Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 464 The child is very small, but the methods are powerful!

Chapter 464 The child is very small, but the methods are powerful!

Bo Nianyao smiled slightly, and said nothing more!

At six o'clock, when Bo Xichen came back with Gu Anxi, Mrs. Bo gave Gu Anxi the check and told her to just lose, everything was Mr. Wang's.

Gu Anxi took the check, went back and changed into a slightly more formal outfit, and went out with the Bo family.

When I arrived at Wang Jingyao's private house, it was naturally grand and bustling.The venue was not small, all the important people from the four big families came, and some dignitaries, such as Bo Jingshen and others, gathered around a corner to watch a few important elders play the national essence, and Wang Jingyao naturally joined them.

When he saw Gu Anxi coming over, he said in a low voice, "I heard that Dr. Gu is very good, so I'll play a few games with some old men."

Gu Anxi pretended not to dare, even Mr. Lin said: "Jingyao, I'm afraid she is not suitable for a junior."

Although Wang Jingyao has a high status, he still respects these old seniors very much, and smiled: "If the elders don't dislike it, there is nothing inappropriate."

Elder Lin smiled and said to others: "The child is still young, you have to be merciful."

The other two have a good relationship with Mr. Lin, and they smiled: "If you lose, don't cry, little girl!"

Wang Jingyao got up and asked Gu Anxi to come on, while smiling: "The little girl is very powerful, don't let her go too far."

A person like him naturally wouldn't stand up, and when he got up, someone took a chair, and he sat next to Gu Anxi, naturally.

Looking around the entire hall, the big shots in Beicheng were all standing, and the patriarchs of the four great families were only standing, including a thin depth of field, and they were not qualified to sit.

Gu Anxi began to play with her elders. Her level is indeed very high. It can be seen from the two cards. They are all Gu Anxi's cards, and one card is higher than the other!

After a circle, Wang Jingyao coughed lightly——

Let you lose money, how can you do your best?

Gu Anxi also coughed, and continued to draw cards, accidentally——he wanted to play all the cards again.

Wang Jingyao coughed again.

Gu Anxi typed out, no joke.

The secretary-general at the side let out a long sigh of relief.

But when it was Gu Anxi's turn again, it was still that card, and she played it without hesitation...

This time Wang Jingyao coughed violently.

This little bastard won all the money of the elders, how did it end?

Sure enough, Mr. Lin and the others put their chips on the table, and it hurts...

This time, the number is very large.

It's clear that Jingyao is not happy to find them!

If you want to leave, you can't. If you get on this table, how embarrassing would it be for so many people to leave?

Bite the bullet like this, and fought around reluctantly, and unexpectedly signed out a lot of money.

Wang Jingyao couldn't sit still anymore, leaned closer and whispered: "Didn't I let you lose?"

Gu Anxi smiled while touching the cards: "I also want to release water, you see, it's quite difficult."

Wang Jingyao whispered again: "Are you deliberately against me?"

At this time, Gu Anxi drew another card, and all fell down.

Her hands stopped, and she turned her head: "Recently, I brought a man from Jiangcheng, named Lin Yuan."

As she spoke, she played the card.

Wang Jingyao frowned: "There is such a person, he is Jing Shen's subordinate."

Gu Anxi nodded, and said casually, "Not bad."

Wang Jingyao was not very happy: "You don't care about these things."

"I don't care! He is mine, I just hope he has a bright future." Gu Anxi drew another card, and then smiled: "Should I play this card or not?"

Wang Jingyao looked at it, and it was all the same.

In an instant, my temper was gone!

He shouldn't have recruited such a little devil to play cards. He thought she would be obedient because of how hard he thought about it. Now it's all right. He spared her with one kick, and she made a condition with him in the next kick. .

With the size of Beicheng, no one dared to openly confront him like this.

Lin Lao wanted to find him not at all happy, and had to put on such a big fight, but she was kind, in front of so many people... Threatening him!

Not only him, but several people around him were stunned.

Especially the secretary-general, who was simply stunned.

This card skill is amazing!

However, Mr. Wang seems to be very angry!

On the side, Bo Nianyao glanced at his wife, the eye contact was naturally meaningful.

Mrs. Bo whispered, "Nian Yao, Anxi..."

Bo Nianyao shook his wife's hand and comforted her: "Zai Zai has his own measure, he must have won that person's temper."

After hearing this, Mrs. Bo felt a little relieved.

Bo Xichen didn't make a sound at the side, he was very calm.

On the contrary, Bo Jingshen has seen some tricks——

Good Gu Anxi!

Now she is carrying Mr. Wang, who was called by Mr. Wang to play cards. If the elders with high morals lose a lot, they will only scold Mr. Wang to death behind his back, but Mr. Wang will never offend him directly. These elders, so Mr. Wang will probably agree to whatever conditions Gu Anxi proposes at this time.

Bo Jingshen thought of a name: Lin Yuan.

Damn it!

This girl Gu Anxi is really amazing!

Obviously the surname Wang likes her, but she doesn't want this kind of favor, instead she fights against him, and can still pinch the short surname Wang.This kind of ability to see through stitches is really rare.

On the other side, Wang Jingyao sneered: "Is this a threat?"

Gu Anxi smiled faintly, "It's a win-win situation."

Her voice dropped again: "Didn't you say it was my brother? Isn't it natural for a brother to help a sister?"

Wang Jingyao had given in to this little bastard, she played him hard and soft, and when he was about to get angry, she offered her family affection and calmed him down easily.

When a big man gets angry, he is also calm, and when he gets angry, outsiders can't detect it.

He smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and drew the most important one from her cards and played it out.

Gu Anxi also smiled, knowing that it was a deal.

In the following game, earth-shaking changes took place. Gu Anxi was a sure winner, but then he kept firing, and let a few elders laugh from ear to ear, happily.

Mr. Lin was beaming while playing: "Anxi, you kid who doesn't know how to play cards and insists on playing with us old guys. Are you afraid that you will lose all your money?"

As he spoke, he raised his eyes and glanced at Bo Nianyao: "Nianyao, have you given Anxi pocket money yet?"

When his father-in-law asked, Bo Nianyao respectfully replied: "Of course I will, but today's... win or lose is a bit bigger."

Rough calculation, there are probably tens of millions of people coming and going.

Old Lin smiled: "Then we old fellows will not be polite."

They finally met someone who was very good at feeding cards. The old guys were very excited and played until eleven o'clock at night, and the people around them just kept company like this.

(End of this chapter)

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