Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 433 Look Differently!That's it!

Chapter 433 Look Differently!That's it!

The old lady glanced at him, and he fell silent.

The old lady lowered him, and then asked the little nurse carefully: "Has she ever operated independently?"

The little nurse smiled: "I don't know about this, it should be... yes!"

Old Wang rolled his eyes, fell down, and played with his temper again, and the old lady couldn't help coaxing for a while.

When the two nurses went out, they murmured in a low voice, "I guess I'll be transferred to another hospital. I guess I won't be able to wait for Dr. Bo."

Another nurse's voice was even lower: "Don't talk nonsense. Not necessarily!"

In the ward, Mrs. Wang arranged for her wife, and walked over to call a bodyguard, "Go and find out what important person came to the hospital in the afternoon, what kind of surgery it is, and tell me quietly."

The bodyguard nodded: "OK."

Only then did Mrs. Wang turn back.

On the other side, Gu Anxi went directly to the emergency room, and after making a judgment, "Prepare for surgery."

Another doctor disapproved: "The patient is seriously injured and has lost a lot of blood...can you take it easy?"

Gu Anxi pointed to a piece of film: "Look here, the distance to the ventricle is getting closer and closer, one extra second is the price of life."

She understood what the doctor meant. If such a serious injury is a natural death, it has nothing to do with Yunxi Hospital, but once it is on the operating table, there will be disputes, and the other party's status is not low.

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, he glanced at the doctor with insight.

The doctor was not optimistic, and opened his mouth to say that, as the chief of surgery, he had to make it clear to her that she couldn't take advantage of her youth to mess around without Dr. Bo.

"If something goes wrong, I will bear it all." Gu Anxi said lightly, then looked at the nurse: "Get ready."

She usually doesn't talk much, but now she said something with a cold face, it seems... very much like when Dr. Bo was around.

The nurse immediately spat blood, "Yes."

Gu Anxi changed into the surgical gown and disinfected it, but his mind was full of that person's injury.

How similar to myself back then.

The centrifuge chamber is only a little away.

There is only one try, and if you delay for a moment, you will die.

The brother-in-law rescued her at that time, it should be the same as her mood at this time!

Gu Anxi was very calm when he walked into the operating room——



"Hemostatic forceps, press...the blood supply is not enough, provide 500 blood." She commanded calmly, her hands kept moving.

Director Hao, who was not optimistic at first, was stunned. He was still a little unconvinced. Dr. Bo used to leave the surgery to him when he left, but now he handed it over to a young girl. not reconciled.

But in this scene now, this little girl is clearly capable of doing things with ease!

Director Hao stepped forward silently: "I'll be your assistant."

Gu Anxi's voice was light, "The ventricle is slightly damaged, I'm going to stitch it up for him now, Director Hao, please keep an eye on the rest of the situation."

Director Hao took a deep breath and sewed up the heart valve. This can't be done without decades of skill?

The little girl is bold and careful, but this technical job?

At this time, he put aside his worries and said proactively, "Doctor Gu, about I do it, and I will take full responsibility for what happened."

Gu Anxi said in a low voice: "Let me come! The patient's current situation is a little dangerous."

Director Hao glanced at the data, feeling cold...

"It's okay, keep pressing." Gu Anxi whispered, and then performed a heart massage. The technique, the familiar look, and the calm look made Director Hao dumbfounded.

Is this really a little girl who has only studied with Dr. Bo for half a year?

He wouldn't believe it!

They have studied hard for eight years plus 20 years of clinical practice, but... they are not as good as the one who has studied for half a year.

Not only him, but other nurse assistants were also stunned.

"Don't be dazed, the patient's life is in our hands." Gu Anxi stretched out his hand: "The suture."

Dr. Hao watched quietly, swallowed silently, envious to death.

How good this technology is for him!


Half an hour later, Gu Anxi raised his head: "Shut up."

She stared at the data, "Continue to supply 2000 blood, and apply appropriate pressure."

——(Medical content belongs to Hu 8~~)

Dr. Hao came in person, and after a while, he showed ecstasy: "Yes, yes."

Gu Anxi smiled, "Okay, observe for half an hour."

She walked out of the operating room and let out a long breath.

In just two hours, the speed of life and death... She can imagine how my uncle feels every time he performs an operation.

every time.

She still remembers that she fainted when her uncle forced her to cut blood vessels for the first time. He said that she was born to hold a scalpel and that she would like the sound of cutting blood vessels.

Yes, she liked it.

Gu Anxi took a shower and walked to the end of the aisle. There was a window with blue sky and white clouds outside. He heard from my uncle that occasionally there would be pigeons. He would stand here for a while after an operation.

"It's nothing special." Gu Anxi sighed.

I just miss my uncle.

At the same time, in the top ward of Yunxi Hospital, the bodyguard came in and whispered a few words to Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang raised her eyes, "Is it true? She did the surgery?"

"Yes. The situation is very dangerous. No one dared to move. If she did, the operation would be over in two hours." The bodyguard said responsibly.

Mrs. Wang nodded, "Go out!"

When someone went out, she looked at her wife.

That hump.

Lao Wang was not like this when he was young. He was impulsive, liked her, and desperately wanted to be with her regardless of his status... Thinking of the past, the old lady smiled slightly, and then sat on the sofa alone and continued to read French books.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Anxi came over on time. Yingyingguai woke up and was eating. The little nurse carefully fed him mouthfuls, but from time to time, Yingyingguai complained that his wife did not take care of him personally.

Gu Anxi saw that it was so simple for him to drink soup, and he deliberately spilled it all over the place. It was clear that it was a deliberate embarrassment, so he whispered a few words to the nurse. The nurse was surprised, but she did it anyway.

After a while, the nurse came over with a baby bottle, filled it with fish soup, and handed it to Mr. Wang.

Wang Lao made a mistake, and then he was about to lose his temper: "I'm not a baby, I don't need this."

"Many elderly people use this, and it's a must at home." Gu Anxi smiled, "Unless you can drink the soup properly without soiling the quilt or hospital gown, you don't need it."

He gave her a strange look: "Who said I can't, and you are not welcome here."

Gu Anxi smiled and leaned against the bed, "Unfortunately, I now hold 20.00% of the shares in this hospital, and I can stand wherever I want. Are you angry? Drink fish soup when you are angry, and how much vitamin can you eat if you don't drink fish soup?" C is useless, too."

Wang Laomeng took a few swigs: "I'll show you."

"Be good." Gu Anxi smiled, "It's so good, you will suffer when you make things difficult for others, why bother!"

Old Wang blushed, and felt a little embarrassed to get off the stage. After being bored for a long time, he finally released his big move: "If you keep doing this, I will... I will take Suyao Jiuxin Pill again."

 There is one more~~



(End of this chapter)

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