Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 697 Cub, how does Father Bo treat you?

Chapter 697 Cub, how does Father Bo treat you?

Gu Anxi smiled: "Do you want another piece?"

Mr. Bo was so angry that he ignored her and ate vegetables by himself.

Only then did the little creamer kindly take a piece of his favorite dish, "Do you like this?"

"I don't like it." The old man was still humming, staring at her, Gu Anxi pretended to eat it, and the old guy immediately snatched it away, "This is what I like to eat, why are you eating it?"

Gu Anxi let out a long sigh: "So you still remember that this is your favorite food, but Mama Bo asked someone to prepare it, and specially prepared your favorite food, tsk tsk tsk, why do you remember other people's bad food?" OK?"

Mr. Bo was at a loss for words for a while, and was speechless for a while, then looked at Lin Yun again.

Mrs. Bo's face was lukewarm: "Don't be sentimental, it's probably because someone in the kitchen made friends with you."

Mr. Bo took two mouthfuls of rice: "I don't like the young lady in the kitchen."

Gu Anxi sprayed it all at once, and a few grains of rice sprayed on the old man's face, and the old man's face turned black immediately, and he wiped it off gently: "Are you just not pleasing to my eyes?"

"Yes." The little creamer kindly handed over a tissue, and said slowly, "But there are people who have a thick skin."

The old man's face turned black, "This is my home!!!"

"Oh." The little milkman said regretfully: "That was in the past, but it doesn't seem to be the case now, tsk tsk tsk, poor."

Mr. Bo still wanted to quarrel with her, but for a moment, his eyes became hot for some reason, and he kept silent, and lowered his head to pick up the rice. Poor thing, tears almost fell into the bowl.

Bo Nianyao and Bo Xichen looked at each other and lowered their heads—holding back a smile.

On the contrary, Mrs. Bo took two pieces of vegetables and put them in his bowl, and said fiercely: "Don't pretend to be pitiful, Nian Yao and Xi Chen dare not help you, you have given up on it."

Mr. Bo raised his eyes, gave her a pitiful look, and then lowered his head to pick up the rice, which is really humble.

Gu Anxi buried her head in a smile, really arrogant, the old man raised his eyes and stared at her.

The little milkman laughed out of breath: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, but I really can't help it."


Old Man Bo: I'll put up with you, wait until I find out your fault, and see how I deal with you.

After a meal, I had a lot of fun.

After eating, Bo Xichen was going to the hospital and left first. Gu Anxi was about to go to Gu's house before getting into the car. Bo Nianyao came over and opened the car door and bent down: "Cub, go to my study."

The little milkman was about to start the car, and raised his eyes: "What's the matter, Dad Bo?"

Bo Nianyao looked around and said in a low voice after a while, "You just come here."

Gu Anxi roughly guessed it in her heart, unbuckled her seat belt and followed Bo Nianyao to the study. She always felt that Bo's father was a little sneaky when she followed.So he coughed lightly from behind, and asked a little funny: "Father Bo, are you particularly afraid of Mother Bo?"

Bo Nianyao turned sideways and looked at the child reproachfully: "This is respect, where is it fear?"

The little creamer said, "It's respect!"

Bo Nianyao nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, respect, just like you and Xi Chen, respect each other."

The little milkman said very honestly: "Actually, I am quite afraid of my uncle. I dare not not listen to my uncle's words."

When Bo Nianyao heard this, he was very envious, and felt that he would have to ask his son for advice some other day, but then he thought about it, it would be too much to destroy his prestige, and besides, he was afraid of his wife for a day or two, so it couldn't be reversed overnight of?

After thinking about it, he went to the study and asked Gu Anxi to sit on the sofa. He personally opened a cabinet and found a rare object, a small bottle of whole sheep fat jade, and put it in Gu Anxi's hand with some pride. Then sat down next to him: "How do you feel?"

Gu Anxi held it, looked back and forth, raised his eyes, "Very good."

Such a one is worth a courtyard house in Beicheng!

Papa Bo is really rich!

Her eyes drifted to the cabinet...

Bo Nianyao looked at it calmly, patted his light gray robe, and smiled gently: "Zai Zai, how does Papa Bo treat you?"

"It's pretty good." Gu Anxi looked down at the thing in his hand again: "This is pretty good. Can't you find it outside?"

Bo Nianyao coughed lightly: "If you like, Dad Bo has a few more here, just choose."

The little milkman smiled: "Really?"

Bo Nianyao's heart was bleeding, but he pretended to be generous on his face, pretending to be angry: "When did Bo's father lie to you? Isn't it just a few gadgets?"

Saying that, he went to the cabinet again, looked left and right, and took out one of the most beloved purple jade pots, and stuffed it all into the hands of the little creamer: "How about this?"

Gu Anxi's eyes were straightened.

Good stuff!

After admiring it for a long time, he praised: "This is really good!"

Looking back, he looked at Bo Nianyao: "If Dad Bo needs help, just tell me."

Bo Nianyao didn't say anything immediately. Instead, he found a box and carefully wrapped it up for her, and put it in her hand reluctantly, before he said, "Baby, how does Papa Bo treat you?"

"There's nothing to talk about." The little milkman said happily, "Papa Bo's father is my father."

Bo Nianyao pretended to be angry: "This child, how do you talk?"

But without waiting for Gu Anxi to say anything, he said very gently: "But the words are not rough, we are a family, right now, Dad Bo's father has made a mistake, it depends on your mother Bo's face, even I I can't be spared, now, cub, only your mother Bo listens to what you say."

After finishing speaking, he looked at his cub with bling bling eyes, hoping that she would understand.

Gu Anxi snorted: "I will say a few words for the old man."

Bo Nianyao shook his head: "That's not what I mean! Your mother Bo's temper is that she will be unhappy if she says good things. In this way, try to take the old man with you wherever you go now, and interact with the old man more often, so that the old man feels that he is still at home. One person doesn't need to treat him specially, just like at noon, it's good, Dad Bo thinks it's very good when he looks at it."

The little creamer let out an oh, and dragged on, "But I'm very busy!"

Bo Nianyao looked at her...

The little creamer also looked at him...

After a while, Bo Nianyao gritted his teeth, went to open the cabinet again, took out two items, wrapped them up and put his hands on them and said distressedly: "Your Bo father doesn't have many good things..."

"Deal." The little creamer came over, holding four boxes in one arm: "Leave this to me, don't worry!"

Bo Nianyao nodded: "I'm still relieved that you are doing business."

 Once at four o'clock, once at five o'clock~~



(End of this chapter)

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