Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 663 How could the Chu family help Gu Anxi

Chapter 663 How could the Chu family help Gu Anxi

Gu Anxi looked at Min Xin and smiled faintly.

Min Xin looked at her suspiciously, but she left quickly without saying anything.

After she left, Min Xin murmured and said, "Wang Yuan, what do you think?"

Wang Yuan is hard to talk, and thought for a long time: "This Xuan. The current situation in South Africa, the Jiang family must listen to the ruthless, and the other Chu family, I think Chu Changhe is also a soft bone, and he has not seen it in the past few years when he inherited the family business. He has no achievements, and he has never expressed his important opinions outside, so he is a very manipulative person."

Min Xin nodded: "I think so too."

He paused: "But look at that little bastard, he doesn't seem to take those families seriously. Even if Gu Yuanshan is on her side now, the Jiangchu family is owned by someone else!"

He added: "It's possible that she thinks that if she has a good relationship with the brothers and sisters of the Chu family, she can get the support of the Chu family!"

As he spoke, he turned his head.

I saw Wang Yuan's expression was a little bit so.

Min Xin smiled lightly: "Your expression is wrong!"

Wang Yuan came over and whispered, "That's right, I heard something."

Min Xin looked at him.

Wang Yuan suppressed his voice: "That Chu Yan from the Chu family was brought here in my arms. She was born very badly, and her birth mother is also the deadly enemy of the mistress of the Chu family. She did not do any harm to Mrs. Chu in the past. Now Chu Ci and Chu Yan are on good terms. , it’s just that Mrs. Chu doesn’t know about it.”

"Is there such a thing?" Min Xin looked sideways.

Wang Yuan nodded vigorously: "Yes, almost everyone in Beicheng knows about it. After all, Chu Ci is a star, and his every move attracts much attention."

Min Xin hooked his lips, "If Mrs. Chu knew about it, she would have to take Chu Ci's skin off."

Wang Yuan said softly: "No, I think they will be forced to break up. How can my own son be willing to blame him? Can you blame the child born to that fox spirit?"

Min Xin changed the subject, "Anyway, Chu Changhe will not see the Chu family fall to ruins, so when Bo Qing returns, the Bo family will still change hands."

He sighed: "Bo Nianyao is not bad, he has always done his duty and done a good job."

Wang Yuan also thought the same way: "That's right. Mr. Bo is a very personable person."

He thought again: "But I think Xiao Gu always has a way."

Min Xin looked at him: "You think too highly of her, she is not a god."

Wang Yuan patted his head: "Yes."

Min Xin took a puff of cigarette skillfully: "Let's talk about it! The situation is getting worse every day."

He suddenly felt that he should send Zhou Yu out of the country in advance, because the country is no longer safe.When he said this, Wang Yuan couldn't help asking: "What about you?"

Min Xin smiled lightly: "What can I do, I can still go?"

Wang Yuan thought about it carefully: "Why don't you retreat now, it's the right time..."

Min Xin interrupted him: "You look down on me too much! What's the point of me retiring at this time, what if I'm a tortoise? At least I'm going to be a father too."

As he spoke, he said something very heroic: "Beicheng is here, so I will be there, and I will not leave even if Beicheng dies."

Wang Yuan still tried to persuade him: "The top masters are gone, and the ruthlessness is gradually encroaching on Beicheng..."

Min Xin looked at him: "Get off work, let's go to Zhou Yu's place!"

Seeing his expression, Wang Yuan felt that he seemed to have made some decision, and he was also shocked!

Min Xin said again: "Wang Yuan, you have been with me for more than 20 years, and there is still time to leave now."

Wang Yuan was stunned, and then he clenched his fists: "Mr. Min, who do you think I am, Wang Yuan? I am absolutely loyal to Mr. Min..."

He said all kinds of nice things again.

Min Xin glanced at him: "Come on, come on, you took Gu Anxi's 500 million, you think I don't know!"

Wang Yuan opened his mouth wide: "What... what 500 million?"

Min Xin chuckled lightly: "It's dishonest!"

Wang Yuan scratched his head: "I don't really remember."

Fortunately, Min Xin didn't look like he wanted to argue with him: "Come on, I didn't want to do anything to you either."

Now that the conversation was over, Wang Yuan coughed lightly and asked, "How did you know about this? I'm very careful."

Min Xin exhaled a puff of smoke ring: "You always speak for her, you treat me like a fool!"

As he said that, he kicked him, and Wang Yuan immediately yelled "Ouch, Ouch, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, come on, don't pretend to do things."

Wang Yuan tidied up and smiled: "Okay, I'll go to work." '

Min Xin lowered his voice again: "Be careful."

Wang Yuan grunted and backed out, Min Xin was still sitting there smoking...he thought a lot, and finally smiled, having a child is different.

It was already late when he got off work, so he got in the car and asked the driver to drive directly to Zhou Yu's villa.

She lived in it, and he arranged for more than a dozen people to protect her well. If he went, Zhou's family would not welcome him, especially Zhou's mother, who felt distressed just looking at him.

Min Xin got out of the car, covered the wound on his heart, and said in a good voice, "Mom, is Zhou Yu there?"

Zhou's mother is very well-bred, and she smiled gently: "Upstairs, do you want to see her?"

Min Xin hummed, "There is something I want to discuss with her."

Zhou's mother didn't want to see him anymore, but because the child in Zhou Yu's womb was his and they would see each other in the future, she still kept a favor: "I'll go upstairs and call her."

Min Xin was sitting on the sofa downstairs, but Zhou's father asked someone to pour him a cup of tea, and he was slightly concerned: "Why did you leave the hospital before the injury healed?"

(End of this chapter)

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