Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 514 Press Conference!Gu Anxi's special treatment

Chapter 514 Press Conference!Gu Anxi's special treatment

Wang Jingyao was speechless: "Drive slowly."

Really, someone else must have come here early, unlike her, she doesn't care about such a big matter at all, she needs to be reminded by his old brother!

This little bastard is lawless because he is spoiled by everyone!

Here, Gu Anxi hung up the phone, immediately went to the parking lot, got in the car to locate it, and drove directly to the hotel site.

Because the competition was initiated by Wang Jingyao's office, the venue was very lively, and many dignitaries who wanted to hug their legs also came, trying their luck to hug Mr. Wang.

Tang Yuan and Gu Yuanshan came to the press conference early because of Gu Mingzhu's award. Although it has not been announced yet, judging from the aura of the Gu family, it seems that it has been settled. In addition, it is rumored that Princess Gu and Mr. Wang There are also some constant relationships, and others still support Gu Mingzhu.

Tang Yuan felt unspeakably comfortable. Just when she was very satisfied, Gu Anxi came over. She came by herself and walked straight to the first row.

At this moment, Wang Jingchuan, Wang Jingyao's secretary-general, went up to meet him: "Doctor Gu, you are finally here. Mr. Wang has mentioned it several times, and I'm afraid you won't come."

He said it in a low voice, and others couldn't hear him, but he felt that his attitude was very kind.

Gu Anxi looked at the secretary-general: "I'm getting old, and I like to worry about things."

The secretary-general took a deep breath and said earnestly: "In front of Mr. Wang in a while, don't tell him like this, or you will be sad."

The Secretary-General still understands the master's thoughts very well.

Gu Anxi waved his hand, "All right, all right, I understand." '

The secretary-general smiled and led her to sit down, which is naturally the best place...

Such exchanges made Tang Yuan and Gu Mingzhu a little uncomfortable. After all, Gu Mingzhu spent a lot of effort and could only talk to Mr. Wang occasionally, but Gu Anxi was treated as a guest of honor at the secretary-general's place. .

Tang Yuan and Gu Mingzhu both had the same thoughts in their hearts. Gu Anxi and Wang Jingyao had more or less ulterior motives. Just imagine that a powerful man treats a little girl so well, and he knows what he wants. Saw it with my own eyes.

At the moment, Gu Mingzhu was so dissatisfied with Gu Anxi that she loved her to the extreme, and she felt as if she was both born Yu and Shengliang.

On the other hand, Gu Yuanshan was terrified watching from the sidelines. He knew that Wang Jingyao admired Gu Anxi, otherwise he wouldn't have called him over many times and asked about his fate, but he really didn't know that they were so close in private. .

Gu Yuanshan's forehead was covered with sweat.

Last year, he still had ambitions to be the boss of the four big families, but after the incident with the Jiang family, he thought about it a lot. The Jiang family was a target, a tool to be used against the Bo family.

Now, it's very miserable, Mr. Wang is gone, and Jiang's family is killed in a few strokes.

Gu Yuanshan suddenly remembered that he was also involved in the matter of the Jiang family, and the reason why it was not affected may have something to do with Anxi...

This discovery made him sweat even more.

Tang Yuan realized that his mood was not right, she leaned over and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you, Yuanshan?"

Gu Yuanshan calmed down for a moment: "It's nothing, I just remembered some business matters and got distracted."

Tang Yuan just looked at him, always feeling that he was thinking, but it was not convenient for her to ask because there were so many people here, so she had to put it in her stomach silently.

It's just that the mood is more complicated... She and Gu Yuanshan are not as good as before.

Gu Yuanshan looked at Gu Anxi and felt that it was necessary to have a talk with her. This occasion would definitely not work, so he planned to arrange another time.

Gu Anxi knew nothing about the thoughts of the family of three, and she was not interested in them, so she remained indifferent.

There are still about [-] minutes before the press conference, and she hastened to play the game...

When Wang Jingyao came over, she saw her holding the mobile phone in both hands, bowing her head and turning black.

He is surrounded by people, and he is especially honored in the crowd.

He glanced at her quietly, then turned his head and said a few words to the secretary-general, who smiled and said, "Kids always like to play."

Wang Jingyao said again: "What does it look like? Go and remind her. It will be her highlight moment soon. How many cameras are facing her. Do you want people to see that the winner is still playing games? Do I want to lose my face?"

The secretary-general laughed along with him: "Doctor Gu probably didn't regard this as a highlight moment!"

He sighed: "That's great!"

The big shot is not happy: "This is her elder brother's face, she has to take care of it, go and go, tell her to save some face, and tell her to come with me after the press conference, and I will take her to have a meal. "

The secretary-general knew about the itinerary of the important person, and he wanted to bring Gu Anxi with him when he met a heavyweight foreign guest.

You know, on this occasion, Mr. Wang does not bring a female companion, firstly it is not necessary, and secondly, it is to avoid suspicion.

Presumably this time, she also went as a younger sister.

He was very suspicious, Mr. Wang was not just showing off!

So she smiled, got off the stage and whispered a few words to Gu Anxi, Gu Anxi raised her eyes, and saw Wang Jingyao glaring at her, she slowly put away her phone, and made a grimace back at him.

The secretary-general smiled, knowing that the big and the small were on the hook, but the relationship was really good.

As for Ms. Gu, no matter whether you deal with it or not, it makes Mr. Wang very happy. People around him know it best. Mr. Wang probably mentions Ms. Gu three or four times a day.

He stepped onto the stage, said a few words to Wang Jingyao, and the master and servant looked at each other and smiled.

Wang Jingyao took the main seat, and the secretary-general beside him, as the spokesperson of this press conference, spent about 10 minutes talking about the concept of COMO and the situation of this competition. Below are the top ten designers, and More than 50 mainstream media and many celebrities came, waiting for the secretary-general to announce the final No.1.

However, on this kind of occasion, the officials always like to play tricks, and the secretary-general said some witty words, which made the atmosphere very hot and playful, and he would cue Wang Jingyao from time to time.

A person like Wang Jingyao only needs to say a few words, and the ladies and socialites below are all staring at him.

In addition to power, there is naturally the blessing of appearance and temperament.

Gu Mingzhu also stared at him, not because of any love, but because of a desire for power. The white moonlight in Gu Mingzhu's heart has always been only Shen Congwen, but she has never considered the result of her relationship with Shen Congwen... She just wanted her love to be recognized, so she teased Shen Congwen again and again.

At this moment, she was staring at Wang Jingyao and talking, and seeing everyone looking at Mr. Wang with such eyes, she was yearning infinitely in her heart...

(End of this chapter)

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