Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 645 I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick, did Tang Yuan teach it?

Chapter 645 I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick, did Tang Yuan teach it?

Zhou Yu hesitated again: "Is he alright?"

The head nurse smiled: "I don't know the specific situation, I just heard that the critical period has passed."

Zhou Yu pursed his lips and did not speak.

The head nurse smiled slightly, "Does Miss Zhou want to visit Mr. Min?"

Zhou Yu hesitated for a moment, and the head nurse said, "It's so pitiful, I don't have any relatives around me."

She looked at Zhou Yu, who pretended to be reading a magazine.

After a while, Zhou Yu said softly, "I'm going to get some air."

The head nurse nodded, "Okay, let the two nurses follow, Mr. Wang told me."

She looked aside, and the two little nurses followed immediately. Zhou Yu felt a little uncomfortable after going out, "You don't have to follow."

The two little nurses didn't say anything and continued to follow.

Zhou Yu walked into the elevator, followed by two nurses who pressed the 38th floor for her.

Weekly forecast: ...

She stood in the elevator and watched the red numbers go down one by one until she reached the 38th floor.

In the VIP ward, Min Xin fell asleep, frowning.

Wang Yuan and Gu Mingzhu guarded him.

Wang Yuan raised his eyes and looked at Gu Mingzhu's crying eyes: "Miss Mingzhu, Mr. Min is fine."

There is no need to cry like this.

Gu Mingzhu pursed her lips and whispered, "But I'm still worried."

Wang Yuan persuaded patiently: "There is a doctor here, why don't you go back first?"

At this juncture, how could Gu Mingzhu be willing to leave, "I'll stay here and guard!"

Wang Yuan smiled, and didn't force it anymore. A man like him couldn't see what Gu Mingzhu was thinking. He just wanted Mr. Min to recognize her, but how could that be possible?

Mr. Min is not a man who can be moved by a few tears and a few kind words, he has a hard heart.

However, Wang Yuan still had to do the things on the surface, and smiled lightly: "Then I'll go buy some food for Miss Ming Zhu, you may not be used to the food in the hospital."

He was being polite. In fact, with his identity, this kind of thing can be faked by others, but Gu Mingzhu nodded unexpectedly: "Then trouble the Secretary-General."

The secretary-general smiled and went out with a smile on his face.

When I got outside, I saw Zhou Yu coming, and he closed the door softly, very respectfully: "Ma'am, why are you here? Mr. woke up for a while and asked about you. I said you were fine, so he went to bed in peace."

Zhou expected what Wang Jingyao said about being burnt or something, and he was a little flustered, so he asked in a low voice, "How is he?"

Wang Yuan smiled: "Fortunately, the situation is not too serious."

He looked into Zhou Yu's gaze, suddenly realized: "Oh, by the way, you can go in and have a look, Miss Gu Mingzhu is here."

Wang Yuan opened the door to let her in, while he went to cook for Gu Mingzhu himself.

Zhou Yu wanted to refuse, but Wang Yuan left, and the door opened again so she had to go in.

This was one of the few times when Gu Mingzhu saw Zhou Expectation. She softened a lot, but she still had the same dignified status as in the past, and there were two nurses who followed behind the hospital.

She was a little disdainful, why should such a woman who does not have to give birth be loved by one man after another?

However, she is at most Wang Jingyao's childhood sweetheart now, and even if she is pregnant with Min Xin's child, she has no status. In any case, her biological daughter is more qualified and stands here to take care of Min Xin.

Gu Mingzhu was somewhat hostile towards Zhou Yu, "What are you doing here?"

If it wasn't for this woman, Uncle Min wouldn't be lying here, and Uncle Min would definitely regret it when he woke up.

Zhou Yu has a good personality, but she is also a proud little fairy. She would disdain to talk to Gu Mingzhu and Tang Yuan. She just walked over to look at Min Xin, looked through the records, and asked the little nurse beside him softly. : "What's written on it?"

The nurse looked at it and said, "Mr. Min just inhaled some poisonous gas, which is not life-threatening, and only a small area of ​​burns."

She pointed: "It's where the heart is."

Zhou Yu gently pulled off the hospital gown, and saw that there was a circle of gauze wrapped there, which was by no means a small area, about the size of a palm.

What is he doing?

Since he didn't care about her, why did he rush into the fire to save her?

He was the one who hurt her, and he was the one who was reluctant.

Zhou Yu sighed softly: "How long will he stay?"

"It's normal for about ten days in this case, but Mr. Min has been hospitalized recently, and his body resistance may be a little weak. Let's see then." The nurse smiled.

Zhou Yu nodded and was ready to leave, but at this moment Gu Mingzhu said sourly and meanly: "Aunt Zhou, you have nothing to do with Uncle Min anymore, there is no need to be hypocritical."

Zhou Yu smiled slightly: "Really? Even old friends can't take a look?"

Gu Mingzhu sullenly said, "It's you who made him like this! Shouldn't you stay far away?"

Zhou Yu's eyes were gentle: "Then what is your relationship with him, and what position are you standing on to drive him away?"

Gu Mingzhu was immediately stopped by the question.

I stayed there, unable to speak for a long time.

Zhou Yu is a little fairy and is well protected, but it doesn't mean that anyone can climb on her head to bully her. This probably comes from her childhood pride.

Ever since she was a child, only Min Xin had ever bullied her.

Bystanders, never anyone can.

After a while, Gu Mingzhu became a little annoyed: "Aren't you going too far?"

"Is it too much?" Zhou Yu smiled: "I think your Uncle Min is too much. He obviously did everything. How can I blame me? Is it my fault that a man is willing to sacrifice life and death? This What kind of truth is it, did Tang Yuan teach you?"

 It's too late to PK with the property, there is still a chapter before [-]:[-]



(End of this chapter)

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