing stood under the magnolia tree, petals blowing off.

That one caressed his forehead and smiled shyly...


Gu Anxi got into the car, smiled lightly, and then started the car.

But when the car started, she closed her eyes and sighed lightly.

The last thing she wanted was that person.


Gu Anxi took charge of Yunxi Hospital, and the news exploded in the hospital like an atomic bomb.

We all know that Gu Anxi is a student of Bo Xichen, but he is in charge of the most powerful Yunxi Hospital in the country, just kidding!

I heard that Gu Anxi only studied medicine for half a year!

If this is on the operating table, will it work?

There were a lot of voices talking in Yunxi Hospital, Gu Anxi didn't bother to pay attention, went to the uncle's office and changed into a white coat, looked at the documents that the uncle had read, but felt a bit charming when his fingers touched his heart.

On this, there is probably the temperature left by my uncle...

She couldn't help but sent a WeChat message: "Are you going to take off?"

It took about 5 minutes before he replied: "Well, it will take off soon."

Gu Anxi didn't turn back, and looked down at the important patients that Bo Xichen was in charge of.

Yunxi Hospital is the most high-end hospital in Beicheng. The important people in Beicheng are all recuperating in Yunxi Hospital, and they are very trustworthy.

Among them, the status of Wang Lao is the most valuable.

That is the old man who is like the Big Dipper in the elite circle of Beicheng, and he is also the old man above him now. He should not be taken lightly. At the beginning, Jiang's Hospital really wanted to win over this patient, but after all, his background strength was not as good as that of Yunxi Hospital. Come here.

Yunxi Hospital did not live up to its high expectations. Bo Xichen operated on Mr. Wang and it was very successful.

But Mr. Wang still needs a second operation.

Everyone in Yunxi Hospital knows this, and no one in Yunxi Hospital has the confidence to perform surgery on Mr. Wang. One is his qualifications, and the other is that Mr. Wang is really old and his resistance is not very good in all aspects. There are many symptoms and problems will arise at any time, who would dare to operate on him?

Regarding this point, Dr. Bo did not explain it before leaving.

However, Gu Anxi knew very well that my uncle asked her to do the operation, which is what Bo's father meant when he approached her before, so he was fully responsible for it.

At this juncture, Gu Anxi can get up if he can't.

After reading the medical records and operation records, she found the assistants and nurses who were in the operation at that time, asked about the situation at that time, and then called out the video recorded by Feng Xi to watch it carefully.

When she was concentrating, Feng Xi's voice was slightly yin and yang——

[Professor Bo is not here, so lonely! 】

Gu Anxi sighed: "Yes!"

So Feng Xi's voice was extremely cheerful——

【I am everywhere, Professor Bo brought me there. 】

[Gu Anxi, is it still unclear who is Professor Bo's baby? 】

Gu Anxi stared at the screen, speechless.

Feng Xi's voice was full of arrogance——

【Jealousy makes you unrecognizable! 】

Gu Anxi raised his hand and switched Feng Xi to the cool mode.


She spent the whole morning figuring out Elder Wang's illness, which is actually——

When you are old, there are problems with every organ in your body, and it is very dangerous to affect your whole body. It is the kind of money hanging your life.In the case of ordinary people, it is understandable that there is an emergency during the operation, but this is Mr. Wang... even Gu Anxi, who is usually jealous, dare not take it lightly.

After reading it, it was eleven o'clock in the morning, and she went to Mr. Wang's ward.

The ward occupies a single floor, and there are guards on the inner, outer, and outer floors. Not only that, but also through two coded security doors.

Gu Anxi walked into the ward with two nurses. In the huge ward, a dry old man was lying, accompanied by an old lady who was extremely energetic.Although the dress looks simple, but with a string of green strings around her neck, and the aura in her eyes, she can be seen as Mrs. Wang at a glance.

Gu Anxi heard gossip that Mrs. Wang is a super famous lady, and now she is in her 80s and can still see her pretty face when she was young.

At this time, Mrs. Wang was reading to Mr. Wang with an original book in her hand. It was in French, and the pronunciation was very nice.

Gu Anxi didn't bother, just leaned against the door and listened, and didn't let the little nurse bother her.

Five minutes later, Mrs. Wang finished reading, and when she looked up, she saw three people by the door.

The old lady's eyes were bright and Bi Sheng said, "Where's Dr. Bo, why didn't he come?"

After she finished speaking, she looked up and down at the hairy girl in front of her. She hasn't grown her hair yet, so she's probably only 20 years old!

Not even old enough to be a nurse!

When she said this, Old Wang became very sick, "It's over, I'm going to die!"

After finishing speaking, he lay down and played his temper: "Let Bo Xichen come over, otherwise I refuse to cooperate!"

 Insomnia didn't go to bed until four o'clock at night, and the climb was late~~~Updated before 12 o'clock~~



(End of this chapter)

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