Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 484 Is it hard to admit that you like me?

Chapter 484 Is it hard to admit that you like me?

Chu Ci stared at her for a few more seconds, then turned around and walked in front. She was stunned for a moment, and immediately trotted to follow, but her legs were always short, so it was a bit difficult.

Later, he finally slowed down, Chu Yan followed him to the parking lot, got into the car silently, and sat there blankly with a small bag in his arms.

A few days after the incident, she changed a lot.

Chu Ci put on his seat belt, and then said softly, "Is that why you're so afraid of me?"

She didn't make a sound, and he said again: "What are you afraid of me?"

Chu Yan whispered, "I'm not afraid."

"If you're not afraid, let's go eat." He said quietly, and then started the car.

Chu Yan tilted her head, looked at his slightly indifferent face, and couldn't help but say, "Are you angry?" '

"It's not angry, but I can't be happy." He smiled very lightly, and then stopped talking, holding the steering wheel and focusing on the road ahead.

Chu Yan didn't dare to provoke him, so she leaned against the back of the chair with her eyes wide open.

She is always a little restrained, not like before.

Chu Ci could feel it naturally, so his complexion became even more ugly. Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a vegetarian restaurant, and he opened the door: "Get out of the car."

Chu Yan went down, followed him to the special passage, and entered a box.

It's not that they haven't been here before, it's just that their mood is completely different now.In the past, she was always tired of being by his side or in his arms, acting like a baby in all kinds of ways.

But at this time, it seemed like a lifetime away.

She misses him, but dare not, she is afraid that she will be addicted.

She is not indifferent to him, after so many years of company, there is only such a man by her side and in her heart.

Chu Yan sat down silently, listening to him explain some details to the manager, including that she can't eat spicy food.

Until there was no one else in the box, Chu Ci poured her a glass of water, and said calmly, "Drink some water first."

Chu Yan whispered, "I want to call Mom and Dad."

"I fought for you." He said flatly.

Then, there is silence.

Chu Yan didn't know what to say, and she didn't know where to put her hands and feet...

Chu Ci observed her for a long time before saying lightly, "Is it difficult to admit that you like me?"

She raised her head all of a sudden, with bewilderment in her big eyes.

Probably did not expect him to say that suddenly.

Chu Ci laughed at herself a little: "Maybe you'll never want to admit it for the rest of your life."

Chu Yan suddenly bit her lip and stared at him...

Chu Ci didn't move, just leaned on the back of the chair lightly, his posture was very casual, his face was extremely beautiful, his whole body exuded dignity...

Chu Yan moved over slowly, and put herself in his arms very carefully.

Chu Ci bowed her head.

She raised her small face and looked at him pitifully... her big eyes were still soaked in water.

His heart suddenly softened, "Do you know what this means?"

Chu Yan's voice trembled, "I know. Can we...not hurt her?"

Chu Ci didn't answer her, he lowered his head slowly...the fingers on his shoulders tightened suddenly.

Toss and turn, turn and turn...

Later, the meal was still not eaten, and Chu Yan was taken back to his villa...

...the love-hate ellipsis...

Early the next morning, Gu Anxi was discharged from the hospital.

Sitting in the car, she called Chu Yan and wanted to talk about something.

But after the phone rang five or six times, a familiar male voice rang out: "Yanyan is still sleeping."

Gu Anxi froze for a moment, then looked at his phone, it was Chu Yan's call.

In the next second, she felt WOC in her heart, it wasn't what she thought!

So he asked cautiously, "You..."

(End of this chapter)

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