Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 849 Oh, you are shaking M

Chapter 849 Oh, you are shaking M

When Manager Ma went there, when he saw Mr. Gu, he cried so much that it was earth-shattering.

Like a lost child, sad and excited, the nose-bubbling kind.

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Gu, I almost won't be able to come back to see you." Manager Ma jumped beside her, crying, and almost hugged her. Of course, if Bo Nianyao and his wife were not there, he would have hugged her.

Gu Anxi was a little disgusted, "What a big man, crying like this!"

Manager Ma is so old, he even acted coquettishly and cutely, and Bo Nianyao panicked when he saw it——

This old horse, who has been with Bo Jin for these years, has never looked like this. Now he is really assimilated by the master, shaking M.

Gu Anxi turned his head secretly, and with a wink, the servants at home went to prepare meals.

Here, Manager Ma is still howling, very sad.

Gu Anxi couldn't help comforting him: "Okay, okay, I know you've worked hard."

Manager Ma thought to himself that it was almost time, so he wiped the sweat from his forehead, with a face full of survivors, "Everyone, Mr. Gu, you don't know, Mr. Wang has a pair of piercing eyes. , trembling with fright...I was able to come back this time because of the spiritual encouragement of Mr. Gu, otherwise I would have collapsed."

Bo Nianyao smiled: "The old horse praises the cub too much, it's just a child."

At this time, Manager Ma had returned to normal, and he said happily, "How can it be, Mr. Gu is so talented, "

He rubbed his hands together, and said again: "Xi Chen is so lucky."

Bo Nianyao naturally responded with a few words, and comforted him for a while. Manager Ma ate the rice deliciously and took credit for it. Mr. Gu had spoken again, so he left contentedly.

After the people left, Bo Nianyao came back after seeing off the people, and saw his wife grabbing the little milkman's ears, and said angrily and funnyly: "You little brat, Manager Ma is wearing the same pants with you now, tell me something I have to look at your face when I say anything, it's really amazing."

Gu Anxi blinked: "Is there?"

Mrs. Bo pretended to be angry: "Do you think you did this? Mr. Wang will be very passive at Jiang's banquet tonight."

Gu Anxi smiled: "That's not very good, he has been single for a long time, anyway, he has no hope with Sister Lin Hua, why not get along with Jiang Chaoge, anyway, both of them like to play tricks, so it's just right for him gone."

Bo Nianyao came over, lifted his robe and sat down, took a sip of tea: "Speaking of conspiracies and tricks, who is your opponent, Zai Zai?"

Even though he said this, Father Bo still felt sorry for his little boy, and glanced at his wife: "The ears are red, put it down quickly." '

In fact, Mrs. Bo also felt distressed in her heart, and immediately put it down, but her mouth was not forgiving, but she had already blown it lightly.

Gu Anxi pulled her hand: "It doesn't hurt."

Mrs. Bo sat beside her and hugged her, "You little fool, you still say it doesn't hurt your ears, how can you deal with Manager Ma and the cleverness of that surnamed Wang? Not only can you be cute and coquettish at home, but you're like a little wooden .”

As she spoke, she laughed.

Bo Nianyao also came over, stretched out his hand to caress the cub's little head, and said lovingly: "It doesn't look like a small piece of wood, I just look fine."

Mrs. Bo looked at her husband, covered her mouth and smiled.

At this moment, old man Bo on the side gasped, with a worried expression on his face: "What about the Jiang family's banquet, will Zai Zai be embarrassed?"

Bo Nianyao played with the cup in his hand, smiled and said to his old father: "It's useless to worry, there is a special guest tonight, but it will fully support the Jiang family's face."

Old Man Bo opened his mouth wide and asked after a long pause, "Who is he, is he more noble than Wang Jingyao?"

Mrs. Bo smiled all over her face: "It's the old man and the old lady. When I heard that the cub was going, I followed her in fear that she would be bullied. We will meet tonight, and there will be a big murder."

Mr. Bo's heart palpitated: "Then, should we also prepare for it?"

Gu Anxi took a fruit and gnawed it: "No need to prepare. I have thick skin and blood, so it's fine."

Mrs. Bo smiled, and fanned the cub with a fan, the fragrant wind gusts...

Gu Anxi took a nap in the fragrant wind, woke up at four or five in the afternoon, got up and stretched, checked the time and called Uncle Bo, her voice was soft: "Little Uncle, are you off work?"

Bo Xichen had just come out of the laboratory, and just after completing a set of genetic sequences, he received a call from her. He held the data in one hand and the phone in the other and talked to her, "Well, it will be finished in a while, and I'll be right back."

Gu Anxi jumped up from the bed: "Then I will change my clothes too." '

She got up and took a shower, her hair was wet, so she wrapped a bath towel and went to the dressing room to find clothes. The dressing room in the Lan Room is very large. She has a wardrobe dedicated to evening dresses, all of which are the latest styles of the season and even some Out of season.

Gu Anxi wiped the water droplets from her hair while picking out clothes casually, because she was not in a hurry, so she even played music, and picked out clothes in a leisurely way...

When her hair was almost dry, she finally picked out a black skirt, gestured at it, and thought it was pretty good, but when she was about to put it on, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, she froze for a moment, and turned her head.

Sure enough, it was Uncle Bo who came back, opened the door and walked in after a small sound...

As soon as he came in, he was stunned, and then smiled lightly, and hugged her from behind: "Wear this at night?"

Gu Anxi's face was a little hot, and he pushed him backhanded.

However, Uncle Bo took the dress from her hand and put it on for her very gently. After finishing, his eyes fell in the mirror, and he gently smoothed his hair back with one hand, "It suits you very well."

Gu Anxi's face became even hotter, and he turned his body around, resting gently on his shoulder.

She raised her eyes for a long time, and he was staring down at her. She suddenly became a little uneasy, and immediately buried her head on his shoulder.

Uncle Bo gently pinched her nose and smiled lightly: "It's getting late, you clean up."

Even so, he personally took a set of diamond chains suitable for her and put them on for her, which perfectly matched the dark green dress she was wearing tonight.

Bo Xichen lowered his head and touched her nose lightly, "Very good."

When he approached, the aura of a mature man enveloped her all at once... She raised her eyes helplessly, "Uncle?"

Bo Xichen smiled and pinched her little cheek: "It's almost time."

Gu Anxi: ...

That's it, that's it...

Uncle Bo opened the drawer, took out a tie, tied it in front of the full-length mirror, and smiled slightly: "I will remember not to drink tonight."

After speaking, he went to hug her from behind again, his voice was a little hot: "Mrs. Xiaobo, can I go?"

(End of this chapter)

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