Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 605 Mr. Min wants to set up a magnanimous person

Chapter 605 Mr. Min wants to set up a magnanimous person

Of course, Min Xin couldn't bear it, but he wanted to see her unapologetically.

Anything but such public opportunities, presumably inconvenient, would always present her with danger.

Secretary Wang said from the side: "Mr. Wang also said that he wanted to celebrate."

The voice was a little low: 'There are quite a few people invited. '

Min Xin looked at him, and Wang Yuan lowered his voice again, "But it's actually good. If Mr. Wang recognizes this child, Madam will be relatively safe."

Min Xin's gaze was fixed, and he said after a while, "You don't think my green hat is important, do you?"

Wang Yuan coughed lightly, not daring to say anything, but just looked at his master.

Min Xin thought for a while before saying: "Go."

The secretary's head lowered, did Mr. Min claim this green hat?

He wanted to say something, but seeing Min Xin's expression, he shut up...

Alas, this is really embarrassing for Mr. Min.

Min Xin closed his eyes and didn't want to talk anymore.

He wants to be strong in his life, and this time is his biggest compromise.As for the future, he hasn't figured it out yet, maybe it's a good idea to let Zhou Yu go abroad.

After listening to his instructions, Wang Yuan took the B-ultrasound sheet and brought some supplements to go to Wang Jingyao's villa. Before leaving, Min Xin called him: "Wait a minute."

Wang Yuan was a little surprised: "What's wrong? '

Min Xin reluctantly sat up: "I'll go there myself."

The secretary was a little dumbfounded: "How can this be done, your body won't allow it."

"It's okay, it's just a trauma, and I can't die." Min Xin had already got out of bed.

Wang Yuan stepped forward to help, hesitantly said: "It's not that I won't let you go, it's really inconvenient."

He said earnestly again: "Think about it, now the wife belongs to Mr. Wang, and the child also belongs to Mr. Wang. You..."

Min Xin gritted his teeth: "Just treat it as if I'm visiting an old friend!"

He let out another long breath: "By the way, when Wang Jingyao announces the news, also help me send a draft and set up a magnanimous personality."

Wang Yuan cautiously asked, "What is Dadu Renji?"

Min Xin's voice was slightly cold, "Regardless of past suspicions, I wish my ex-wife a good home."

The Secretary-General once again refreshed the Three Views, Mr. Min is able to bend and stretch!

At this time, Min Xin said to himself again: "This kind of way is Gu Anxi's way. Isn't she always shameless like this?"

Wang Yuan thought in his heart: She is shameless, you still want to learn from her?

Min Xin snorted and put on his coat, "Okay, let's go."

His appearance is really miserable, hurt, and his complexion is not good. How can he be as handsome and aggressive as usual?

The secretary-general felt distressed, and helped his master to go out, but no one found out that he was relieved until he sat in the car.

Min Xin sat down, feeling some pain in his shoulder, and let out a deep breath.

"Are you all right?" the Secretary-General asked with concern.

Min Xin endured the pain and said softly, "It's okay."

The secretary-general thoughtfully arranged a pillow for him to lean against, and then took out a book: "This is the parenting manual you want."

Min Xin was a little lost in the dim light.

Even his expression was extremely gentle.

The Secretary-General was on the side, and he was very relieved. Although the child was said to belong to Mr. Wang in name, it actually belonged to their Mr. Min, and Mr. Min seemed to like children very much!

Say no to it in the future, it's really fragrant now.

He carefully waited on the side, the car drove to Wang Jingyao's villa, the driver said: "Sir, we are here."

Min Xin slightly nodded and looked at Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan got out of the car and talked to the concierge. The concierge knew that it was Min Xin coming, so he didn't dare to stop him, so he opened the door and went to report.

At this time, Zhou Yu was resting in the courtyard. In the early summer afternoon, she leaned on a swing and squinted to sleep. She didn't have a good appetite, and she didn't touch the snacks in front of her.

When Min Xin saw such a scene, his throat could not help but loosen.

Seeing him like this, Wang Yuan withdrew wisely.

Min Xin walked over slowly, stared at her greedily, and then reached out as if wanting to touch her, but at this moment Zhou Yun woke up, and saw Min Xin as soon as she opened her eyes, she moved her body subconsciously: " Why are you here?"

Looking around, it was just the two of them.

Min Xin noticed the defense in her eyes, and smiled wryly: "So afraid of me?"

"No." Zhou Yu lowered his eyes: "I just feel a little surprised, didn't you say that Wang Yuan sent it?"

Min Xin stared at her slightly thin face, and said softly, "I happened to be bored in the hospital, so I came here."

His voice was hoarse: "Is the child okay? Have you had lunch?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "Eat."

In fact, I didn't eat a few mouthfuls, because I couldn't eat it, and I would spit it out after eating it.

What did Min Xin not know?

He felt a little distressed, but he couldn't show it well, so he just smiled slightly: "That's good. By the way, I brought some fruits over, and I'll get someone to make them for you to eat later."

Zhou Yu was a little troubled, "Min Xin, in fact, you don't have to be so nice."

He stared at her: "Is it because I don't need it, or because I'm afraid of being entangled with me?"

Zhou Yu didn't say anything, she looked away: "Since we're both divorced, there's really no need to get so close and let others gossip."

"Are you defending Wang Jingyao?" He lost his voice.

She hummed and looked at him quietly.

She thought he would be angry, because Min Xin's temper was really not good. In their 20 years of marriage, he was not very talkative, except for the first one or two years of marriage.

He would always have a gloomy face because of some small things, making her feel that she was worthless, until her heart became cold, until she felt that it was not that she was bad, but that he didn't love her.

Slowly, she didn't love him so much, and gradually, she didn't care about his affairs.

However, now his various behaviors seem to... want to redeem?

Zhou Yu has never been a passionate person. She can feel that Min Xin's purpose is nothing more than her, but she doesn't understand...

"Min Xin, we have not loved each other all these years, and even hated each other." She said in a low voice: "Or do you think our divorce is just a child's play? As long as you need, as long as you hook your fingers, I will turn back ?”

(End of this chapter)

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