Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 632 How can there be so much fairness in this world

Chapter 632 How can there be so much fairness in this world

Wang Yuan spoke from the side: "Yes, she has too many little tricks, she just likes to scare people, but in fact, Mr. Gu is kind."

Song Jiaren gritted her teeth: "I was really shot."

Min Xin was shocked and furious at the same time!

In his place, Gu Anxi was so lawless.

Is she being bold?

Song Jiaren clutched her bleeding arm, trying to take out the gun in her handbag but couldn't lift her hand at all.

Gu Anxi walked in slowly, still dressed in black and wearing a hat.

Min Xin said coldly: 'Do you know what you are doing? '

Gu Anxi slowly raised his gun: "Now I can end the three of you in one fell swoop."

Min Xin sneered: "Then you are too naive to think, there are more than 20 bodyguards in this villa."

At this time, Wang Yuan trembled: "Where's the bodyguard?"

Min Xin looked around and was also surprised.

I saw that the bodyguards who were usually on three steps and one post were gone.

Gu Anxi's voice was flat: "There is a grievance and a debtor. The only person I'm looking for is Song Jiaren."

She stepped forward slowly, pointing the black gun in her hand at Song Jiaren: "I won't kill you, I will make you more sad than death."

One day, if Feng Xi is reborn, Feng Xi will do it herself.

Song Jiaren's arms were bloody, and she pursed her lips tightly: "Gu Anxi, I don't believe you dare to do something wrong in front of Mr. Min."

"It's already happened once." Gu Anxi snorted coldly: "I don't care about doing it again."

At this time, Wang Yuan's voice trembled; "Miss Song, don't provoke Mr. Gu anymore, she really dares to touch Mr. Min."

Song Jiaren couldn't believe it.

Gu Anxi raised his gun to aim at her heart, and said mercilessly, "Get an ambulance ready."

After finishing speaking, a shot was fired, and Song Jiaren's heart was filled with blood mist.

Wang Yuan pissed in fright, committing an attack in public!

Gu Anxi was very calm, and raised his hand towards Min Xin: "If Mr. Min likes this way, I will accompany you to the end."

Min Xin could tell that Gu Anxi was being pissed off. He calmly signaled Wang Yuan to call for help, while he negotiated with Gu Anxi: "Now that you've vented your anger, it's about the same."

Gu Anxi raised the corners of his mouth and looked at Song Jiaren with a painful face: "This is the beginning, Miss Song. I will make you regret coming to Beicheng and everything you have done."

She took a step forward: "What I hate the most is that others tell me what to do! I won't offend people if they don't offend me. If they offend me, I will pay back double."

Song Jiaren looked breathless: "So, what about him? I don't believe you have no feelings for him at all?"

"No more." Gu Anxi said in a low voice: "It was originally a mortal enmity, but now it's added."

Song Jiaren exclaimed: "You are unfair to him! He is so kind to you."

"There's no such thing as fairness in this world. If there was, I wouldn't suffer so much." Gu Anxi sneered: "Instead of worrying about others, Ms. Song might as well save her life."

She took a step forward: "Remember, don't mess with me again! Otherwise, I will trample you on the ground and show him. I will peel off the things you care about most for you one by one."

The corners of Song Jiaren's mouth were covered with blood: "If I don't continue, will you let me go?"

"No." Gu Anxi sneered: "It's just that you don't want to die so ugly." '

After speaking, she turned around and left without looking at those people.

Min Xin's face was very ugly, he stared at Song Jiaren: "Do you like fickleness?" '

Song Jiaren was injured, very badly, but she still knelt down slowly——

"Mr. Min, it's my fault."

Min Xin's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Your fault? Do you know that the entire Bo family is offended now? Do you know that Wang Jingyao won't let go after offending Gu Anxi? Do you know that Zhou Yunchen is very difficult?"

He looked at Song Jiaren's appearance: "Can't you be clear about how you deal with her? You are no match for her even if you play ten of these little tricks. It's not embarrassing to see how injured you are!"

Hong Fu knelt there without saying a word, she really had some skills.

Wang Yuan hurried over, "The ambulance will be here soon, by the way, where is Mr. Gu?"

"Leave." Min Xin got angry: "She left after making my house like this. She really doesn't take me seriously."

He looked at Hong Fu again: "I warn you, don't use your brains in the future, I never said I wanted Gu Anxi's life."

Gu Anxi has three ups and two downs, and Zhou Yu and the child are probably over.

Besides, although that little bastard was annoying, he really didn't want her to die, sometimes it was... funny.

Hong Fu pursed her lips tightly: "Yes."

She looked at Wang Yuan, feeling sorry for the fragrance and cherishing the jade, she had to kneel down after being so injured.

I wanted to talk, but Min Xin's eyes made him tremble with fright...

Later the ambulance came and took Ms. Song Jiaren away. She was attacked outside and couldn't make an appointment with Min Xin.

Wang Jingyao heard about it and called Min Xin over.

Min Xin was furious at this moment, thinking that if Wang Jingyao hit the target backwards, he would be serious. Anyway, Gu Anxi committed murder in broad daylight, and several eyes were watching him.

How did you know that Wang Jingyao looked very kind as soon as he entered: "Brother Min, you're shocked!"

Min Xin raised his eyebrows, went to sit on the sofa, and lit a cigarette.

The old brother smiled: "That little bastard is too outrageous. He even dared to blow up your lair. Otherwise, let's arrest her and interrogate her properly to dampen her spirit?"

Min Xin made a mistake.

How does this work?

After arresting Gu Anxi, once Gu Anxi talked about the dark things, how could he stand up?

At the moment, he coughed lightly: "Actually, it's not a big deal."

Wang Jingyao smiled: "Brother Min, you are unscathed, but it is a pity that Miss Song Jiaren has suffered. A generation of beauties have suffered for others. By the way, it seems to have been shot three times. Oh, there are so many injuries on such a beautiful girl. Three blood holes, it's scary... That little bastard's attack was too inconsiderate."

Min Xin said quietly: "I have nothing to do with Miss Song."

Brother Wang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter why she was in your villa early in the morning. She has been here. I also know that you have a wide range of hobbies. Don't worry, Zhou Yu doesn't have any ideas. After all, are you divorced?" .”

Min Xin couldn't stand it and reminded: "We are talking about Gu Anxi, she is too outrageous this time." '

The old brother nodded sadly: "It's too disgraceful. Let me educate you later, you were shocked this time, and I am also very worried about you. You said that if she gets angry again next time, isn't the gun pointed at?" Ms. Song is Brother Min, what's the matter?"

Min Xin finally heard something, and snorted: "Didn't you mean let's put things on the surface?"

The old brother went to pour a glass of brandy, gave it to Min Xin with his own hands, and smiled all over his face: "Brother Min, we are gentle people, and you said that those who fight and kill every day are not suitable for us."

Min Xin said coldly, "Then please restrain Gu Anxi." '

The old brother smiled all over his face: "My own sister can still take care of it, but I don't know if your dog can take care of it."

Min Xin walked away angrily.

The old brother was sitting there alone drinking a little wine again. After a while, Wang Jingchuan came over, "Min Xin has already gone to find the dark luck."

Wang Jingyao smiled: "That's the way it is. We have never fought like Song Jiaren before. In other people's homes, this is too domineering. The little bastard didn't say anything else, but this time he let out a sigh of relief."Very happy. '

Wang Jingchuan followed him and said, "It's you who backed her up, and she has the confidence. Just now, Min Xin's face turned green with anger, and she didn't dare to refute it. It's their fault in the first place."

"Not bad." Wang Jingyao thought, and made a call.

Gu Anxi didn't answer, so he called Bo Xichen again and said something——

It's just that I'm out of anger, don't be too sad, the old brother will find someone to think of a way.

Bo Xichen listened for a long time, then looked at Gu Anxi who came back, she fell asleep, she fell asleep as soon as she came back, and probably won't wake up until tomorrow morning...

 Five o'clock~~~ Today's chapter has a lot of words, and there is a big chapter left



(End of this chapter)

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