Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 629 Beeping Monster 2.0

Chapter 629 Beeping Monster 2.0

Naturally, Min Xin would not drink this wine with him, and it would be extremely difficult to see Zhou Yu again when he left.

At this moment, Zhou Yu was sitting in the living room of her separate bedroom, with Gu Anxi accompanying her.

Zhou Yu asked in a low voice, "Did Min Xin do many bad things?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "Not really, but if there is darkness, there will be no peace in Beicheng."

Diablo is not like other things on the bright side, it can help Min Xin eradicate dissidents, in order to get Jing, their Gu family suffered a tragic disaster.

And it was an accident that she survived.

Zhou Yu lowered his face, and said lightly: "I knew he was not a good person, but... I really didn't think that he would... have anything to do with the legendary Diablo."

She had heard about Anxi's family, raised her eyes, and said softly, "Anxi, I'm sorry."

Gu Anxi didn't care much, "That has nothing to do with you."

Speaking of which, she also used Zhou Yu.

So, everyone is evened out.

Zhou Yu suddenly lowered his voice: "Be careful with that Song Jia. When I was with him, I saw her once or twice. It's not like this. She should be a very powerful person."

Gu Anxi groaned: "We fought."

She coughed lightly, searched around, picked out a box from the pile of presents, and opened it.

Inside, is a bottle of mutton fat jade, so big and so moist, very rare, and it was a royal item in a certain period.

Even people like Zhou Yu were dumbfounded.

"I got it in front of Song Jiaren, and her name is Hong Fu, Min Xin's subordinate, undercover in Diablo." Gu Anxi explained softly: "She is very skilled. '

Zhou Yu looked at her nonchalantly for a long time before saying, "Is she a little worse than you?"

"It's a little bit worse." The little creamer said confidently.

Zhou Yu was immediately envious, and at the same time felt very refreshed. She had met Song Jiaren a few times, and that woman always looked at her with a disdainful expression. Now there is someone who is stronger than her, but it is indescribably cool. .

Gu Anxi stayed with her for a while, and the old brother came over and picked her ear, "You are so bold, you dare to provoke Min Xin like this on this occasion."

Needless to say, Zhou Yu had to double protect him.

Gu Anxi looked at him, but said nothing.

Wang Jingyao knew that Zhou Yu was here and she would not say anything, so he carried her into the study.

Sitting down, he lit a cigarette: "It looks like Min Xin is really going to fight me."

From the moment Song Jiaren appeared, he knew that Min Xin had chosen.

Zhou Yu can delay him for a while, but not for a lifetime.

Gu Anxi lowered her eyes, "Leave this Song Jia to me."

The old brother glanced at her: "You're promising! Do you know who she is?"

He took out a stack of materials from the drawer and threw it in front of her: "I don't know how high the sky is!"

Gu Anxi took it and opened it to read, then marveled: "Jing Chuan's intelligence work is really good."

Wang Jingchuan on the side touched his head: "Miss Gu is too polite."

Gu Anxi continued to read with a smile, and closed the file after reading.

Wang Jingyao smoked a cigarette and looked at her: "How do you feel?"

Gu Anxi said honestly: "It's quite powerful, and I'm a little scared. Brother, you have to protect me. If you really can't do Min Xin, you can use your beauty to deal with it."

Wang Jingyao gave her a slap right away: "Speak well." '

Gu Anxi straightened up: "From this, I can see that it's not me that she really wants to replace. I'm just an ordinary young genius in the business world. What she wants to replace is Zhou Yunchen."

In other words, when Song Jiaren returned to China, she was compared with Zhou Yunchen.

"You're not stupid." Wang Jingyao was finally willing to give her a high look, and then smoked slowly: "What do you think?"

Little Milkman yawned, "It's still the same sentence, take it with your beauty."

The old brother scolded with a smile: "You little bastard! Come on, I'm going back with Xi Chen soon, and I'm tired too. Zhou Yu's letting me here is like a ticking time bomb because of your age."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Then I'll take it back."

Wang Jingyao gave her a white look: "Forget it, maybe how do you plan."

His heart suddenly moved, and he quietly looked at this little bastard from their Wang family.

The little bastard seems to be friendly with everyone, but there are not many people who can really count her as his own.

At least, Zhou Yu doesn't count now, otherwise she wouldn't calculate like this.

Gu Anxi probably saw what he was thinking, and smiled: "That's not the case."

She even said cruelly: "In the face of big right and wrong, there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed."

She whispered again: "One day, if you want to sacrifice me, please don't show mercy."

The discomfort in Wang Jingyao's heart rose to the extreme, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

He said in a hoarse voice: "How could that be!"

Gu Anxi smiled, very indifferently.

She is a person who has lost her life once, and she knows that once an organization like Diablo is out of control, not one or two will lose their lives...

Therefore, if necessary, she, Gu Anxi, had to fill it in.

When she left, Wang Jingyao was still sitting there, thinking deeply.

Wang Jingchuan whispered, "Mr. Wang."

Wang Jingyao was in a daze, and said softly, "Jingchuan, do you think that Anxi really looks like a member of the Bo family?"

Wang Jingchuan sighed: "It is like." '

Wang Jingyao also said: "The rich and powerful in Beicheng ebb and flow, only the Bo family has survived for hundreds of years, which makes sense. And I know all these reasons, but...Jing Chuan, I think Anxi is still alive and well. , Just be happy every day, this child is suitable for living a heartless life, she is a little angry when she teases others, but she feels so lively."

Wang Jingchuan said softly: "You are too sad."

"Is there?" The big man raised his eyes, with a trace of moisture in the corners of his eyes.

After a while, he hoarse, "Jingchuan, I regret it."

Wang Jingchuan moved closer, "What's wrong with you?"

The elder brother sighed: "Anxi should be my daughter."

Wang Jingchuan: MMP, you bastard [-]!

 There is one more chapter~~ before six o'clock



(End of this chapter)

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