Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 618 Where did that little bastard go?

Chapter 618 Where did that little bastard go?

An old fox like Min Xin naturally wouldn't back down easily. He looked at Bo Xichen, "Then to put it another way, I want to see Dr. Gu now."

Bo Xichen raised his eyes and smiled: "Doctor Gu has already left work."

"Really?" Min Xin gritted his teeth: "That's really unfortunate."

He pursed his lips, still gritted his teeth, "Very good."

Uncle Bo was very accommodating: "Mr. Min should take good care of his injury. Besides, how did Anxi get in touch with the robber? She has always been weak and has been trying to make up her body."

Min Xin sized up Bo Xichen, and found that his perception of this young man was somewhat biased in the past. In the past, he only thought that Bo Xichen was outstanding, but he seemed too upright and not suitable for the rich and powerful. It would be nice to be a doctor quietly. But now he doesn't think so, Bo Xichen is just relatively low-key, maybe the entire Bo family is low-key... That's why they can keep their glory and wealth for hundreds of years.

Min Xin chuckled: "Isn't she always full of energy?"

Wherever there is a battlefield, there is Gu Anxi, and it is clear that there is her everywhere.

Bo Xichen stroked his forehead and apologized: "If she causes Mr. Min a headache, I will make her appear around Mr. Min as little as possible in the future."

Min Xin's heart skipped a beat: "What does this mean?"

Could it be that Zhou Yu also disappeared together, invisible?

He panicked.

Bo Xichen was surprised: "Mr. Min doesn't want to see her?"

Min Xin was speechless.

He glanced at his secretary-general—

Wang Yuan expressed with his eyes that there is no way to fight head-on. Wang Jingyao is still there, and there will be no good fruit to eat if there is a big trouble.

Min Xin still trusted Wang Yuan very much, so he decided to back down immediately.

Bo Xichen was not the kind of person who pushes forward, so he nodded slightly: "Mr. Min, go slowly."

However, he didn't stand up either. It can be seen that Min Xin had offended the Bo family very badly. Min Xin was so angry and angry that the wound on his shoulder began to ache again...

With a gloomy face, he walked towards the door of the operating room, but bumped into Wang Jingyao head-on.

The elder brother's complexion was even worse, his face darkened, Min Xin was always inferior, so he asked in a low voice, "How is the old man?"

Wang Jingyao was not in a good mood: "Go and see for yourself. The old man may be shocked. It's not very good now. I'll ask Xi Chen to go and have a look."

Min Xin went immediately.

Seeing him leave, Wang Jingyao immediately walked over to the operating room. As soon as he entered, he saw a row of razor blades brushing one after another. He was startled: "Xi Chen, what did you do?"

Bo Xichen smiled and stood up: "It took care of a little trouble."

Wang Jingyao glanced back, Wang Jingchuan immediately cleaned up the person, and when the person was cleaned up, Wang Jingyao asked in a low voice: "What about the little bastard? She stole the things, right?"

She is really good. His old man was fooled by her into the hospital to cover her. What kind of bad temper is the old man? I have never seen him protecting someone like this regardless of right or wrong. What is this little bastard for? What ecstasy soup did his mother drink?

When he asked this question, Bo Xichen hesitated for a moment before coughing lightly: "She did it."

The old brother was furious: "This bastard cake is really audacious. Do you know how many security personnel there are in that guild hall? Do you know how sophisticated the security system is, not to mention that Min Xin is still waiting for her to be arrested!"

(End of this chapter)

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