Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 443 Cool!I want to deal with you, there is one way

Chapter 443 Cool!I want to deal with you, there are a thousand ways

"Nothing happened to us." Wang Jingyao took a step forward, and the expression on his face became more gentle: "Dr. Jiang is a smart man, he knows what can be said and what can't be said, right?"

He patted her face lightly, with a gentle smile in his eyes.

But Jiang Chaoge's whole body trembled, a little scared.

Wang Jingyao smiled again, and walked out without further entanglement with her.

When the door opened, his secretary said respectfully at the door, "I have your call."

Wang Jingyao answered the phone, said a few words in a low voice, and then walked away.

Jiang Chaoge watched helplessly as the tall man walked out of his own world, without a trace...

It's over before they have time for anything to happen.

She knew in her heart that Wang Jingyao really had plans to let her become Xuxuan, but all of this was shattered because of Gu Anxi's appearance.

Jiang Chaoge covered his face——

Could it be that she is really inferior to Gu Anxi?

She really didn't want to believe it, not at all.

But no matter how unwilling she is to believe, nothing will change. What she faces is not only Wang Jingyao's abandonment, but also Jiang Bin's wrath...

Jiang Chaoge was in a daze when he heard Jiang Bin's reproaching voice.

what is she doing?

Why is she here?

Looking up, her voice was soft but firm: "Uncle, I want to go back to France."

Jiang Bin froze for a moment, "What?"

"I want to go back to France." Jiang Chaoge lowered his eyes: "This place is not suitable for me."

She thought, she needs healing!

Jiang Bin was still in a daze, and it took him a long time before he said, "You want to leave after this setback?"

Jiang Chaoge smiled a bit, and said shyly, "I have been comparing myself with others since I was a child, and this is the first time I have lost so badly. Uncle, I have made up my mind."

It's not easy for Jiang Bin to scold, but he also thinks that Chao Ge has lost a lot, and he has been hit one after another!

He sighed: "Okay! Come back whenever you want."

Jiang Chaoge knew very well in his heart that Jiang Bin was willing to let her go...the main reason was that she was not of much use value!

She felt a little sad, and silently packed her things.

When she decided to leave, she wanted to meet Wang Jingyao, after all, she...was a little tempted.

But when he called his secretariat, he kept saying he was busy, and then directly said that Mr. Wang didn't really want to see her.

Jiang Chaoge put down the phone slowly, and smiled softly when he lowered his eyes——

It turned out that only she took it seriously.

She was leaving Beicheng, but no one said goodbye, the only one was Gu Anxi.

They didn't go anywhere else, so they met at a coffee shop downstairs in the hospital. Jiang Chaoge waited quietly with a cup of coffee in his hand.

When Gu Anxi came over, his expression was a little tired: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Chaoge watched her sit down, forced a smile: "What do you want to drink?"

Gu Anxi shook his head: "I don't really want to drink, so just talk about it if you have something to do."

Jiang Chaoge said bitterly: "Actually, I don't know what to say, and I don't know why I want to see you... Gu Anxi, I'm going back to France."

"It's pretty good." Gu Anxi smiled lightly.

Jiang Chaoge made a mistake: "Aren't you proud?"

Gu Anxi looked puzzled: "What are you proud of? Proud to have surgery for Mr. Wang? That is a patient of Yunxi Hospital, okay? Your Jiang family almost lost Mr. Wang's life by doing something like this...Jiang Chaoge, you should be lucky You and Wang Jingyao are a bit ambiguous, otherwise what you are facing today is not just going back to France."

Jiang Chaoge was completely stunned, "You know?"

"Even a fool can see it, okay?" Gu Anxi took out two photos from his pocket: "Dr. Jiang, if I want to deal with you, there are a thousand ways more despicable than you. Comparing with you."

As soon as the photo was released, Jiang Chaoge was completely stunned.

One is with Jack, and the scale is very large.

One is a picture of hugging Wang Jingyao in her office...

She was a little embarrassed.

Gu Anxi leaned back, "What I want to tell you is never use your body to get something, you will be disappointed in the end."

Jiang Chaoge tore up the photo and looked at Gu Anxi quietly: "I think, you have already got the WK cooperation!"

"Yes." Gu Anxi smiled, "The world is so unfair. Some people may not get it no matter how hard they work. There is something called talent."

Jiang Chaoge was really angry: "Gu Anxi, do you know that I really don't like you."

"Me too!" Gu Anxi smiled, "I thought you liked Uncle so much, but it's not that you are just a crying child who wants the best for everything! If you are more specific, I will be taller." Take a look at you, now..."

She stood up: "I have never regarded you as an opponent. Really, Gu Mingzhu is much smarter than you, quite assertive, and you are just someone else's pawn."

Jiang Chaoge wanted to say something, but Gu Anxi had already left.

She looked at the young back, and at the torn photo, and tasted the power of Gu Anxi for the first time.


Gu Anxi did not go back to Siyuan that day, and reported to Bo's father and mother, saying that he had to stay for a night or two, and that Mr. Wang's condition was not stable.

Bo Nianyao was naturally concerned, and after hanging up the phone, he said to Mrs. Bo, "You see, we Zai Zai have once again compared the Jiang family's female doctor."

Mrs. Bo smiled: "That's right, now the whole of Beicheng knows that Jiang's family can't do this surgery, so they begged us to do it, isn't it the respect of thousands of people!"

Bo Nianyao was worried: "It's not a good thing to be too aggressive! But Zai Zai is a smart person."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Bo was like a spring breeze: "I also heard that the old lady likes Anxi very much and wants to be her daughter."

Bo Nianyao looked at his wife and smiled: "I'm afraid the old lady has other thoughts."

Mrs. Bo put her hand gently on the back of her husband's, and said softly, "Nian Yao, you don't have to worry too much. When did Anxi make us worry about this child?"

"That's right." Bo Nianyao smiled, and then joked with his wife: "Xi Chen is not here, Bo Jin is going out again, Zai Zai is not at home all night, and the house is strangely deserted."

Mrs. Bo also sighed: "Who says it's not!"


late at night.

Jiang's Hospital.

Mrs. Wang was getting old and went to sleep in the small room.

Mr. Wang hadn't woken up yet, Gu Anxi leaned on the sofa and kept watch. He was reading a magazine at first, but at one o'clock at night, he couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep lying on the armrest.

Wang Jingyao pushed the door open and entered, and saw Gu Anxi sleeping on the sofa, with his face buried in his elbows, his black hair blocking the side of his face, and he could see his straight nose.

He watched quietly. The secretary beside him wanted to speak, but he raised his hand to stop him: "Bring a small blanket over here."

The secretary was stunned for a moment, and immediately ran to get a small blanket...

 There is another chapter at one o'clock in the afternoon~~



(End of this chapter)

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