Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 701 It's so late, where did you fool around?

Chapter 701 It's so late, where did you fool around?

Chu Yan was dumbfounded.

Looking around, she didn't see the toy Mr. Wang mentioned, so she looked at Gu Anxi again.

Mr. Gu patted his head and winked at Mr. Wang——

How can you say such things?

Old Mr. Wang looked at her eagerly, and then at Chu Yan beside him, his eyes lit up immediately.

It's this girl doll!

The old gentleman stepped forward and walked around: "It's so cute."

Looking back at his wife: "Can you stay?"

The old lady nodded calmly: "If you like it, just stay."

The singing and drinking stunned Gu Yuntian and his wife, they just wanted to have more cheap daughters, this old couple seemed to be cut off.

Chu Yan was even more speechless. She was terribly sad at first, but now she was dragged into the living room excitedly by the old man, just like raising an electronic pet. He took a notebook to calculate her daily food consumption and calorie consumption. Then Wang Keru said that he had prepared several sets of skins and could change them at any time.

Chu Yan: ...

She looked at Gu Anxi, who had already slipped away, and opened the door while saying, "Chu Yan hasn't eaten yet."

After speaking, he got in the car and drove away.

Chu Yan, who was left behind, looked at the four old men and wanted to cry for a moment.

However, after a while she felt like crying.

Anxi did not comfort her, but gave her a home.

Originally, she no longer had a home.

In order to show her mother's love, Wang Keru cooks in person and brings a plate of black and charred things. The old lady despises her to death, so the old lady goes in person to make something decent...

Chu Yan ate in small bites, while the old gentleman was watching from the side, holding a calculator at the same time.Wang Keru took a pen and wrote on the paper, while thinking about the things to buy tomorrow...

Chu Yan's eyes were hot.

Over there, Chu Ci drove away from the hospital, and for some reason went to the apartment where he was originally living, but from downstairs, the lights were off, and Chu Yan knew who was afraid of the dark, so he sat in the car for about After half an hour, he still couldn't help calling her.

Chu Yan was eating, looked at the incoming call, and pursed her lower lip.

The four elders also looked at it, and after a long time the old man said: "Is it a heartbreaker?"

"It's not a heartbreaker." Chu Yan muttered in a low voice.

The old gentleman snorted softly: "A man who can't keep his own woman is worse than a heartless man."

Chu Yan bit her lip and talked to Chu Ci over there: "Is there something wrong?"

Chu Ci's voice was very soft: "Are you asleep?"

"No." Chu Yan bit her chopsticks, her voice became softer: "I'm moving out."

Chu Ci was stunned, and after a long time asked hoarsely, "Where are you?"

"At Anxi's house." She took a breath: "Anxi's parents are here."

Chu Ci was silent for a long time, but his breathing was a little heavy. After a long time, he said, "It's pretty good."

Chu Yan groaned: "I'm fine. You can clean the house over there and sell it or you can live in it yourself. I... won't go back and live there."

Chu Ci listened quietly without making a sound, and she didn't know how much she said. Finally, he hung up the phone.

His little girl still flew away, it's not her fault, it's because he didn't protect her well.

It was he who lost her.

It couldn't be better for Chu Yan to live well.

He sat alone in the car smoking quietly until midnight...


Siyuan, Gu Anxi's car drove back, and when he got out of the car, he stretched: "I'm so tired."

Mr. Bo came out of nowhere: "It's so late, where have you been fooling around?"

Gu Anxi was taken aback, looked at him, and then at the time: "It's so late, what are you doing here if you don't sleep?"

Old Man Bo snorted softly: "I want to watch you. I'm young and my heart is not right. I have to watch you for Nian Yao and the others, otherwise I don't know what you did to hurt the Bo family."

The little milkman was walking towards Lanshi while looking at him: "Then your Nianyao knows that you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

Mr. Bo wanted to jump, "It's not big or small."

Gu Anxi paused and looked at him sympathetically: "You just yell at me, you have the ability to yell at Bo's mother."

The old monster Bo was scared all of a sudden, and snorted softly: "What's my name and her! She's so fierce."

Gu Anxi smiled: "I won't be fierce anymore?"

Mr. Bo glanced at her, and said in a low voice, "You are much more thoughtful and worse than her."

After finishing speaking, follow up: "Wait for me, I'm an old bone, you don't respect elders at all."

"Do you blame me for not sleeping in the middle of the night?" Gu Anxi rubbed his belly: "I'm hungry."

She went to the kitchen, and old man Bo said coolly from behind: "The kitchen has been cold for a long time, there is nothing to eat."

Gu Anxi walked over and saw the well-preserved supper on the kitchen countertop.Mr. Bo stared straight at him - why has he never been treated like this?

Gu Anxi could eat quite a lot, but the old man swallowed aside.

"Want to eat?" She looked up.

The old guy didn't have time to stop his saliva, and snorted: "I'm not so greedy."

As a result of being so stubborn, he was hungry, and followed all the way back to Lan Shi with drooling.When we got to the door, the little milkman ruthlessly closed the door, "I spend private time with my uncle, and refuse to watch."

The old man was so angry that his nose was ashes.

Gu Anxi smiled, and turned to look for her uncle.

It was twelve o'clock at night, and Bo Xichen was awake, facing a notebook in the study

She went over and hugged him from behind: "Uncle, guess who I am?"

"I don't get tired of playing such little tricks every day!" He smiled, pulled her to sit beside him, and pointed at the screen: "I modified it for you."

Gu Anxi sat in his arms, tapped her fingers a few times, and pulled down a set of data... After a while, she raised her eyes: "Uncle, you are so smart."

He touched her heart with his chin, and smiled: "How is Chu Yan?"

"Send it to my parents, Mr. Wang is very happy." Gu Anxi suppressed a smile.

Bo Xichen reached out and tapped her on the forehead: "Don't be too happy, your elder brother has been waiting for you to explain what you showed. You can't get along with this matter. It's very fierce on the outside, and I'm suppressing it now .”

Gu An looked at him anxiously: "Uncle."

Uncle Bo smiled, "This scolding is inevitable."

"Uncle, you don't love me!" She hugged him coquettishly.

Bo Xichen lowered his head, with a look of surprise on his face: "How much more pain? Tell me, huh?"

Gu Anxi put his arms around him: "Well, I won't go out. If the old brother wants to find me, he will say that I am pregnant. He can't be fierce. If he is fierce, I will lose my fetal gas."

Bo Xichen stroked his forehead: "Your elder brother and Min Xin will only think that you are a bad stomach."

The little creamer jumped up all of a sudden: "I also have credit for it."

Bo Xichen started working again, she closed the computer, and said confidently: "Anyway, I'm going to be scolded, uncle, give me a reward first."

He pinched her nose funny: "That's not how rewards are given."


After a long time, the little creamer lay on his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Is it because you are pregnant that you can't run around?"

Bo Xichen's voice was slightly hoarse: "Well."

"Then after the matter is over, let's have a baby, okay?" Gu Anxi said in a low voice, "I will be a good mother."

Bo Xichen thought about her appearance as a mother, probably not much better than his mother-in-law, just smiled, maybe it really depends on his mother or him to take care of the child.

The little milkman was tired and a little sleepy, and his voice gradually weakened: "Uncle, in fact, the old man is so pitiful, no one at home pays attention to him."

Bo Xichen touched her little head and sighed softly.

She still wanted to say something, but she was too tired...

Early in the morning, Uncle Bo went out with a good look on his face, and old man Bo appeared out of nowhere: "Xi Chen, where's that little bastard in your family?"

Bo Xichen paused: "Still sleeping."

The old man raised his beard: "Still sleeping? What time is it?"

Bo Xichen lowered his eyes: "She normally gets up at ten o'clock, and goes to work after dinner."

The old man walked back and forth, "This is not good, Yunxi Group will be destroyed by her sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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