Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 449 Naughty! ! !

Chapter 449 Naughty! ! !

After Gu Anxi played a black game, he put away his phone and didn't make a sound.

On the contrary, Wang Jingyao said in a calm voice, "You and I are fighting for the sake of the Bo family, right?"

Gu Anxi did not refute, hummed, and then looked out the window on the other side.

Wang Jingyao spoke well: "Have a meal, I regard you as my younger sister, what can make you so afraid."

Gu Anxi said honestly, "I'm afraid of your power."

Wang Jingyao smiled slightly with narrow eyebrows, "It's the truth, are you not afraid that I will harm the Bo family?"

"You can't!" Gu Anxi sighed: "Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to sit in this seat."

Wang Jingyao smiled: "I understand men quite well at such a young age."

"I have a brother-in-law, of course I understand." Gu Anxi said cruelly.

Wang Jingyao was immediately annoyed again, snorted softly, and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Gu Anxi just smiled obediently, leaning on the back seat, a little sleepy but still able to hold on.

Uncle is not around these days, maybe she hasn't eaten the wild ginseng and she is not as energetic as before... a little bit confused.

The car stopped in the courtyard of Wang's family. It was obvious that this was the place where Mr. Wang and the old lady lived. Not to mention the layout and Feng Shui were first-rate, and the sunshine was also very suitable for the elderly to live in.

When the car stopped, Secretary-General Wang felt that he was not suitable for such a family gathering, so he offered to leave.

Wang Jingyao agreed with a soft snort. Secretary-General Wang opened the car door for him, and he got out of the car.

Later, he went to the other side and wanted to open the door for Gu Anxi, but Gu Anxi didn't have this habit, so he just pushed the door open.

With a bang, the car door just hit the nose of a certain dignitary, and two tubes of nosebleed flowed out like this!

But Secretary-General Wang was in a hurry. This, this, too outrageous.

He quickly supported his master: "How about it? Why don't you call for first aid!"

Wang Jingyao grabbed Gu Anxi over: "This is not the best doctor in Beicheng now, Jing Chuan, bring the first aid kit."

Gu Anxi got into trouble and swallowed: "Are you okay!"

Wang Jingyao stared at her: "Help me in."

Gu Anxi dutifully helped him into the door, sat down on the sofa, and the servants in the villa, large and small, immediately surrounded him, and even alarmed the old lady.

The old lady came over and saw that her son was bleeding, and she was also a little anxious, asking what happened.

"I accidentally bumped into it." Wang Jingyao winked: "Jingchuan, it's none of your business, go back first, let the driver pick me up at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Secretary-General Wang saw that the situation was not a big deal, so he withdrew.

Before leaving, he still looked at Gu Anxi meaningfully——

Mr. Wang was indeed a little too indulgent towards her.

Here, Gu Anxi took alcohol cotton and some medicine to treat it. It wasn't a big deal and the bleeding was stopped soon...

Wang Jingyao has a high position and authority, but he is also quite delicate: "Take it easy, you are sloppy."

Gu Anxi paused: "You come by yourself?" '

He was silent and let her deal with it.

But the old lady laughed: "Jingyao, your attitude is wrong."

When the son is by his mother's side, he always looks a bit smaller, and he asks: "This is what she bumped into. If I say a word or two, why is it wrong?"

The old lady smiled again: "I looked at you, and I felt a little weird. Be careful, you will be like your father in the future."

Wang Jingyao immediately felt very embarrassed, "How is it possible!"

However, his mind became a little more subtle, so he didn't say anything.

Elder Wang was still in the hospital, so the two of them and Gu Anxi ate this meal, and it was also because of the intention of deceiving others, that when Elder Wang was out of the hospital, there were more people staring at him.

Wang Jingyao went to wash his face. When he came out, he saw that Gu Anxi had given gifts to the old lady. They were quite expensive. There were some for the old lady and some for the old man. ?”

Gu Anxi looked at him: "You didn't give me anything either!"

Wang Jingyao looked at her, but couldn't say anything about the check.

Gu Anxi stopped him, feeling indescribably happy.

She didn't want to come, and she didn't lack parents, so why did she need multiple godfathers, but she also knew that it was only good for her to recognize this relative, and it was good for her and the Bo family.

If you don't recognize... that's... a big problem.

Therefore, she accepted the old lady's wish.

Wang Jingyao looked at her, and said after a while: "You wait."

Gu Anxi didn't know what he meant, and didn't ask, so he ate with the old lady.

She was still as ordinary as before, she didn't try to curry favor, and she didn't try to show off too much. She looked just right, but Wang Jingyao didn't speak, but just listened to them quietly.

The old lady was getting old, and she was going to rest after lunch. Gu Anxi checked her body and stayed with her for a while... She didn't deny that there was some kind of interest in it, but overall she liked the old lady quite a lot.

She didn't come down until the old lady was fast asleep.

After coming down, Wang Jingyao threw something over, and she caught it instinctively.

It was a long and thin box, and when it was opened, it turned out to be a very big old wild ginseng.

Gu Anxi: ...

"I heard that you have been eating this, so someone gave me one, and I will send one every month from now on." Wang Jingyao said flatly.

Gu Anxi closed it and sat on the sofa opposite him, "Thank you brother."

Wang Jingyao seemed to be a little angry again, but he didn't show it. He flicked the sofa seat beside him lightly with his fingers, and after a while he whispered: "I won't do anything to you, don't always hide like a tiger. Follow me."

Gu Anxi smiled, and this time it became a little weaker. She said, "I'm really afraid! I'm not alone. I have my parents behind me, and the Bo family. If I'm not careful, I'm not good. Everyone It’s not good to be smashed together.”

She added: "I will definitely spend my life with my uncle."

Wang Jingyao lit a cigarette: "You are young and don't understand some things."

Gu Anxi laughed again: "Why do you know those things! I like my uncle, and my uncle likes me too, that's enough."

"Do you have to be together, regardless of life or death?" Wang Jingyao held a cigarette between his slender fingers, and took a sip: "You two have only been together for less than a year, how did you get to this point?"

Gu Anxi said honestly: "Aren't some people still having different dreams in the same bed after a lifetime?"

"That's true." Wang Jingyao smoked lightly. He looked very attractive when he smoked, probably because of the temperament he had cultivated over the years.

He didn't say anything else to her, just chatted a few random words.

The words Bojia and Bo Xichen never appeared again.

It seemed to be his taboo!

(End of this chapter)

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