Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 456 Do You Still See My Brother?

Chapter 456 Do You Still See My Brother?

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, he also lowered his head and secretly smiled, but he didn't dare to do it blatantly.

As for Gu Mingzhu, she was so angry that her eyes were filled with moisture.

Wang Jingyao looked at the Secretary-General: "You send Miss Gu off, I have something to talk to Dr. Gu."

The secretary-general understood it with a wink, and coughed lightly: "Doctor Gu is also young and ignorant, so he doesn't know the seriousness of what he says. Mr. Wang will forgive her once."

"Speaking so inappropriately, you should be taught a lesson." The big man was serious.

Gu Mingzhu raised her eyes, her face was a little red.

Mr. Wang actually spoke for her.

And if Gu Anxi was so outrageous just now, he wasn't he obediently followed the secretary general and left.

Wang Jingyao stared at Gu Anxi.

She had already put away her mobile phone and said with a smile, "What instructions does Uncle Wang have?"

"Hehe! Do you still have my brother in your eyes? Uncle, am I that old?" Wang Jingyao really tried to fix her, but he had nothing to do with Gu Mingzhu, he just got hurt by the little bastard.

Gu Anxi sighed: "Brother, you are indeed a young swordsman, and someone as proud as Gu Mingzhu is so proactive, so grasp it vigorously!"

As she was about to slip away, Wang Jingyao grabbed her, "What are you running for!"

Gu Anxi stood obediently, he was annoyed and funny, but he asked about Elder Wang's body, and she also said in detail.

In the end, he looked at her and warned: "Stop talking nonsense outside in the future."

Probably always a close person, let me say one more thing: "I don't have any thoughts about that little girl."

"I know." Gu Anxi smiled.

Wang Jingyao asked her, "How did you find out?"

"Where is the need to look? If you like it, she doesn't need to go to the hospital by herself." Gu Anxi said, wrinkling her little nose: "Old cows eat tender grass!"

The elevator door just opened and she ran away.

Wang Jingyao had nothing to do with her, shook his head and smiled, and entered the ward.

After entering, the old lady complained: "Jingyao, you are dragging all the women home now!"

Wang Jingyao smiled, "How come! You mean Gu Mingzhu?"

Without waiting for the old lady to speak, he said to himself, "I didn't invite that."

The old lady complained again: "The people you like don't like you, but those who don't like you get together."

Wang Jingyao couldn't help it: "Old lady, don't stab your son again. I met Anxi just now, and she called me Uncle Wang again."

The old lady was happy: "Then who told you that you don't look like an older brother!"

Wang Jingyao sighed——

Who wants to be this big brother, he has lost all his thoughts, what can he do?


After Gu Anxi left the hospital, she drove to Beicheng University. She didn't go there for more than half a month. Principal Shen urged her many times, saying that she had no vitality without Beicheng University.Gu Anxi thought it was a little funny, but it was indeed quite pleasant.

When getting off the car, I happened to meet Gu Mingzhu.

Gu Mingzhu walked up to her: "Gu Anxi, how does it feel to be reprimanded by Mr. Wang?"

Gu Anxi touched his nose: "Not very good."

Gu Mingzhu smiled coldly.

Gu Anxi stood behind her and called her: "Hello!"

Gu Mingzhu turned around.

Gu Anxi walked over, put his hands in his pockets, and said slowly, "Are you short of money?"

Gu Mingzhu gritted her teeth: "I'm not short of money!"

"Have you ever been bullied?"

"No!" Gu Mingzhu gnashed her teeth.

Gu Anxi smiled faintly: "Strange!"

"What's strange?"

Gu Anxi's smile became even weaker: "There is no shortage of money and no bullying. The Gu family has power and power... How can you not think about it so much? It's very mature and attractive to have to date a man who is so much older than you Yes, but I don’t think you would think about it without those powerful blessings!”

Gu Mingzhu just looked at her coldly without making a sound.

Gu Anxi said again: "Gu Mingzhu, since I left my mother's womb, I have nothing to do with the Gu family. You don't need to change your life just to win over me. Isn't it good?"

She uttered a few words coldly: "You are still not satisfied with the life that the whole world envies."

Gu Mingzhu couldn't help it anymore, "Gu Anxi, what do you know? Do you know the feeling of not being taken seriously? No one has ever surpassed me. Since you came to Beicheng, everything has changed! Now you say that I am envied in my life. "

Gu Anxi lowered her eyes, "Why do you have to compare yourself with others!"

Gu Mingzhu asked proudly: "Then what do you mean by saying this to me today? Is it because I am close to Mr. Wang that you are uncomfortable? Gu Anxi, you are really hypocritical."

Gu Anxi glanced at her again, then turned around suddenly: "I'm glad I was the one who was thrown away, otherwise I would probably be raised as well."

Tang Yuan's education was quite successful!

Really, quite a success.

She turned around and left, Gu Mingzhu was furious, but she had nothing to do with Gu Anxi.

There is no way to take Gu Anxi, but there is still a punching bag——

Wang Qin!

Wang Qin is in the Department of Fine Arts, and she is in the Department of Chinese Literature, but Princess Gu has a lot of people, and Wang Qin is quite excluded. People always say that a small family in Qingcheng is not worthy of Fang Ming.

Wang Qin endured it and didn't care about it.

Fang Ming didn't know much about it.

When Gu Anxi came over to go to school, the three of them got together for dinner again, very harmonious.

Moreover, Gu Anxi was more effective than Fang Ming, and those girls who bullied Wang Qin didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear that Gu Anxi would hit someone.

In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly. Gu Anxi was leaning under a tree to send text messages to his uncle. A dozen meters away, Fang Ming was bullying his little pet's face.

Wang Qin blushed, pushed him and refused, and his voice stammered: "Fang Ming, Anxi is still here..."

Fang Ming got a little anxious, bullied her hard, and said in a flustered breath, "This has long been common to her...why are you shy?"

When Wang Qin heard the words of tiger and wolf, his face became even redder, and his cheeks drooped.

Fang Ming's heart moved, and he raised her slightly pointed chin. She seemed to have lost some baby fat these days, and her small face looked pointed.

His voice was low and hoarse: "Why is your face so red, what did you think of, huh?"

"No." She bit her lip, looked up at him, and immediately lowered her head again.

Fang Ming was a young man, so he naturally thought about it, but he still gritted his teeth and endured it.

He is still a student, and he still spends his family's money. Although he has started to do things himself, it is far from enough to be responsible for a girl, so until now he has never crossed the threshold.

"Wait for me, huh?" He lowered his head and pressed against her little head: "When I buy a house with my own money, then we..."

Wang Qin was so ashamed that he stretched out his hand to hit him: "Who wants to follow you!"

Fang Ming's voice became even lower and hoarse: "If you're not with me, who are you going with? Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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