Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 468 The Queen's Little Bastard!Sweetheart!

Chapter 468 The Queen's Little Bastard!Sweetheart!

In the other shooting room, Zhou Yunchen fired a clip first, all ten rings.

Zhang Niuniu applauded: "Boss Zhou is great."

Zhou Yunchen was high-spirited, and handed the gun to Zhang Niuniu: "You don't count."

Huang Mao didn't react for a while, he was stunned for a moment before asking: "Then who said it?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled and did not answer.

Zhang Niuniu touched his head, very puzzled...

Gu Anxi smiled, and looked at Shen Congwen: "Does Vice President Shen think our President Zhou is good?"

Bo Xichen glanced at her, while Shen Congwen was a little helpless, "I don't know."

Zhou Yunchen looked at him with indulgent warmth inside.

Soon, Shen Congwen looked away.

Zhou Yunchen loaded the magazine, raised the gun handsomely, and aimed at——

Bang bang bang a few times, six ten rings.

Zhang Niuniu was stunned, "Wow!"

Turning his head again, "Vice President Shen, isn't our President Zhou doing well?"

Shen Congwen choked a little, his fair face flushed slightly, and he coughed twice.

Zhou Yunchen loaded the magazine for him and put it in his hand: "You also come to play a few times, you can't just stand."

Shen Congwen usually has good skills, but today he accidentally missed his aim...

Gu Anxi smiled: "Vice President Shen is a little restless."

Shen Congwen smiled wryly, "Skills are not as good as people's."

Zhou Yunchen leaned aside, with a slender and attractive body, Shen Congwen didn't dare to look at him, he handed the gun to Gu Anxi and walked to the side chair to sit down and drink tea.

Gu Anxi was holding the gun, and asked someone to bring another one, holding it with both hands——

In another shooting room, Wang Jingyao shook.

She can play double guns?

Don't you mean a novice?

Not only him, but Chen Ming was also surprised.

He has been gunning for more than ten years, and he has also practiced with his left hand, but his accuracy is not particularly good, at least not comparable to his right hand.

Gu Anxi, unexpectedly...

Everyone held their breath.

Gu Anxi fired with both hands, and 12 bullets hit the target in unison.

12, ten rings.

Bo Xichen smiled, "It's pretty good."

Gu Anxi turned her head, "My uncle taught you well."

Zhang Niuniu was completely stunned, WOC, what kind of fairy marksmanship is this?

Zhou Yunchen tilted his head, smiling deeply: "Congwen, is Anxi good?"

Shen Congwen's face was hot, "Naturally it's great."

"Better than me?" Zhou Yunchen had a hint of malice on his face, and his eyes were even clearer.

Shen Congwen:……

Zhou Yunchen felt that he couldn't tease him anymore, and watched Gu Anxi reload the magazine together... The technique was neat and proficient, as if he often touched the gun.

On the other side, Chen Ming was shocked, and murmured: "She is definitely a veteran, it is impossible that she has not touched a gun before."

Wang Jingyao frowned and stared there, "You mean, she's used to using guns?" "

Chen Ming whispered: "Yes, he is still a master."

His eyes fell on Wang Jingyao's face, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Let's put it this way, I have practiced marksmanship for more than ten years, and my marksmanship is not half as good as hers."

The casual and unrestrained posture just now hit 12 bullets in a row, which is really amazing!

Chen Ming didn't think much of Gu Anxi at first, but now he was shocked...and a little envious.

Talent is something that is often not envied the most.

Wang Jingyao picked up a cigarette and took it off again: "Is this little bastard so powerful?"

little bastard?

Chen Ming was surprised, but he didn't dare to take a closer look.

Wang Jingyao also knew him well, and smiled lightly: "This is the little bastard! Didn't she still retain her strength with Mr. Lin?"

As he said that, he gave Chen Ming a meaningful look: "You're so happy to win! Are you stupid now, you know you've been fooled?"

Chen Ming is a real person, and he said honestly: "There are people who are fooled, but there are no disadvantages!"

He asked again very honestly: "What did Mr. Wang suffer from her?"

He is always honest, and he didn't realize it for a long time. Wang Jingyao said very badly: "What can I do to her? It's just a little girl's film."

At this moment, Chen Ming thought of some scandals mentioned by others, especially private ones, and was a little uncertain for a while.

Wang Jingyao looked at him: "What's wrong, are you stupid?"

Chen Ming rubbed his nose, "Does Mr. Wang like her very much?"

Just finished speaking, the whole body is cool.

Sure enough, as soon as he looked up, he saw Wang Jingyao's complexion was not good, and his heart turned cold.

Fortunately, the secretary-general made a rescue at this time: "Chen Ming, I can't see that you usually look at rough guys, but your thoughts are so delicate."

As he spoke, he leaned over and whispered, "The little girl is the old lady's goddaughter, do you know her relationship with Mr. Wang?"

Chen Ming was taken aback.

Then his eyes became complicated, and for a moment, he smiled dryly: "I was the one who was abrupt."

"I don't blame you!" Wang Jingyao said in a very good temper, and then smiled: "Go, go there and have a look, you and Anxi just have a match."

Chen Ming's heart is also screwed up, he was that little bastard just now, but now he's called Anxi, the change is too fast!

Fortunately, he didn't say anything excessive.

When he left, he looked at the secretary-general with a wry smile, and the secretary-general also smiled, and said in a low voice: "Be smart too, you have to turn a few corners to think about what the boss says, if you really don't like it, you really hate it, a few days ago Let her sit and play cards with those elders, Mr. Wang is by his side, and those celebrities and dignitaries can only stand."

He deliberately emphasized his tone: "Think about it, isn't it extra pampering?"

Chen Ming thought for a moment, that's right.

While talking, several people entered there together.

Bo Xichen smiled: "Mr. Wang."

Wang Jingyao only talked to him, he didn't look at the little bastard, and the little bastard didn't look at him, he watched the gun and continued to play, while Zhang Niuniu next to him was playing with him, cheering from time to time——

Extremely gross!

As for Zhou and Shen, they both stood up and didn't interrupt.

Wang Jingyao glanced at Gu Anxi and Zhang Niuniu, then smiled and said to Bo Xichen, "Xichen, you are too used to her!"

Bo Xichen smiled: "You're still young, it's normal to like to play, and besides, she's usually quite busy, so it's rare for her to relax today."

Wang Jingyao sat down very casually, and gave the Secretary-General a wink.

The secretary-general understood it with just one look, and told everyone to sit down and not be restrained.

At this time, Wang Jingyao took another look at Zhou Yunchen, and sneered in his heart: This is the number one minion of the little bastard!

He looks like a human being, and the city is so deep that everyone in Gu Yuanshan can pry it away!

After giving him such a high look, he continued to chat with Bo Xichen without any other indications. On the other hand, Chen Ming's hands were itchy to death, and his expression was special...unspeakable.

"Chen Ming, if you want to go and play together, you don't have to accompany me." Wang Jingyao smiled lightly.

When Chen Ming heard this, he jumped up and left immediately.

Gu Anxi also knew that he was coming, and knew that she couldn't hide it, and she didn't mind, after all, Chen Ming was a sharpshooter, so it would be more interesting to play.

(End of this chapter)

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