Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 673 This is my cub, highlight moment 2

Chapter 673 This Is My Cub, Highlight Moment [-]

Wang Jingyao's office.

The old brother was at his wit's end when he saw Bo Nianyao barely perked up, "You're here."

Sitting on the sofa with his head stroked, he signaled to Bo Nianyao that you are welcome. In fact, although he is said to be Anxi's older brother, he is of the same generation as Bo Nianyao, and they usually like to talk about the same.

When Bo Nianyao sat down, Wang Jingchuan wanted to speak, but the older brother looked at him and said, "Go get a cup of tea."

The secretary-general was very aggrieved, and he was not allowed to speak at the critical moment.

However, he poured the water quickly, and then leaned aside, looking straight at Bo Nianyao.

Bo Nianyao took a sip of tea and praised: "This tea is really good."

A person like Wang Jingyao is also a human being. When he saw that he was in such a good mood, he knew it in his heart. This was good news, so he said hurriedly: "Nian Yao, if you have something to say, hurry up."

He moved his body here, looking very affectionate.

Bo Nianyao put down his teacup, and then said very calmly: "You can put your worries aside."

"How do you say it?" Wang Jingyao went even further here.

What Wang Jingchuan wanted to remind was almost posted, but after thinking about it, there was still no reminder.

Bo Nianyao leaned back, and then withered the matter.

After finishing speaking, he looked straight at Wang Jingyao, and Wang Jingyao rubbed his hands excitedly: "She has such abilities."

Get up, walk back and forth a few times: "In this way, we won't be so passive."

He went over to hold Bo Nianyao's hands again: "Nianyao, you don't know how worried I was before. If the people in Beicheng were frightened tonight if the fickleness succeeded tonight, then it will be really... difficult, just The Bo family can keep it, but there are other ways for Boqing, at least it can be delayed now. '

Wang Jingchuan said from the side: "Aren't all the problems solved now?"

Wang Jingyao scolded with a smile: "Where is it so easy for you to think?"You think that the technical personnel on the other side are idiots. If you can get in at one time, it may not be the case later. '

Wang Jingchuan snorted, and then flattered: "This time is already quite remarkable."

"Of course it's amazing." The old brother's voice was full of enthusiasm: "At first, Fickleness wanted to catch me off guard, and the whole of Beicheng will witness that I'm at a disadvantage. Now, we're going to catch him off guard."

Naturally, Wang Jingchuan knew what he was thinking, and he clenched his hands into fists: "That's great."

Wang Jingyao squinted at him: "Go, go, you'll only be a sycophant. If you want one-tenth of Anxi's, I'll die laughing." '

The Secretary-General touched his head and said very jokingly: "If I can reach one percent, you are probably satisfied with me."

Wang Jingyao knocked on him: "You are top-notch when you make wisecracks."

The Secretary-General laughed, and Bo Nianyao also laughed...

The old brother checked the time, got up and closed the file: "Okay, let's go have a good meal, and I'll treat you to a restaurant outside."

Wang Jingchuan said again: "Yes, yes, Mr. Bo has traveled so hard this trip, he should have a good meal."

Bo Nianyao is modest: "I don't work hard, the cubs at home work hard, and they didn't sleep until midnight last night."

The elder brother smiled heartily: "She waited anxiously for Xichen's call. '

Another look of someone who came here: "I'm afraid I want to die, so I won't admit it."

Bo Nianyao just laughed: "Anxi and the old man also get along very well, so they are not lonely."

The old brother sighed: "A little girl's family, how could I get the old man's fate like this? I don't see her playing with girls, but she is also an AI. I heard that she brought Feng Xi back, but she doesn't know what to do. Acknowledge her, chasing Fengxi every day to recognize her."

Bo Nianyao just laughed: "Children, it is naturally sad to lose a little friend."

Wang Jingyao turned his head sideways and said to the secretary-general: "You can inform the technical department of Mr. Gu's technical needs and ask them to fully cooperate."

Wang Jingchuan smiled immediately: "OK."

After they went out, they just opened the door and bumped into Wang Yuan, who was listening to the corner...

The elder brother clasped his hands together: "Wang Yuan, what are you doing here?"

Wang Yuan was a little dazed, he didn't expect them to come out so soon, but he was also a good person, and immediately said: "That's right, I said that Mr. Bo is here, and Mr. Min said that he would treat Mr. Bo to dinner."

Wang Jingyao smiled: "Is he so kind?" '

Wang Yuan was quite uncomfortable, so he looked at Wang Jingchuan.

Wang Jingchuan was also clever, so he said: "Mr. Min has lost a lot of weight recently, why don't we eat together."

The elder brother looked at Bo Nianyao: "I didn't bring a wallet, did you?"

Bo Nianyao was surprised: "I didn't bring it!"

The elder brother looked at Wang Yuan: "Let Min Xin not forget to bring his wallet."

Wang Yuan was dumbfounded.

And Wang Bo and Wang Bo are already discussing which one is delicious, which one is the most expensive, and which one will make Min Xin's wallet bleed...

 It will be updated a little earlier tomorrow, and it will be updated before two o'clock in the afternoon~~



(End of this chapter)

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