Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 805 We only want to cooperate with Professor Bo 2

Chapter 805 We only want to cooperate with Professor Bo [-]

Just as the old brother was thinking, Secretary-General Wang, who was beside him, had already interjected first, and whispered softly while pouring wine for the foreign devil: "Mr. William is too right. Professor Bo and our Mr. There are many, and it is extremely easy to meet, but I just don't know how you want to cooperate?"

William tilted his head: "Father means your investment. Professor Bo participated in the experiment. Father is very fond of him, so we will not show this contract before meeting Professor Bo."

Wang Jingyao hated it very much. Grass (a kind of plant) is just a project. You really think you are a fragrant bun, and you want us to pay for it and ask us to contribute. Why don't you foreign devils go to heaven?

He was angry, and Jiang Chaoge was even more angry. Can she be busy making a wedding dress for someone else?

This William had pursued her before, and he said sweetly at the time, saying that she was required to participate in this project, but in the end, the person they really wanted was Bo Xichen.

Her complexion was not very good, and the foreign devil said sincerely, "Chao Ge, thank you for letting me appreciate the beauty of the East, and for giving me the opportunity to meet Mr. Wang and Professor Bo."

He said to Wang Jingyao seriously: "Please let me meet Professor Bo, my father misses him very much."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chaoge felt that he had been betrayed. It turned out that Bo Xichen knew the founder of Huaer Laboratory, but she had been in contact with him for so long, and no one told her.

The foreign devil's tone was affectionate: "Bo was my father's assistant, and my father admired him very much. It's a pity that he returned to the motherland a year later. Every time my father mentions him, it is very regrettable."

Jiang Chaoge's expression was a bit distorted: "Professor Bo has his own laboratory now, so he might not accept this project, not to mention the investment money. I'm afraid he won't do this kind of uneconomical business."

After she finished speaking, Wang Jingyao's heart became even worse——

If Bo Xichen, who contributed money and energy, didn't do it, let him do it, is he a fool?

At the moment, Wang Jingyao was very unhappy, but he endured it for this project.

And Mr. William, who has no eyesight, is still intoxicated, "We did a research before we came here. The market value of Yunxi Group owned by Professor Bo is trillions, and the total investment of this project is probably only tens of billions. He can do it." burden, and only the Yunxi Group in Asia can afford it, not to mention that Professor Bo has extraordinary talent."

Jiang Chaoge vomited blood.

At this time, Old Brother Wang smiled slightly: "There is no problem with funding, but now... can someone replace Professor Bo? What Miss Jiang said just now is correct. Professor Bo has his own laboratory, so it is unlikely that there will be such a problem." cooperate."

William shook his head: "But what my father means is that it must be Professor Bo."

At this moment, Secretary-General Wang added another word: "In fact, apart from Professor Bo, there is another one who is also very good."

Jiang Chaoge was quite proud, someone finally discovered her talent and took her existence seriously.

William was also surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Who is it, who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Professor Bo, God, there is such a powerful person in the East."

Jiang Chaoge moved slightly, and was about to accept Secretary Wang's compliment, but Secretary Wang smiled and said a few words: "It's Professor Bo's wife."

William was surprised and pleasantly surprised: "I only heard that she is a genius in business. Why, she also has research in medicine?"

At this time, Old Brother Wang couldn't listen any longer, he glanced at Secretary-General Wang for a few times, and then slowly said: "Don't listen to his nonsense, that little Wang...that kid just carried the medical skeleton for Xichen a few times. Son, Jing Chuan, why are you blowing so much hype into your mouth?"

Although the foreign devil is proficient in culture, some of them are not too deep, such as swearing. After hearing this, he couldn't help asking: "Isn't Professor Bo's wife surnamed Gu? Why is the surname Wang? Mr. Wang, why do you call her Xiao Wang... Is it true Isn't it Xiao Gu?"

The scene suddenly became a bit... Well, Wang Jingchuan wanted to burst out laughing, can he tell this foreign devil that Mr. Wang is usually a little bastard?

The secretary-general is the secretary-general. He is a wonderful person, and he immediately found a breakthrough: "That's it, our Mr. Wang, didn't we accept Mr. Gu as his sister, so sometimes it is inevitable that we will call him the wrong one. king."

William groaned, expressing his understanding: "So that's the case."

He said with great interest, "Then I want to meet him even more. It just so happened that my father brought a gift and said he would give it to Professor Bo."

Wang Jingyao asked casually, "What gift?"

The foreign devil looked fascinated: "This is the cooperation. As long as Professor Bo accepts it, it will definitely shine in the medical field and rewrite the history of human civilization..."

(End of this chapter)

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