Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 679 I Only Believe in Myself 1

Chapter 679 I Only Believe in Myself [-]

The old brother smiled lightly: "I don't think it's true either."

The dignitaries immediately said it again.

Wang Jingchuan said at the right time: "Actually, is it true? As long as everyone signs the X ticket for next month, then everyone is sincere to Mr. Wang and Miss Gu."


Those dignitaries are about to vomit blood.

How can I sign at this time?

If the fickleness takes the initiative at that time, wouldn't they just be looking for death?

Gu Anxi's voice was flat: "Brother, it seems that these people don't really want to support you, or they are double-faced, and they still wait and see, and they are more optimistic about ruthlessness."

Wang Jingyao said with a sullen face, "In this case..."

Before the words were finished, those people kept saying: "sign, sign immediately." '

His face was bitter, and Wang Jingchuan went over and took those tickets, watched them sign off the tickets one by one, and then smiled, "That's all right, everyone will be less suspicious, and we will be more cooperative in the future." Happy."

Those dignitaries are still bitter, he squinted, he was fooled.

If I knew this earlier, I wouldn't follow.Signing this ticket now means living and dying with Wang Jingyao.

A group of people went downstairs and started cursing, "Then Gu Anxi is a wicked thing, she has a perfect plan, and we are all under her control tonight."

Another said: "You see, Mr. Wang wanted to take her down as a play before. Why did we take it seriously? He usually hurts her like a treasure. I think Bo Jingshen is good. She killed him. Mister will also turn a blind eye."

Others also cursed.

In the meeting room, everyone else was satisfied, especially Mr. Lin said with a smile, "Jingyao, congratulations, next month will be stable."

Wang Jingyao raised his hand: "Everyone's credit."

Only Chen Ming was still in a daze, and asked straightforwardly: "Didn't you... want to arrest Anxi just now, how did it become like this, does everyone know?"

Wang Jingchuan smiled, "That's right, everyone knows that Mr. Min will come out."

Chen Ming looked at Gu Anxi: 'Did you know in advance? '

"I don't know." Gu Anxi smiled.

Chen Ming scratched his hair: "Then you cooperate so well, I take it seriously." '

Gu Anxi flicked the table: "Old brother, I'll know it with just a wink!"


Chen Ming was stunned for a moment again, can it still be like this?

Why can't he understand Mr. Wang's wink?

Wang Jingyao was satisfied and smiled all over his face: "It's getting late, but let's have a midnight snack."

Everyone else agreed, Gu Anxi said quietly: "I'll go back to Yunxi Group first."

Seeing her expression, Wang Jingyao agreed: "Okay, you are busy with your work."

He winked at Wang Jingchuan and asked him to send it off, while he took a group of people to have supper.

The nerves that had been strained for a long time were finally able to relax a little.

Wang Jingchuan followed Gu Anxi to Yunxi Group. It was already late at night, but there were still people working overtime in the technical department of Yunxi Group. As soon as Gu Anxi passed by, he plugged in a USB flash drive and obtained data online.

Then she called Bo Xichen.

Bo Xichen answered the call quickly, with a rustling voice: "I'm at the airport, and I'm going back to Beicheng immediately."

Gu Anxi hummed, knowing that the item was in hand.

She hung up the phone, and then said to Wang Jingchuan; "Notify the Air Administration, and immediately conduct a close surveillance of the air above the territory."

Wang Jingchuan froze: "You mean you will take extreme measures if you are ruthless?"

Gu Anxi nodded: "Not before today, but maybe after today."

Wang Jingchuan said that he would pay attention, Gu Anxi said in a low voice: "I will sleep here for a while, and I will go there in person after dawn."

Her face was slightly tired, and Wang Jingchuan felt a little distressed when he looked at it. He was over [-] years old, and his youngest daughter was as old as Gu Anxi. She was usually a little girl, but she lived a very happy life.

In contrast, Anxi seems to be burdened too much, although she has a lot, but these are not constraints on her?

He said yes softly, and finally went to buy supper himself for her to eat before leaving.

At dawn, Gu Anxi drove directly to the Air Traffic Management Bureau, paying close attention to the sky over Beicheng. Wang Jingyao came over in person after hearing what Wang Jingchuan said, for fear that there would be problems at this juncture.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the logo showed that an airline from South Africa was coming, and the screen should show the location of Bo Xichen. Everyone held their breath, waiting for it to land safely.

The same goes for Gu Anxi, who gripped the desktop tightly with his fingers, staring at the screen without moving away.

Suddenly, a staff member exclaimed: "A UFO appeared behind Professor Bo's private plane."

Wang Jingyao rushed over immediately, "What's going on? Check immediately if it's a regular flight."

In less than 1 minute, the data showed that it was not a normal flight, and the volume was too small.

"It's a stealth machine." No one knew who spit out a few words, and everyone on the scene was shocked.

Gu Anxi's throat moved, and he said softly, "I'm applying for a flight."

"Nonsense." Wang Jingyao reprimanded softly: "Immediately aim at the target and shoot down at all costs to protect Professor Bo's safety."

However, Gu Anxi had already walked out and could not be stopped.

"Chen Ming." Wang Jingyao's voice was severe: "I order you to knock her out."

This time, Chen Ming didn't hesitate, he went up and made a move, but he was beaten down after just a few blows.

Gu Anxi stepped on his shoulder, pulled out Chen Ming's gun, and pointed at them: "No one is allowed to move."

Wang Jingyao stepped forward and kicked Chen Ming: "It's useless. '

He looked at Gu Anxi and said in a hoarse voice, "What do you want to do? Don't you want to die, don't you want to go to heaven, don't you? I order you to put down your gun and stay honest. I will save Xichen."

Gu Anxi said softly, "I only believe in myself."

As he spoke, the butt of the gun slapped, and the old brother fell down.

Rolling his eyes: "Little bastard, you are too courageous...too big..."

The scene was chaotic, but Wang Jingchuan was calmer: "Professor Bo's safety is the most important thing, Mr. Wang is fine."

He and the two carried the old brother to the sofa and put it away, saying silently in his heart: It's really heavy, like a pig.

Wang Jingchuan immediately went back: "Shoot that stealth plane in full force, no matter whether it is a human or a ghost, we must shoot it down."

(End of this chapter)

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