Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 660 Drive out?How can it be so cheap

Chapter 660 Drive out?How can it be so cheap

When the people below heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief, and their eyes were brimming.

Gu Anxi took a stack of bills from Feng Mian: "These are the shares they gave up when they left the Bo family. The value is more than one billion. The Bo family is not short of these money. Now, I decided to share these shares with you. .”

Those fifteen people were stunned, they never thought that there would be such a good thing!

The financial manager immediately allocated them, and everyone was able to allocate a market value of [-] million, and everyone was overjoyed.

Gu Anxi looked at them, and smiled again: "But everyone has seen what happened today. The Bo family has always had a lot of white-eyed wolves. Now that you are willing to take these shares, it means that you have decided to advance and retreat with the Bo family. Then, It can’t be empty talk, can it?”

All of a sudden, the 15 people were a little shocked.

After a while, someone stood up: "I took this advantage, of course I want to follow Nian Yao. He has been treating us like a brother and sister all these years. He is a ruthless white-eyed wolf, and he will die!"

When he said this, the other people had the courage, "Yes, Nian Yao has always been good, we have to trust him."

"That's right, those who said they were going to leave Bo's house just now are not good people."

'They will regret it, and they cannot be brought back then. '

"The traitor Bo family can't have it!"


Bo Nianyao drank tea with a smile.

The corners of Madam Bo's lips turned up——

I want you to see how powerful we are!

Bo Jin was also a little surprised. She always thought that Anxi was talented, but she was still young. Things at home were too complicated and many of them thought they were senior. calmed down.

Gu Anxi easily dealt with them, and then said in a low voice: "I have no requirements for everyone, and you are all unarmed, no matter where you are a ruthless opponent, you only need to perform your own duties and do your own affairs well. "

She paused, "In case Papa Bo is kidnapped by ruthlessness one day, you..."

The leader immediately said: "We will not join forces with him, please rest assured."

Others have expressed their views too!

Gu Anxi nodded, and said solemnly: "Since everyone has expressed their loyalty, I just want to reiterate the Bo family's family rules. Bo's father is busy with outside affairs, and Bo's mother is too approachable. I can only be the bad guy." .”

Someone below said: "Yes, the rules of the Bo family cannot be broken."

The others also nodded: "Not bad!"

Gu Anxi smiled, raised his hand, and immediately two people dragged one over and threw him in the middle of the study.

People don't understand what this means.

That one lay on the ground, trembling.

Gu Anxi stepped forward and kicked him a few times, and sneered: "It's this sloppy thing that leaked the old man's whereabouts."

Everyone immediately said that such a person should be kicked out of the Bo family.

'Get out, isn't it too cheap for him? 'Gu Anxi sneered, and then looked at Bo Nianyao: "There are hundreds or eighty servants in the family..."

Bo Nianyao put down the hot tea in his hand, "I said you can handle the family affairs at your discretion now. Usually, you are too gentle with them. It's because the old man's confidantes are so unprogressive. It's inevitable that troubles will happen in the future."

Gu Anxi nodded, and then asked the housekeeper to call all the servants outside...

(End of this chapter)

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