Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 466 Uncle, I just want to fall in love with you

Chapter 466 Uncle, I just want to fall in love with you

All around, there are still praises, and I feel that I am not playing this at a young age, so this is already very powerful.

Mr. Lin had seen her kung fu of piercing Yang with a hundred steps, and guessed in his heart that she had preserved her strength, so she didn't say much, but when Chen Ming came over, he introduced: "Chen Ming, this is my granddaughter Gu Anxi, you can teach me more in the future." She's good at marksmanship."

Chen Ming was in his thirties and had a tough appearance. He had always been highly valued by Mr. Lin.

Originally, he was a prospective successor.

Elder Lin always felt it was a pity that Chen Ming was upright, but somewhat inflexible.His position is not just good marksmanship and convincing his subordinates, there are many ways in it, the reason why he likes Gu Anxi is precisely because this kid is smart and has many tricks, and he did not lose in front of Mr. Wang last night , which is extremely rare.

But, this decision must have hurt Chen Ming's heart, that's why I called here today...

Chen Ming also knew that this little girl, the big celebrity of the Bo family, was said to be a genius in all aspects, but what they did with guns was rough work, not suitable for little girls.

Chen Ming didn't take it seriously, held the gun and slammed it a few times, and the target pierced a big hole.

He put down the gun and smiled lightly——

The respected elders around him also praised him and were very optimistic about him.

Elder Lin looked at Gu Anxi: "Why don't you do it again?"

He wanted Gu Anxi to show off his skills in front of everyone. It would be hard for others to say when he would inherit his career in the future. The most important thing was to convince Chen Ming.

But Gu Anxi didn't quite buy it, holding the gun, he still kept his strength.

Compared with the results, Chen Ming was naturally better, and Lin Lao took Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi knew what he was going to say, and confessed honestly: "Grandpa, I am too busy. Everyone wants me to inherit, everyone wants me to be an apprentice, I... have no time for love."

Old Lin laughed angrily, "Bah! You and Xichen live together every day, why are you still in love, you're an old married couple."

Gu Anxi supported the old man, and said, "You don't understand the fun of this, old man."

Old Lin snorted coldly: "Are you really not interested in these 20 people?"

Gu Anxi said very seriously: "I can't bear it! I just have a brother-in-law."

Mr. Lin knocked on her: "Little indecent."

Then he sighed: "Xi Chen should be very happy to be with you every day."

Gu Anxi pursed his mouth: "I'm so happy!"

Elder Lin just laughed, and then dragged her to play with her again, and played another small card game at night.

When someone from the Bo family came to pick him up, Mr. Lin directly replied that he would stay for a few more days...

The Bo family came to pick him up every day, but Mr. Lin wouldn't let them go every day, until Gu Anxi felt that he had had enough fun and slipped home.

When he returned, Bo Xichen was reading documents in Lanshi's study, she went over to cover his eyes lightly: "Uncle, guess who I am."

Bo Xichen smiled and pulled her hand down, "Naughty."

Gu Anxi leaned over and put his arms around his neck: "The old man wanted me to inherit the Lin family, but I refused."

He smiles.

Little Milkman hugged him and whispered, "I said I want to date my uncle, but I don't have time."

Bo Xichen was teased, and his voice was hoarse: "There is no one like you who is in a relationship. After going out for a few days, there are not many messages."

She was embarrassed to speak, and hugged him obediently until he calmed down.

After a long time, she whispered: "Uncle, you have said that you may not be able to retire until you are 40 years old. The family needs people. Aunt may not be at home often. Bo's father and Bo mother need someone to take care of them. If I take over the Lin family Will be busier."

Her little head rested on his heart: "I want to take care of you, take care of Bo's father and Bo's mother, I think you can see me the first time every time you come back."

His heart was hot: "You haven't said these words."

Her voice was small and soft: "I haven't said it but I have thought about it. In fact, I don't have great ambitions. I just want to be with you and protect the people I want to protect."

As for the Lin family, someone who is more suitable and energetic should be found to take care of her. She can't take on a task that she can't afford because of her youthful vigor.

Bo Xichen reached out and touched her little head: "Okay, just make up your mind."

Gu Anxi said softly, "I will return the finger to the old man."

Bo Xichen didn't say anything more, and ran his fingers along her hair very gently.

After the past few days, she probably had a good rest and was in good spirits.

He remembered another thing and told her: "Lin Yuan has been promoted a few levels, he is very happy, and even sent you a gift."

Gu Anxi frowned when he heard the gift, "Could it be wild ginseng again! If it is, I don't want it."

"Where did you go?" He smiled and gave her the box: "The little girl likes it."

Gu Anxi opened it, and it turned out to be a really interesting item, not expensive but it could be seen that a lot of thought was put into it.

So she complained: "Xiao Li and Lao Wang gave wild ginseng as gifts. They said it was for me, but I think it was actually for you, uncle."

Bo Xichen just smiled: "Xiao Li probably sent it to me, but Mr. Wang must have sent it to you."

He paused, and his voice became dangerous: "What did you just say? Old Wang? Gu Anxi, you are really itchy, aren't you?"

Gu Anxi ran away immediately, was caught back in a few steps, and was pressed on the desk.

The modest gentleman's voice was slightly hoarse: "Why are you running! What can I do to you!"

Having said that, she really bullied her...

After a long time, the corners of Gu Anxi's eyes turned red, and he bit his lips lightly, "I'm going back to my grandfather, you bullied me."

Bo Xichen smiled lowly: "Then I'll coax you again, okay?"

"Shameless!" She covered her face, but put her arm around his neck... While they were making a fuss, there was a knock on the door.

The place is still in chaos, Bo Xichen lowered his head: "I'll open the door, you..."

Gu Anxi's face was a little red and hot, and he jumped off the desk, lying on his stomach, pretending to be reading a book.

The door opened, and it was Bo Jin, who came in with a happy face, and told her big news as soon as he came...

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(End of this chapter)

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