Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 445 Provocation!It's just self-defeating 2800 words

Chapter 445 Provocation!It's just self-defeating 2800 words

After Wang Jingyao finished speaking, he opened the door and went out.

But ran into Jiang Chaoge.

Jiang Chaoge was also taken aback for a moment, wanting to speak, but calmed down again.

"Mr. Wang." She said calmly and confidently.

She can't do otherwise, nothing really happened between them, but there seems to be a three-point ambiguity, and in just a few days, it seems to her that it has been a lifetime.

Seeing this person again, this person is still aloof and unattainable.

Wang Jingyao said with a bit of dignity, "Dr. Jiang."

She took a deep breath: "I'll come to see Mr. Wang...Apologize...By the way, I will say goodbye."

Wang Jingyao thought for a while: "I will convey it, there is no need to apologize."

Jiang Chaoge pursed his lower lip, and wanted to say something, Wang Jingyao smiled lightly again: "That's it."

He turned and left, and a group of people surrounded him after walking a few steps.

Jiang Chaoge bit her lower lip, only to realize that in that short moment, many people actually avoided her. Fortunately, she didn't say anything inappropriate, otherwise others might not be able to hear even if they avoided.

At this moment, two little nurses came out from the inside and whispered: "You know. Mr. Wang stayed here all night last night and did not sleep, but Dr. Gu slept soundly on the sofa all night."

"Ahhh. She dares to sleep in front of Mr. Wang."

"Mr. Wang didn't say anything, and asked the Secretary-General to bring her a blanket. It's because he hurt her. I also heard that the old lady wants to accept her as a granddaughter or a daughter. It depends on what this big man thinks. If he takes in his granddaughter, Mr. Wang probably will be hurt by being a daughter, if he takes in his goddaughter...the future is unknown, maybe he has other ideas."

"I must have an idea! It's just because of the old lady, don't dare! I heard that the old lady only took a class, so you can imagine the content carefully, you taste it, you taste it carefully!"

"That's right, that's right, the old lady just saw what she shouldn't have seen. I heard that she is now guarding her son like a wolf!"


Jiang Chaoge was stunned!

What are they talking about?

What they mean is that Wang Jingyao took a fancy to Gu Anxi and wanted to strike but because the old lady was there so he didn't strike?

Then what is she?

Didn't he take a fancy to her before?

Also, the blankets they talked about, allowing Gu Anxi to sleep in front of him for a night, these... It's not like his status allows, she spent a short time with him, except for that hug, other times he was very alienated.

Is he very different to Gu Anxi?

Or did Gu Anxi do it on purpose?

Jiang Chaoge was stunned for a long time, and felt that he needed to remind Senior Brother Bo.

Senior Brother Bo is not here, so at least Madam Bo should be reminded, otherwise they would not know what kind of things they kept in their home.

Dr. Jiang, who was about to let go, can't let go anymore. The woman's jealousy has become stronger, which is really scary.

Jiang Chaoge asked Mrs. Bo before leaving, and Mrs. Bo agreed.

Mainly, I want to see what this girl can say. Jiang is old and hot, and Mrs. Bo expected something bad.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the box in the tea room, Jiang Chaoge hinted about Wang Jingyao after exchanging pleasantries.

Mrs. Bo sipped her tea carefully, and smiled, "I heard that Chao Ge, you are very much liked and appreciated by that big man, why is your heroine replaced by our cub?"

Jiang Chaoge lowered his eyes: "Mr. Wang and I are innocent."

"Then our cub is not innocent? Or is there something in Dr. Jiang's hands?" Mrs. Bo still smiled and didn't let go at all.

Jiang Chaoge was a little wrong, and instinctively said: "I heard from the nurses that Anxi slept in the ward last night, and Mr. Wang was also there."

Mrs. Bo laughed angrily: "You know it's a ward? Anxi is only 21 years old. How old is that one? It's no surprise that someone else is as old as you. We are still a child, so you can tell."

Jiang Chaoge was stunned: "I... heard from them that Mr. Wang even covered her with a blanket."

Mrs. Bo felt like a spring breeze all of a sudden: "When Anxi was not feeling well, our old Bo still hugged her to rest and recited it once, so it should be passed on as a relationship between a man and a woman? You also know that the identity is here. , Chaoge, I don’t care what you think, just restrain yourself as soon as possible, we always tell our family what we do, what selfishness do you think she has? It doesn’t exist, she treats Xichen wholeheartedly, treats me and Nian Yao Bo Jin is all single-minded, how can our Bo family take a gossip from outsiders to heart, and not put her on the top!?"

Jiang Chaoge was completely stunned...

Mrs. Bo didn't bother to talk to her anymore, she got up directly: "Okay, I don't want to talk too much, you won't understand after I talk about it."

She left.

Jiang Chaoge was still sitting there, stunned for a while, then reluctantly took his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Bo Xichen.

Meaning, it's still that one.

Gu Anxi may be restless.

At this moment, the door of the tea room box was swung open.

There were many people outside, but they were all guarding the door, and only one came in.

Wang Jingyao.

Jiang Chaoge trembled a little, why is he here?

Wang Jingyao gently closed the door with his well-maintained fingers, and then sat down in front of Jiang Chaoge.

He held his forehead and sighed softly: "Do you know why I haven't had a woman all these years?"

Jiang Chaoge's lips were still trembling, and he didn't make a sound for a long time.

He smiled, very coldly: "Because there are so many women by my side, as long as I say a few nice words or treat her better, they think they can stand by my side for a long time, and ordinary people can fall in love freely. Break up if it's not suitable, I can't do it! Besides, many things are just the beginning and have not caused any harm. Do you think it is Chaoge?"

He called her Chaoge, and she didn't have the same relationship as before.

Jiang Chaoge was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "Jingyao, I'm not..."

"What isn't it? Isn't it jealous and talking nonsense outside? Telling Lin Yun is not enough and telling Xi Chen, Xi Chen is a junior I like very much, so you still want to provoke?" Wang Jingyao said softly, " Originally, we were fine, and Gu Anxi and I couldn't possibly have anything, she is still a child..."

Jiang Chaoge's voice was a little excited: "You covered her with a blanket and allowed her to sleep on the sofa..."

"Before I went, she had already slept there. You asked me to use my status to drag her up?" Wang Jingyao sneered: "In addition, Bo Nianyao called me personally, saying that the child at home was not in good health and had been seriously injured. I can't hold back and can sleep for half a day during the day... I said that if the child is sleepy at night, let me take care of it, don't blame me! The parents understand this, Chaoge, you are a doctor, rich and powerful, so why do you like to listen to gossip? It also spread to Lin Yun and Xi Chen, how do you want me to deal with myself in the future? The old lady will definitely accept Gu Anxi, how do you want me to deal with it in the future?"

What he said carries a lot of weight.

Jiang Chaoge was immediately stunned.

It turned out to be true, Gu Anxi was really about to enter the Wang family's gate.

How could Gu Anxi easily obtain such a prestigious position?

In a panic, she still carefully asked the question she wanted to ask: "Do you really have no intention of being a man or a woman towards her?"

Wang Jingyao leaned back and lit a cigarette.

Jiang Chaoge tensed up all of a sudden——

After half a cigarette, he smiled: "It's very vague! The main reason is that I am too young, otherwise I really have to think about it."

"Is it because of Bo Xichen?" Jiang Chaoge clenched his fingers, "Is it why you are held back?"

Wang Jingyao smiled: "No! Let's put it this way, if I am with you, it must be because I think you are suitable to stand by my side, considering the relationship of interests, but if it is Gu Anxi... I want to give her the best Yes, but obviously, I am willing to let her not, if not...I can't force it, can I?"

It's not that I can't force it, but I can't bear it!

A rare child, he didn't want to ruin it easily.

Those words of the old lady are just following the flow of human feelings, just a play!

A man in his position usually thinks more!

Jiang Chaoge trembled when he heard it.

Best of all, love.

He actually... She understood immediately that he answered her question from the side.

He has, but restrained!

After Wang Jingyao finished speaking, he got up and said calmly, "Dr. Jiang, I would like to see you. You know what it means. I'm not very busy. I hope you can do it yourself."

How could Jiang Chaoge not understand, she was sitting there alone, trembling all over her body.

She failed miserably.

Gu Anxi got it all...

Even the rare and hard-to-show love of that person seems to have been obtained.

When the man said he wanted to give it, his expression was slightly bitter. Such a person probably hasn't worried about his children's affair for a long time!

It turned out to be...for Gu Anxi.

Jiang Chaoge covered his face and smiled softly.

On the same day, she flew to France.

The Jiang family was severely beaten by Wang Jingyao, what could Jiang Bin do if he only dared to bear it?

As for Bo Xichen receiving the message, he glanced at it and ignored it.

nothing important...

However, Wang Jingyao went to the ward for a while that night and then left, probably to avoid suspicion.

Before leaving, he looked at Gu Anxi, "Come here..."

(It’s already 6000 words today, keep writing and try to update another 3000 words)

(End of this chapter)

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