Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 625 The Red Brush Appears!Gu Anxi hits 1 target backwards

Chapter 625 The Red Brush Appears!Gu Anxi hit the target backwards

Gu Mingzhu was dumbfounded, she stared at Shen Congwen blankly.

It's true, Shen Congwen is actually a woman.

Shen Congwen was quite calm, and smiled slightly: "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Gu Mingzhu murmured: "I don't believe it."

She looked at Shen Congwen again, and said to herself: "Even if you are a woman, Zhou Yunchen must not be sincere to you, he is just using you. When he climbs up, he will get rid of you immediately."

Tang Yuan came over and held her shoulder: "Mingzhu, what nonsense are you talking about?"

She knew how powerful it was. Min Xin would not be happy if the atmosphere was too embarrassing on this occasion.

Fortunately, Min Xin hasn't come yet.

Just as she was rejoicing, a voice sounded: "That's right, the relationship between husband and wife is indeed not strong."

Everyone saw that it was none other than Gu Anxi who spoke.

Gu Anxi didn't do anything special tonight, she wore a little black dress from Chanel, keeping a low profile.

Gu Mingzhu's lips trembled: "You admit it too, don't you? You are just using Shen Congwen."

Gu Anxi nodded and smiled: "I don't know if the benefits will be used or not, and I don't know if they will divorce in the future. I only know that now all of Zhou Yunchen's property has been signed under Shen Congwen's name. If there is a divorce in the future, Zhou Yunchen will only It's quite miserable to be able to take away two big underpants and naked body, if Miss Mingzhu wants to sympathize, sympathize with Zhou Yunchen first, he is the man who was eaten to death and used to death."

She said sarcastically: "Zhou Chu not only gave all the shares and property to Mr. Shen, but also kept only 5000 yuan on him with his monthly salary. It is not enough for a meal, and he has no money to find a woman. He lives in the house all day long." In the shadow of being abandoned, you said he was miserable."

The eyes around him quietly changed.

People who were mocking at first began to sympathize.

Boss Shen has good means, Zhou Chu is a kind of true love, he eats to death, and he is loyal.

Gu Mingzhu was stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

Gu Anxi smiled: "This is the correct way to get married. We women must keep our eyes open when we get married, and get the property first, otherwise the man will send you away with a little drizzle when we get divorced." , that would be more tragic..."

She seemed to have just seen Tang Yuan, and smiled: "Mrs. Gu, don't you think so?" '

Tang Yuan's expression froze.

She is no longer this Mrs. Gu, Gu Anxi is clearly embarrassing her by mentioning her like this now, and she is the one who was drizzled.

Tang Yuan was very embarrassed, and Gu Mingzhu stepped forward: "Gu Anxi, what about you, I don't think the Bo family will hand over all the property to you, right?"

How could the property of the Bo family, which is in the hundreds of billions, be handed over to Gu Anxi?

Gu Anxi smiled: "My uncle belongs to me, if he dares to divorce, I won't even leave him my underpants."

Bo Xichen who was at the side coughed lightly, with a bit of reproach in his eyes.

Gu Anxi snorted, "I'm sorry, I know you can't."

Uncle Bo smiled, but said nothing.

The people around were shocked again, isn't this tolerance too strong?

At the moment, Tang Yuan's mother and daughter are very shameless, especially Gu Mingzhu's dream since she was a child has been shattered. She thought that today she could give Zhou and Chen a hard time, so that they could not stand alone and their future would be ruined , did not expect Shen Congwen to be a woman.

She wanted to leave, but she had no choice but to retreat on such an occasion. Fortunately, Min Xin arrived at this time.

The big man came out and made way around, which was very impressive.

He looked at Gu Mingzhu, then at Gu Anxi, and knew that Gu Mingzhu was being bullied again.

Wang Yuan on the side also sighed: Miss Mingzhu, why bother, Mr. Min is often so angry that he jumps his feet, she should have no time to hide, how can he still rush to join in?

Seeing Min Xin coming, Gu Mingzhu's confidence was raised again in an instant.

With Min Xin around, Gu Anxi is nothing.

With such confidence, she saw a beauty in red beside Min Xin. She was really beautiful, much more beautiful than that Lin Hua, and it was that kind of glamorous beauty. A red tulle dress was worn on her There is a kind of classic beauty in the body.

When Gu Anxi saw this beautiful woman, he immediately smiled.

Beauty, we meet again.

Min Xin looked at Gu Anxi and smiled faintly: "Mr. Gu is really eloquent."

He looked at Bo Xichen again and again, deliberately embarrassed: "Is Professor Bo so fearful of guilt?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "It's not a matter of fear, it's the tradition of the Bo family to let the wife go."

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately thought of Bo Nianyao, and the picture immediately appeared.

Bo Nianyao is notoriously afraid of his wife!Fortunately, Lin Yun also gave him face outside, so nothing happened. After all, everyone is everyone.

They also looked at Bo Xichen's jokes, and wanted to know how afraid of his wife he was, and what kind of fear he could become.

At this time, Gu Anxi looked at the beauty beside Min Xin, and sighed: "Mr. Min really has no time for a moment."

Min Xin said quietly: "This is Miss Song, Song Jiaren."

Gu Anxi was confused: "I thought her surname was Hong, or Wu! Why is her surname Song?"

Min Xin had a look of patience, he really didn't expect that Gu Anxi was so courageous that she would expose her identity in front of so many people, she was still infinite, so she wasn't afraid?

Gu Anxi was not afraid, she looked at Song Jiaren with a smile, she was also that Miss Hongfu, took her hand, and touched it: "It's a very slippery hand, but the fingers are a little callused, you should always hold a gun. "

Song Jiaren squinted her eyes and withdrew her hand calmly.

Gu Anxi smiled again: "Oh, by the way, yesterday I heard that there was a large French vase missing in the guild hall. It was a national treasure, and it was said that it was done by Infinity. ..."

She circled back and forth, left, right, and right: "Miss Song has a light body, and she has calluses on her hands. She has both hands. Could it be infinity?"

Min Shin was about to suffocate.

Gu Anxi hit the target backwards!

He hasn't identified her as infinite yet, but she wronged Hongfu.

Obviously, she took the things away.

 I didn’t turn on the heating today, so my waist hurts just after writing, so I went to lie down for a while, and there’s another update, at six o’clock~~



(End of this chapter)

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