Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 653 A woman becomes ruthless, there is nothing wrong with a man

Chapter 653 A woman becomes ruthless, there is nothing wrong with a man

"I can take care of myself." She said softly: "Min Xin, don't say you love me, you will hurt me if you say you love me, if you don't love me, I don't need to go abroad, I can live a good life , although you gave the money, so I want to thank you."

Min Xin opened his mouth, unable to reply a word.

Zhou Yu was actually right, even if it was dangerous, he brought it to her.

As long as he stays away from her, she will not be in danger, but now that she has a child, how can he ignore her, that child is also a weakness.

Min Xin hoarse: "It should be for the children."

Zhou Yu lowered his eyes: "I want to wait for the child to be born and go abroad, but I am going by myself and not because of you."

If he knew that the child was his, then she probably wouldn't come back after going abroad this time.

Min Xin felt a little heartbroken, and stared at her for a long time, "Really...have you not considered me?"

Zhou Yu shook his head.

Wang Yuan was on the sidelines, quite uncomfortable, and Mr. Min seemed to be angry again when he turned around.

Just when Min Xin was about to say something, Gu Anxi at the door laughed, "Oh, I thought Mr. Min was superior, so it's like this..."

She said those two words with her lips, and Min Xin was so angry that she wanted to explode.

Gu Anxi came over and said kindly: "You are an elderly person, take care of your health."

Min Xin glared at her.

Zhou Yu was very happy to see Gu Anxi, "Anxi, have you had breakfast yet?"

That attitude is completely different from Min Xin.

Min Xin touched his nose. He had been sitting here for a long time, but she didn't ask.

Gu Anxi looked at the breakfast on the table, touched his stomach, "It seems to be hungry!"

Zhou Yu saw Wang Yuan, and Wang Yuan looked at Min Xin.

Min Xin became angry: "Look at what I am doing, hurry up and buy it."

Wang Yuan whispered softly: "You haven't had breakfast yet, why don't I bring one for you." '

Min Xin snorted softly, "Not hungry."

Zhou Yu looked at Min Xin and said strangely, "What are you doing here for half a day without breakfast?"

Min Xin's expression became even uglier.

Wang Yuan: I feel sorry for my master!

Gu Anxi propped up her thin white chin, and smiled: "Oh, I sympathize with Mr. Min now, this is King Xiang's intention and Goddess Wuxin, there is an old saying that melons picked by force are not sweet."

Min Xin winked and told Wang Yuan to go away, but Wang Yuan didn't dare to laugh and forced himself to leave.

As soon as the person left, Min Xin said not very politely: "Gu Anxi, are you going too far?"

Gu Anxi looked at him and laughed a bit: "Where did I go too far?"

Min Xin endured: "I am strong, and I picked the melon."

Gu Anxi was still smiling: "Oh, the kind that calls someone else's father?"

Zhou Yu looked at Gu Anxi reproachfully: "I don't have a date yet."

Gu Anxi turned her head and patted her, comforting her: "Don't worry, you are so good-looking, there must be a lot of men who are willing to help you raise children, remember, you must not marry someone with a small family, and you can't stand your ex-husband tormenting, you need to find a rich man." A little bit, and I can raise children, don’t have to work, and I can look beautiful, and the most important thing is that my ex-husband can’t move.”

Zhou Yu was a little embarrassed when she faxed the scriptures like this, and it was hard for her to say that she hadn't thought about getting married.

Min Xin listened, but it was about to explode.

He wished he could strangle Gu Anxi to death.

Gu Anxi was not afraid of him. Not only was he not afraid, but he even looked at him provocatively.

Min Xin said coldly: "Don't think that because Wang Jingyao backs you up, I really dare not touch you."

Gu Anxi sighed softly, "I'm a little scared."

She glanced at Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu immediately said softly: "Why do you always target Anxi, she didn't do anything to you, and she helped me a lot."

Min Xin's heart skipped a beat, and he stopped talking, and then fell silent.

Wang Yuan bought breakfast, and saw that the master didn't speak, but the other two talked about children and parenting in a friendly manner, and even talked about which university is better.

Wang Yuan smiled and put the breakfast on the small dining table: "I bought it a few streets away, and it's still warm, Mr. Gu, hurry up and eat."

(End of this chapter)

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