Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 505 I'm Just an Ordinary Love Genius

Chapter 505 I'm Just an Ordinary Love Genius

Shen Congwen couldn't hold back, "Zhou Yunchen! Don't go too far?"

"Why am I going too far?" Zhou Yunchen leaned over and said in a low voice, "Tell me, what is going too far, I treat you wholeheartedly, think about you, cook for you and wash your clothes, and care about you even in your emotional life. This kind of care from body to heart... Congwen, you are not moved at all?"

He paused for a moment, then smiled softly: "If I treat the little girls so well, maybe ten or eight of them will come back."

Shen Congwen was so teased that he couldn't speak a word. He was not his opponent in the first place, and he was even more embarrassed at this time.

Zhou Yunchen didn't worry anymore, took his coat, and said softly, "Okay, I'm going back."

Shen Congwen didn't give him a look, and he went to the door to change his shoes: "Take care of yourself! If you can't, call auntie to cook for you."

Shen Congwen bit his fist, but still said: "Thank you for cooking for me for a week."

"No need." Zhou Yunchen's voice was cold: "Shen Congwen, do I want your thanks?"

He looked at him (her), "You're clearly pretending to be confused."

Shen Congwen was still sitting there, watching him quietly.

Zhou Yunchen grinds his fine white teeth: No matter how difficult a bone is, I will chew it down.

Zhou Yunchen left, Shen Congwen took out a cigarette, no one was watching, he smoked happily.

After smoking, the apartment feels empty.

I still wanted to smoke a cigarette, but I gave up after thinking about it.

He was sitting on the sofa, covering his eyes with his hands, quietly thinking about Zhou Yunchen's words——

He is not a fool, he has a feeling that what Zhou Yunchen wants is for him to confess.

Zhou Yunchen, he already knew it!

However, I don't know whether it was his mother who said it or Zhou Yunchen discovered it by himself... It's not that important, the important thing is that he doesn't know how to respond.

With a height of 175, a thin figure, everything he says, behaves, dresses and even social relations has always been from the perspective of a man. How can he be a woman?

Could it be that when we go out with Zhou Yunchen in the future, when we introduce...he doesn't have the courage, nor does he have the will to be a woman again.

For more than 20 years, he thinks this is very good.

Perhaps, he was also tempted by being taken care of like that when he was sick, but his mentality is indeed different from those girls. He can't imagine himself acting like a baby, lying in someone else's arms and watching TV. He grew up according to the standards of a man. .

Shen Congwen let out a long breath, didn't say anything, just drowned quietly in the silent night.

Do you say that you are lonely? You are not lonely. It is just a habit.

He is alone, fortunately, there is no need to drag another person to sink together.


His fingers touched his lips lightly, feeling a little hot on his face.


Zhou Yunchen drove to Anpu early the next morning, walked into the magnificent general manager's office, the secretary smiled: "Morning Zhou."

Zhou Yunchen smiled lightly: "Morning."

The eyes of the secretaries were shining, and Zhou Yunchen stepped back a little: "Why such an expression?"

The second secretary was pushed out, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Gu said you have a girlfriend, and she is a very beautiful girl."

In the latter words, needless to say, the meaning is to build a team.

Zhou Yunchen put down the briefcase, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Mr. Gu said that?"

Several secretaries were laughing, and the second secretary was bold: "Mr. Gu also said that you are a cycad tree blooming."

Zhou Yunchen hehe: "She doesn't do anything at work, she is busy arranging for me."

After finishing speaking, he walked straight into his office, and several secretaries whispered behind his back.Zhou Yunchen turned around again, and ordered a lot of work——

The secretaries are all good people, and they immediately understood that Mr. Zhou didn't catch up with his girlfriend.

They guessed right, Mr. Zhou was in a bad mood, threw the handbag on the sofa, and fed Gu Anxi who was playing the game: "There are a lot of things waiting for you, and you are still busy with the game."

Gu Anxi was playing the game and teasing: "Zhou Yunchen, I knew you disliked me now, jealous of my successful career at a young age, jealous of my easy and perfect relationship."

Zhou Yunchen's jealous face was distorted, "Yes! I'm jealous that you are married to Dr. Bo at such a young age."

Said, looked at the past with a very contemptuous look.

Gu Anxi was a little furious for a moment: "Hehehe, Mr. Zhou, you don't understand our fun."

Zhou Yunchen snorted softly: "Really? I don't believe it anymore."

These words are more or less clichéd.

He, Zhou Yunchen, really didn't have a girlfriend, and he did play tricks in the mall, but he really never talked about a girl's IKEA and IKEA in a serious way. This kind of just a taste.

Gu Anxi stared at him, then put down the phone, "Hey, do you want to give up when you hit a snag?"

(End of this chapter)

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