Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 651 If she doesn't come again, he will really change earlier

Chapter 651 If she doesn't come back, he will really change early

After dinner, Gu Anxi bid farewell to everyone, and went back to Siyuan with Bo Xichen.

She was a little full, touched her stomach and leaned back on the chair, closed her eyes and murmured, "Uncle, call me when you get home."

Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "Okay." '

She leaned obediently, without any defense on her face. Bo Xichen watched silently for a while before starting the car.

It was getting late at night, and the lights on the road seemed a little dim. He drove the car quietly, and stopped the car when he reached the red light, silently watching his little baby fall asleep.

After a busy day, he was also a little sleepy. He opened the car window and took out a cigarette to smoke, fearing that she would be cold and put his coat on her body. After half a cigarette, he pinched out the cigarette and closed the car window again.

Gu Anxi woke up from the heat. As soon as he opened it, he looked at the coat on his body, "Uncle, I'm not cold."

It's hot, it's hot.

Lie sat up, looked around, he was almost at Siyuan, and said in a soft voice, "I'm home!"

He hummed, drove for a few more minutes and stopped the car.

Gu Anxi just unbuttoned his seat belt and wanted to get out of the car, but he gently pressed his hand: "Anxi!"

Gu Anxi looked at him puzzled: "What's wrong?"

In the dark car, Bo Xichen looked at her quietly for a long time before he said hoarsely: "I'm leaving tomorrow."

Gu Anxi opened his eyes slightly, and then let out a long sigh, "Then... I see."

Although they had been prepared for a long time, they just got the certificate today, and he was going to South Africa tomorrow, and she still felt that he was a bit of a jerk, so she lowered her head and bit his arm a few times to vent her anger.

Bo Xichen smiled helplessly: "You're a puppy!"

Gu An looked at him eagerly: "I'm a puppy, so you can take me to South Africa." '

After she finished speaking, she crawled over and put her arms around his neck: "Uncle, if I can, I really want to go with you. '

On the one hand, he was worried about him, and on the other hand, he was reluctant.

In fact, she knew that he might have performed this kind of task many times, and it was nothing to him, but she just... felt different from before, probably because she got the certificate and took other people's money.

She hugged him so roguely, yet refused to let go, Bo Xichen was extremely helpless, and lowered his voice: "Anxi."

"Are you leaving tomorrow morning?" She leaned on his shoulder and asked in a low voice.

Bo Xichen lowered his head and said softly, "Yes."

The little creamer hugged him tightly again, and didn't say a word, it was aggrieved.

Bo Xichen touched her little head, and said in a low voice, "I'll be back in ten days soon."

Gu Anxi groaned, stroked his back lightly with his little hand, and after a while asked in a low voice, "How long will it take if you take it slow?"

Bo Xichen smiled slightly, "Why?"

"Uncle, I will miss you." She said softly, then straightened up and looked at him pitifully.

Feng Xi is not here anymore, even if she resumes work now, Feng Xi only recognizes her as the master and will not remember that she is Bo Xichen's baby, she is very lonely.

Bo Xichen sighed, bowed his head and kissed her: "I will miss you too."

"You can't." She complained a little: "Every time you go out, you rarely get a call."

He smiled lowly, and pinched her little face: "Then I'll try to make a phone call a day, huh?"

She oh, and then leaned on his shoulder again: "You carry me on your back."

Bo Xichen patted her: "Gu Anxi, you are married now, and you will be laughed at if you want to be recited."

Gu Anxi looked around: "There is no one!"

He was helpless and funny, so he carried her to the orchid room. He walked for about 10 minutes, quietly, no one spoke, and the air was full of reluctance...


Early the next morning, when Gu Anxi woke up and touched the pillow, it was already empty.

She bit her lower lip: "Really, I left early in the morning."

Get up and open Feng Xi, then go to get a toothbrush to brush your teeth, go to the host and brush while saying vaguely: "Feng Xi, good morning."

Feng Xi's voice sounded mechanically: "Morning, Second Master."

Gu Anxi rolled his eyes: "Why am I the second master? What about Bo Xichen?"

After doing some calculations, Feng Xi gave an answer: "Professor Bo is the master."

Gu Anxi let out a sigh of relief: "Okay, your IQ is [-]% lower than before, and you can't save it, but that's fine, if you're stupid, you won't do stupid things."

She went back to the bathroom to brush her teeth, Feng Xi was still calculating and answering, not smart at all...

Gu Anxi came out, ignored her, changed clothes and went out, Feng Xi said mechanically from behind: "Goodbye, Second Master." '

Gu Anxi: ...

In order to prevent this AI from being so stupid earlier, she has to input the memory as soon as possible, but this can't be rushed, if it can't digest it, I don't know what it looks like, so I can only test it step by step.

Before getting into the car, Gu Anxi dialed Fengmian again and told Fengmian that your little wife is now ten-two.

Feng Mian's voice was a little tired: "You can only take your time."

He and Fengxi used to be partners and comrades-in-arms.

Now so two...

Feng Mian turned on the watch, and said in a low voice, "Feng Xi."

Feng Xi's voice sounded mechanically: "Lawyer Feng, what task do you want to perform?"

Sure enough, I don't remember him much!

Feng Mian's voice became hoarse: "No."

Feng Xi: "Then I'm offline."

Feng Mian wanted to say something else, but the handsome AI guy over there had already gone offline and didn't give him a look.

He stared at his watch for a long time, and couldn't help dialing Gu Anxi: "Can't you enter that I am her boyfriend?"

While driving, Gu Anxi answered Feng Mian's phone call: "Oh, I'm afraid she'll just fall in love and stop working, but Feng Mian, Fengxi is just a chip now, how can she fall in love with you?"

What a twist.

Over there, Feng Mian felt a little lost, and looked at his watch——

In the past, Fengxi talked a lot, but now it is impossible to say more. Now Fengxi is more like a smart person than a partner before. It doesn't mean that he is an earlier wind lawyer.

If she doesn't come back, he will really wake up earlier...

 Today will be updated before 07:30, someone in the family has a birthday~~~ ten-year-old hot guy~~



(End of this chapter)

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