Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 470 You mustn't like him!

Chapter 470 You mustn't like him!

Shen Congwen's heart trembled, his wrist also trembled, and when he shot it, it turned out to be only the sixth ring.

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Deliberately let me?"

Shen Congwen pursed his lips: "It's careless."

He focused his attention, and was much more cautious when he raised his gun again...

ten rings.

Turning his head, looking at Zhou Yunchen, a happy smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "How is it?"

Zhou Yunchen got a little closer, and his voice was hoarse: "It's really great."

Shen Congwen's heart trembled, he didn't dare to listen to his nonsense anymore, and he hit several ten rings in one breath.

When it came to Zhou Yunchen, he seemed to be very casual, shooting casually, and naturally lost to Shen Congwen.

But because he was too casual, Shen Congwen's face darkened: "Did you let me on purpose?"

Zhou Yunchen then wondered: "I beat you, and I won't be happy to bother you in the future, and you won't be happy if I let you not bother you in the future. Congwen, are you too difficult to serve?" '

Shen Congwen bit his lip, without saying a word, he just raised his hand to shoot again.

After getting a few more clips, Zhou Yunchen stopped him: "It's almost there, look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, and your hands will hurt tomorrow."

Shen Congwen put down the gun silently.

Zhou Yunchen smiled again, "Okay, let's go eat."

He took the coat, and took Shen Congwen's as well, and took him to an expensive restaurant in a familiar way, and slaughtered him severely.

Shen Congwen is usually a person with a delicate life, but such extravagance is rare, but he also keeps silent.Just wait for Zhou Yunchen to eat happily and not trouble him in the future.

When paying the bill, Zhou Yunchen leaned against the cash register, lazily watching Shen Congwen pay.

One meal cost more than 3 yuan.

Shen Congwen was not being stingy, but felt that Zhou Yunchen did it on purpose.

He is a very bad person, very bad.

After Shen Congwen paid the bill, he turned around and said, "I've eaten the meal, that's it, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Yunchen held him back: "Boss Zhou? You don't think it's a breakup meal with such a status?"

"Isn't it?" Shen Congwen was also a little annoyed.

Zhou Yunchen smiled, "You can say yes, but if I don't look for you, you can also look for me."

Shen Congwen gritted his teeth: "I won't look for you."

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Really!"

Shen Congwen ignored him, turned around and walked to the parking lot, opened the door of the white BMW and got in the car.

But Zhou Yunchen followed and sat beside him.

Shen Congwen was very annoyed: "Zhou Yunchen, what exactly do you want?"

The latter buckled his seat belt, leaned back on the seat, and closed his eyes: "I've had some wine, take me home."

Shen Congwen said nothing, just quietly watching that shameless man.

Under the dim light, the man's silhouette looked even more deep and beautiful. At this moment, he closed his eyes quietly, giving him a harmless feeling...

Shen Congwen was about to start the car, Zhou Yunchen rolled his eyelids: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's nothing." Shen Congwen said lightly, and then started the car.

The car was very quiet, no one spoke, only the lights from outside the car shone in from time to time... The light and shadow floated, as if in a dream.

Zhou Yunchen fell asleep in the car.

His sleep has not been very good, and now he falls asleep as soon as he relaxes.

Shen Congwen's cell phone rang, and he picked it up: "Hello, Dad."

What did the people over there say? He whispered that he would be right back when he found out.

After hanging up the phone, he felt a little headache... Zhou Yunchen woke up for some reason, and looked at him: "What's wrong?"

Shen Congwen whispered: "Let me go back for a while, can you... take a taxi back?"

Zhou Yunchen said very indifferently: "Then let me go together, and you will take me back to the city later."

Shen Congwen said quietly: "I stayed at home overnight."

"Is there any spare room?" Zhou Yunchen closed his eyes again: "Congwen, I have been busy with a project for a few days and haven't slept much, so I don't want to bother you. You can figure it out."

Shen Congwen had nothing to do with him. Thinking about it, the car still turned a corner and drove towards another road.

An hour later, the car stopped at the gate of his parents' villa, and Shen Congwen got out of the car with a pleasing gesture.He went to the other side and opened the car door, whispering: "Zhou Yunchen, get out of the car, and see my parents later, don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Yunchen was a little lazy, "When did I talk nonsense?"

The last time he saw Shen's father and Shen's mother was when he was in college. Zhou Yunchen was very knowledgeable and courteous. Shen's family was in a good family. Shen's father often went to see Shen Congwen. The family is no stranger.

After he finished speaking, Shen Congwen glanced at him and walked in front.

With a slender figure, he dressed in a white shirt and black trousers in an extremely elegant manner, especially at the waist, which was so thin that it made people feel a little too thin.

Zhou Yunchen walked behind him smiling, lit a cigarette and took a few puffs to enjoy himself, and then extinguished it.

Take a few quick steps to follow, and we entered the living room together.

In the high-ceilinged hall, the lighting is warm and the atmosphere is very good.

Because apart from the three of the Shen family, there is also a very beautiful little girl brought back by Shen Congwen's younger sister, Shen Jun.

Seeing his brother coming back, Shen Jun immediately dragged his classmates along: "Brother, this is Xi Ya, a classmate from my department."

Shen Congwen probably understood, a blind date in disguise.

When the other party saw him, his face was a little red.

Shen Jun came over with a low voice: "She likes you very much, brother, what do you think?"

Zhou Yunchen heard them talking here, but he still greeted the elders first.

Shen's father liked him very much, so he asked his servants to pour tea and talk heart-to-heart together.

"Yun Chen, you have a big career now, and you need someone to take care of you." Father Shen smiled, and then looked at his little daughter.

Zhou Yunchen was sitting, stroking his forehead with his slender fingers, "Well... I have someone I like. The relationship is very good."

Father Shen was surprised, and then looked at Shen Congwen.

Shen Congwen was also quite surprised, when did Zhou Yunchen have a girlfriend?

To his surprise, Shen Jun's eyes dimmed, and he whispered, "Brother, when did Brother Zhou have a girlfriend?"

Also feel very good!

Shen Congwen smiled lightly, "I'm not sure."

"Brother, don't you have a good relationship with him?" Shen Jun pestered and asked, forgetting about his female classmates.

Only then did Shen Congwen realize what his sister was thinking, so he warned in a low voice: "You mustn't like him, do you hear me?"

Shen Jun whispered: "Why not!"

Shen Congwen's tone was not very good: "Because he is...a bit old."

"A mature man will take care of others."

"He doesn't know how to take care of people! He's also a rascal. He asks you to pay for things when you go out, and you have to pay for meals... Do you still want to be with him?" Shen Congwen snorted softly.

When the younger sister looked disbelieving: "Why is he like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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